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Mills discusses the notion of myth and links it to a discussion of theory. While he does not consider myth and theory to be synonymous, I attempt to close the gap between these two notions even further. This argument is accomplished by discussing theorists that have theorized about theory and aligning their claims with Mills’ claims about myth. I propose that Mills cannot rely on coherence to substantiate good myth/theory and, instead, suggest the consideration of what constitutes good quality theorizing. Good theorizing involves deep understanding of different theories/myths and comparing them to generate innovation.  相似文献   
《Social Development》2018,27(1):58-72
The goal of the current study was to examine two competing models focusing on the roles of empathy‐related traits in the relation between economic stress and prosocial behaviors. First, we examined the mediating roles of perspective taking and empathic concern in the association between economic stress and adolescents’ prosocial behaviors. Second, we examined the moderating role of perspective taking in the association between economic stress and empathic concern, as well as the links between empathic concern and prosocial behaviors. Participants consisted of 307 (46.2% girls; M age = 15.05) U.S. Latino adolescents (77.5% U.S. Mexicans) and their primary caregivers (87.9% mothers). Primary caregivers reported on family‐level economic stress, and adolescents reported on their own perspective taking, empathic concern, and their tendency to engage in six forms of prosocial behaviors. Results demonstrated support for the moderating role of perspective taking on the link between economic stress and empathic concern, which in turn, was associated with multiple forms of helping behaviors. Economic stress was also directly associated with selfless and selfish helping behaviors. The discussion focuses on the multiple roles of empathic traits in understanding the links between economic stress and prosocial outcomes in U.S. Latino youth.  相似文献   
《Risk analysis》2018,38(1):43-55
Climate change is a complex, multifaceted problem involving various interacting systems and actors. Therefore, the intensities, locations, and timeframes of the consequences of climate change are hard to predict and cause uncertainties. Relatively little is known about how the public perceives this scientific uncertainty and how this relates to their concern about climate change. In this article, an online survey among 306 Swiss people is reported that investigated whether people differentiate between different types of uncertainty in climate change research. Also examined was the way in which the perception of uncertainty is related to people's concern about climate change, their trust in science, their knowledge about climate change, and their political attitude. The results of a principal component analysis showed that respondents differentiated between perceived ambiguity in climate research, measurement uncertainty, and uncertainty about the future impact of climate change. Using structural equation modeling, it was found that only perceived ambiguity was directly related to concern about climate change, whereas measurement uncertainty and future uncertainty were not. Trust in climate science was strongly associated with each type of uncertainty perception and was indirectly associated with concern about climate change. Also, more knowledge about climate change was related to less strong perceptions of each type of climate science uncertainty. Hence, it is suggested that to increase public concern about climate change, it may be especially important to consider the perceived ambiguity about climate research. Efforts that foster trust in climate science also appear highly worthwhile.  相似文献   
唐人在著述中常常提及到女娲神话,而在文学中女娲也逐渐演化为一种文学母题原型,成为"创造万物、构建秩序、救民困厄"的文学意象符号,演变成了造福人类的意象载体。与唐代以前女娲神话的文学书写意象不同,唐代的文人更多的是以女娲神话作为一种符号来表达自我情怀。而这种模式也使得女娲神话的书写呈现出由集体政治意识向个体生命意识、由宏大理想向现实情怀的转变。从唐人对女娲神话的态度和评价的转变中,可以更好地了解作家们的思想心态,从而更本真地把握唐代文学。  相似文献   
胡丘陵的作品被称为“后政治抒情诗”代表性文本,他的作品有着浓重的历史意识,其在历史的褶皱深处发掘人性的光辉,用全球化的视野和人性的光辉照亮读者的心灵;同时,对人类命运的终极关怀,以及作品艺术性、政治性和抒情性的高度统一,使得他的作品既有历史的深度、现实的厚度和精神的广度,又在保持思想高度和作品纯度的基础上,最大可能地寓含了散发着诗性光辉的生命情怀、悲悯精神与世界意识。  相似文献   
中国有关“开辟创世”和“洪水遗民、再造人类”的故事传说,分为南北两大系统:以中原的女娲、伏羲兄妹故事为代表的北方型神话系统和以珠江流域的盘古兄妹故事为代表的南方型神话系统。本文通过对《述异记》最早记载的“南海中有盘古国”“桂林有盘古祠”的历史分析和实地考察,阐明盘古神话源于华南—珠江流域的“盘古国”,三国时传于吴楚间。东晋道教理论家、炼丹术家葛洪闻交趾出丹砂而求为广西勾漏令,后止于广东的罗浮山修道、炼丹、著书,在《枕中记·众仙记》中首先把盘古列入道教神谱,奉称“盘古真人”,尊为开天辟地“元始天王”,又称“三皇”、“五帝”“皆其后裔”,便把原秦汉文献所载北方远古神话无开天辟地之神给予填补,加以整合使之衔接,将道教的神仙信仰系统化、理论化,从而构建了中华大地天帝尊神的世系,盘古神话也就随着道教渐渐在北方流传开来。而中原一带有关盘古神话故事表现为再生性和变异性的特征,充满浓厚的道教文化色彩,也正是导源于葛洪把珠江流域原生型的盘古神话加以整合使之道教化的混融性产物。  相似文献   
本文以中国西部突厥语民族代表性创世神话为例,分析这类创世神话与人类在起源上相关性神话母题的特征和突厥语族创世神话呈现出的在特定历史、宗教背景下的文化形态,探讨了在这些神话中渗透出的鲜明的民族性和浓厚的地方特色,阐释了西部突厥语族创世神话母题的文化意义。  相似文献   
在20世纪末中国作家群里,鄂温克族作家乌热尔图是比较早地以文学形式关怀人类生态的作家之一,面对日益严重的生态危机,他一直在思考我们人类到底应当怎样对待自然;作为作家和学者,他对所有地球生命感到深深的忧虑。  相似文献   
历史记忆与族群认同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文借鉴安东尼.史密斯的族群—象征主义理论,分别从神话、仪式两方面论述历史记忆与族群认同的关系以及族群认同的变动,认为族群认同既是情感—象征的,也是工具—政治—经济的,我们应该看到它们之间的关联以及利益、竞争的分配和规则。  相似文献   
神话史诗《布洛陀》的世界意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
壮族摩教经诗《布洛陀》作为民间宗教摩经的经典,赞颂了主神布洛陀这一神话人物,保存了许多原始神话的成分和元素,可以视为“神话史诗”;该史诗反映了人类社会文化历史的一般情形,具有普遍的世界意义;而作为民间信仰摩教的代表,揭示了民间宗教信仰之类,也具有世界意义。《布洛陀》是非常珍贵的文化遗产,对人类学、民俗学、历史学、神话学、社会学、宗教学等学科研究有巨大的科学价值,它不仅是壮族珍贵的文化遗产,也是世界珍贵的文化遗产。  相似文献   
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