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Funding decisions to support vulnerable children are tied to child labour statistics, hence the importance of an accurate measurement. The author analyses whether the type of respondent plays an important role in explaining variations in child labour statistics. Using data from two sites in Tanzania, the analysis shows that “whom we ask” matters considerably when estimating the prevalence of child labour. The results suggest that prevalence increases by approximately 35 to 65 per cent when using child self‐reports rather than proxy reports. This bias affects 14 to 31 per cent of the sample, depending on the indicator. Discrepancies decrease as the child ages and increase if proxy attitudes demonstrate opposition to child labour.  相似文献   
以审委会为代表的案件讨论机制的实践合理性正日益受到社会情境因素的影响,由此产生审委会决策机制的功能限缩问题。在审委会实际角色作用逐渐转变的过程中,法官会议讨论程序逐渐浮现并得到制度化。法官会议所具有的“正反校验”作用有助于解决疑难案件中法律适用的权威来源问题,很大程度上替代审委会规范法律适用的功能。法院内部案件集体讨论机制的流变,反映的是法院内部权力集中度的差异,即从审委会的功能限缩到法官会议的制度化呈现出从集体决策权到集体讨论权的权力变迁过程。与之相对应的是,法官群体在审判权力方面渐进的规模化、结构化、自主化,集体理性走向个体理性的过程得到强化。  相似文献   
This article analyses the impact of enforcement of four labour standards (pension system enrolment, minimum wage, maximum weekly working hours and written employment contract) on compliance in Peru, where labour regulations and penalties vary according to firm size. The author uses household survey data to analyse a factor not previously studied – adjustment by firms through downsizing to benefit from lower fines and less stringent regulations. The empirical findings indicate that enforcement efforts have little effect on either the degree of compliance or the size of firms.  相似文献   
This study explores the experiences that have led some of Korea's immigrant workers into gambling addiction and examines possible social welfare services that could support treatment. Immigrant workers' gambling experience as aliens in Korea was analyzed through the methodology of a phenomenological case study. The participants, who voluntarily consented to the study, were five immigrant workers addicted to gambling. Data were collected through one‐on‐one, in‐depth interviews over 6 months, starting in July 2018. The essential themes that emerged in the interviews were “changing strategies for survival,” “forgetting oneself without any sense of responsibility or shame,” “gambling as routine daily life,” “obsession with making a fortune in one go,” and “no home to return to.” Based on its results, this study makes suggestions for the prevention of gambling addiction in immigrant workers. Further, future research needs to be broadened to analyze nationwide cases of immigrant workers with more diverse demographic backgrounds.  相似文献   
随着生态文明建设的深入推进,积极推动环境保护行政执法与刑事司法的有效衔接,有利于发挥刑事司法对环境法益的保护功能,推动生态文明和美丽中国建设。目前,我国环境保护行政执法与刑事司法衔接存在案件移送率较低、案件移送标准不明确、证据转换比较困难、检测鉴定难度大、网络信息共享平台不顺畅等问题。为了进一步完善环境保护行政执法与刑事司法衔接机制,当前应积极推进五项工作:构建考核评价机制,确保案件积极移送;制定案件移送标准,提高案例移送受理率;明确证据转换规则,提高证据采信度;健全检测鉴定机制,确保鉴定意见可信度;构建网络信息共享平台,推动信息资源共享。  相似文献   
利用农村“一事一议”制度变迁作为研究对象,从影响农村居民集体行动的社会因素与财政因素两个维度,对农村公共产品自主供给进行实证分析,研究证实:“一事一议”制度有利于农村公共产品的结构优化,其显著提升了村级公共服务的供给绩效。农村传统的“宗族”社会结构有利于克服集体行动中的“自利行为”和“搭便车”倾向,促进了“一事一议”的开展,而当前逐步扩大的收入差距形成了公共产品的偏好差异,提高了“一事一议”的交易成本,但是有效率的村级治理体制对村庄开展“一事一议”具有促进作用。“一事一议”挂钩的财政补助,具有显著的“激励效应”。实证研究结论对于创新农村公共产品供给方式,培育内生性的公共产品自主供给机制,提供了决策依据。  相似文献   
The Career Decision‐Making Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ; Gati, Krausz, & Osipow, 1996) has long been demonstrated as a useful instrument for career counseling practice. Several case studies have demonstrated how and why using the CDDQ facilitates the career counseling process (e.g., Amir, Gati, & Kleiman, 2008; Gati & Levin, 2014; Levin & Gati, 2014). This study explores how an in‐depth analysis of a case study conducted at the item level can provide career counselors with a richer understanding of their clients’ needs. The case study also emphasizes how administering and providing feedback on the CDDQ in career counseling sessions is likely to foster working alliances. The study concludes by presenting an intervention map based on the CDDQ taxonomy.  相似文献   
重大基础设施项目具有战略性、集成性、复杂性等特征,项目容易受到多种风险因素的综合影响,导致项目目标的偏离。现有风险评估与风险决策的方法缺乏对于风险因素、风险事件之间关联的分析。为了实现重大基础设施建设项目综合系统的风险评估,本文采用元网络分析方法,构建项目目标、风险事件和风险因素的交互模型,揭示重大基础设施风险事件发生机制的黑箱过程。风险评估过程中,通过多个网络叠加运算分析每个风险因素对于各种风险事件以及项目各目标的影响情况,改进了以往仅对风险因素单一影响程度的风险评估方法。同时,本研究选择我国某河流水电站过坝运输项目方案比选的风险评估过程验证方法的适用性。  相似文献   

In recent years, crimes related to drug smuggling and production have gradually increased in Korea. This qualitative case study explores the experiences of Koreans recovering from drug addiction and identifies specific details and mechanisms of recovery. For this purpose, participants were selected based on criteria such as engaging in social activities after recovery from addiction for 3 years or more. Next, one-on-one in-depth interviews were conducted with five voluntarily consenting participants. Data were analyzed using the within-/cross-case analysis suggested by Creswell. Substantial personal growth took place in the recovery process for drug addicts. Nineteen themes were identified as manifestations of personal growth through within-case analysis. Four common themes were then derived through cross-case analysis. These four common themes were “reconnection with reality,” “embracing the essence of one's own existence,” “reconstructing oneself in social relations,” and “self-love.” The study's results suggest that a recovery program needs to be developed wherein the program not only enables drug addicts to reflect on their current existence but also allows them to develop their specific coping skills. Future research should be broadened to consider the social support mechanism and viewpoints of people including family and local community members in close contact with drug addicts.  相似文献   
This study explored the case of a former addict, focusing on his existential self‐interpretation and identity transformation process. This study began from the question of whether philosophical processes related to existential self‐interpretation could lead to the formation of the concept of bottoming out and of identity transformation. To answer this question, the study analyzed the case of a male in his mid‐forties who was addicted to drugs for approximately 30 years and has only recently maintained abstinence. The study used the phenomenological approach to determine the meaning drugs held for him in each stage, and what drug‐related identity he had in each stage. Further, this study identified the integrative implications of these meanings in terms of existential self‐interpretation and identity transformation. The four different identities the man identified for the four stages of his life were juvenile delinquent, gang member, half‐gangster, and breadwinner, and the associated meanings drugs had for him during each period were “glue,” “filthy,” “leeches,” and “abstinence,” respectively. Finally, this study elucidated the integration of these meanings through the hermeneutic circle, identified the social welfare implications of the findings, and developed educational recommendations.  相似文献   
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