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休谟和斯密的光芒有时竟遮蔽了苏格兰启蒙运动的全景,以致弗兰西斯·哈奇森的思想一直未受学界充分的重视。韦伯为解释新教伦理与资本主义精神的关系,考察了"天职"这一概念;同样,弗兰西斯·哈奇森在"基督教化的斯多亚主义"伦理与功利主义精神之间也完成了一个切换:提出了以自然性情(包括道德感在内)这一新的人学建构理论。"基督教化的斯多亚主义"伦理是苏格兰启蒙运动思想家们的基本特征。从"遵循自然"到"遵循自然情感"的新的心灵构造、自然情感和人的社会本性学说,为从注重自控与内在自由的斯多亚主义向动机论的功利主义之公共福利与进取精神的过渡提供了基础。  相似文献   
Some patients are hesitant to disclose when they are experiencing pain. However, the reasons for this, such as stoicism and concern about being a bother to others, are poorly understood. If patient pain goes unrecognized during clinical encounters, patients may also be at greater risk for pain-related crises, use of hospice/palliative care on-call services, and in-patient transfers. This is an evidence-informed development of a practice-oriented conceptual model to understand and address patient reluctance to admit pain. We used a review of the available evidence to better understand the various factors that contribute to an unwillingness to disclose one’s pain, create a conceptual model, and identify relevant assessment measures that may be useful to practitioners. Our review identified six primary attitudes and beliefs that contribute to patient reluctance to openly admit pain: (a) stigma; (b) stoicism; (c) cautiousness; (d) fatalism; (e) bother; and (f) denial. Four assessment measures that address elements of barriers to pain-related communication and four measures of nonverbal signs of pain were also identified and reviewed. Based on the model, social workers and other palliative care providers should consistently and vigilantly inquire about how comfortable patients are about discussing their own pain. Implications for practice and research are presented.  相似文献   
斯多葛学派和儒家思想的不同影响了东西方各自文明发展的轨迹.斯多葛学派起源于理性的自然法思想,从人本的精神出发,讲求精神自由与平等主义,提倡法制与分权制衡.儒家倡导“君权神授”,提倡人治,用纲常教义、大一统观念进行束缚,确立等级观念,产生君主专制的政体.  相似文献   
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