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A proper monitoring of stochastic systems is the control charts of statistical process control and drift in characteristics of output may be due to one or several assignable causes. Although much research has been done on the design of control charts, the economic statistical design of the T2 control chart under the Weibull shock model with multiple assignable causes has not yet been addressed. Therefore, we tried to deal with it in this paper and thus we developed a cost model based on the variable sampling interval. We also give an example to support the practical use of T2 chart under the Weibull shock model with multiple assignable causes. Based on the optimization of the average cost per unit of time and taking into account the different combination values of Weibull distribution parameters, optimal values of design parameters were derived and calculated. Then, the cost models under the influence of single assignable cause and multiple assignable causes under the same cost and time parameters were compared. Also, a sensitivity analysis was conducted in which the variability of loss cost and design parameters due to change of cost and time and Weibull distribution parameters were evaluated.  相似文献   
In this article, we consider the destructive length-biased Poisson cure rate model, proposed by Rodrigues et al., that presents a realistic and interesting interpretation of the biological mechanism for the recurrence of tumor in a competing causes scenario. Assuming the lifetime to follow the Weibull distribution and censoring mechanism to be non-informative, the necessary steps of the EM algorithm for the determination of the MLEs of the model parameters are developed here based on right censored data. The standard errors of the MLEs are obtained by inverting the observed information matrix. A simulation study is then carried out to examine the method of inference developed here. Finally, the proposed methodology is illustrated with a real melanoma dataset.  相似文献   
湖南实施乡村振兴战略面临的主要问题是:农村基础设施改善,但部分乡村旧貌未改;农田荒芜严重,土地流转不畅;种养收入低下,农产销售困难;农村二三产业发展迟缓,集体合作社模式短缺;文化设施缺乏,风俗习惯落后;老农依然辛劳,养老问题难解。带来这些问题的原因主要有:认识存在偏差,发展缺乏资金与人才,集体经济脆弱,干部责任意识不强,缺少产业支撑,乡风治理乏力。文章从实际出发,提出了一系列政策建议:转变思想观念,改变投资取向;改善乡村交通,加强基础设施;完善村居环境,实施“五改五化”;推动土地流转,培育二三产业;壮大集体经济,发展合作组织;强化党组织建设,重视选人用人。  相似文献   
第27届男篮亚锦赛中国队遭遇惨败,年龄结构不合理、攻防两端不平衡、球员的位置技术基础欠缺、主帅与球员磨合期短等因素,是导致中国男篮成绩跌入谷底的主要原因.反观冠军伊朗队,其强势崛起值得思考,亚洲篮球新格局已经形成.  相似文献   
本文对陕西省农村中学物理教师校本研修的现状进行调研之后认为,校本研修未得到足够重视、教师发展的内驱力不强、研修内容的适切性不强等是影响校本研修效果的主要原因,并提出应从引导教师进行教学反思、营造良好的环境促进同伴互助、注重专家引领等方面来进一步推进校本研修工作。  相似文献   
通过对唐代商妇诗的考察可见:唐代诗人笔下的商人大多是轻易别离、薄情寡义的形象,这反映了唐代诗人对商人的鄙薄心态。这种鄙薄心态的产生与士商地位的差异、士商社会形象的反差及诗人与商妇失意心态的共鸣等有着密切的关系。  相似文献   
贵州省某W国企基层员工赏罚制度满意度实证分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过对某W国企的合同工与正式工的赏、罚满意度的多元回归分析.从而探讨满意度之所以如此的成因,并根据这些原因提出合理的对策及建议。  相似文献   
在各国法律中,被迫行为与紧急避险之间的关系表现为三种情况:包含关系、同质并列关系、异质并列关系。事实上,被迫行为与紧急避险是两种不同性质的事由,两者排除罪责的根据具有本质差异。用紧急避险的原理处理被迫行为,会不当地缩小被迫行为的适用范围。将被迫行为从紧急避险中独立出来,不仅有利于公正地对待因胁迫而实施犯罪的人,而且关系到人们对两种行为的道德评价,影响到与第三人的关系,还会使我国刑法排除责任事由的体系更加完善。  相似文献   
合法性问题是现代政治面临的一个不可忽视的理论和实践问题。戈尔巴乔夫时期。苏共因严重忽视执政合法性问题带来的政治后果在一定程度上成为其丧失执政地位,直至垮台的重要诱因。因此,我们必须明确政治合法性对执政党的重要作用,以此为依据对戈尔巴乔夫时期苏共丧失执政合法性的原因进行深入探析,以期得出重要的历史启示,为我们党树立执政的合法性意识,践行合法性思想提供借鉴。  相似文献   
在榆林能源开发过程中,社会经济的快速发展凸现出地区经济发展不平衡,城乡收入差距过大等社会问题,为邪教的滋生和蔓延提供了现实条件。榆林市现有"门徒会"、"实际神"、"法轮功"三种邪教组织并曾出现过"香功"、"中功"、"元极功"三种有害气功组织;邪教组织的传播路径、手段、组织管理有独特性。要依据邪教组织产生与蔓延的不同原因,从区域、年龄、文化等方面对大众进行反邪教宣传、教育。  相似文献   
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