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利用单期静态博弈分析法、有限期动态博弈分析法和无限期动态博弈分析法对成品油定价机制中寡头厂商的合谋行为进行了分析。研究发现:两家寡头厂商在合谋条件下的收益均高于双方各自独立定产条件下的收益,因此,双方存在进行价格合谋的利益激励。基于此,我国成品油价格形成机制的改革可以考虑采用有限规制等手段。  相似文献   
美国与世界其他国家的安全观明显不同,它总是感觉到不安全,美国总是偏执地认为外部存在着对美国的阴谋和威胁。这种国家安全观与美国的民族特性有关,因为美国的民族认同是建立在对制度和信仰认同基础之上,因此它需要通过灌输阴谋论和威胁论来树立一个敌人的形象,以此来加强美利坚民族的凝聚力。这种国家安全观促使美国把自己树立为道德形象,缺乏换位思考,从而漠视其他国家正常的安全需求和民族情感,最终引起了其他国家对美国霸权行为的反感与抗拒,进一步加剧了美国的不安全感。  相似文献   
术是韩非思想的重要组成部分。一直以来,韩非的术常常被认为是国君凭借自己的聪明而实施的阴谋诡计,是国君以私意治国的手段。但事实上,韩非的术并不完全是一般人所认为的阴谋权术。而是有其自身的客观规则和标准。作为术思想主体的刑名术和无为术都体现了这一点。总之,韩非的术是对法的补充,同时也继承了法的基本精神,术的灵魂即是法。  相似文献   
针对当前刑法学界的热点问题——经济犯罪,以共犯理论为依托,以犯罪行为为视角,结合我国当前立法规定,列举了几种代表性的常见经济犯罪行为进行定性分析。分别就对向型经济犯罪行为、共谋经济犯罪行为、选择性经济犯罪行为的共犯性进行理论探讨,以期能够为充实传统共犯理论,解决司法实践中日益复杂的疑难问题提供一点帮助。  相似文献   
It is surprising to note the scarcity of contributions in social movement literature related to so-called conspiracy theories. A considerable amount of the work on these topics has been produced in political science, history, media studies, social psychology and other disciplines. These accounts have often adopted a stigmatizing approach, looking at conspiracy theories as forms of pathologies (whether psychological, social or political). Moving from such a perspective to a constructivist one, I argue that conspiracy theories should represent an object of interest for social movement scholars: conspiracies supporters go into the streets to highlight their issues, protest against authority, propose alternative lifestyles and often claim to look for a better/different society. Applying the social movements toolkit can allow to better understand this phenomenon and apply critical perspectives in a more effective manner. On the basis of this premise, the first part of this article reviews the existing literature on conspiracy theories, also identifying the main lacunae; the second part outlines some possible research questions and lines of inquiry, moving beyond the classical theories in the field of social movement studies. The paper also introduces a number of new concepts, such as conspiracy mobilizations and conspiracy coalitions.  相似文献   
理想的谈判在于实现真正的合意,但由于谈判主体易受目的理性和竞争思维的操控,在压迫、妥协和博弈的相互作用下,合意丧失了真诚、正当、真实的有效条件,异化为“同意”“好意”“恣意”,引发“合意贫困化”危机。虽然原则谈判为化解合意危机提供了新的路径,但在具体实践层面存在着局限。为了彻实有效地消除合意危机,应当超越原则谈判,引入法律谈判。在秉持充分沟通的理念下,经由双方平等对话、理性交涉形成一致意见。通过介入法律因素,增强谈判主体的自我约束,使双方基于交往理性达成共识,防止谈判转向策略性行为,进而实现真正的合意。  相似文献   
Research into the political economy of gambling, arising particularly from the fields of sociology and geography, has made many much-needed contributions to gambling studies. It has highlighted the association between gambling and social disadvantage and also highlighted the conflict of interest that arises when governments who liberalize gambling also benefit from the resultant taxation revenue. This has led a number of authors to argue that the global gambling industry, as well as many governments and academics, are party to a modern capitalist conspiracy that (a) redistributes wealth and subjugates the disadvantaged and (b) pathologizes problem gamblers to deflect blame from the industry. This article provides a critical appraisal of these arguments with reference to papers from some of the leading authors in this area. It argues that the important contributions of this area have been tarnished by the overuse of politicized and polemical language in academic/scientific contexts, by the use of conspiracy-style arguments and by unjustified criticism of the behavioural and medical sciences. It also argues that the field of gambling studies is strengthened when generalizations about the role of industry are always supported by tangible examples and evidence at each stage of the critique.  相似文献   
Research in the field of Resistance to Persuasion (RP) has demonstrated that inoculating individuals with counter arguments is effective for lowering their levels of adherence to conspiracist beliefs (CB). Yet, this strategy is limited because it requires specific arguments tailored against targeted conspiracist narratives. Therefore, we investigated whether priming Resistance to Persuasion would reduce individual adherence to CB among undergraduate student samples. A first study (N = 81) demonstrated that participants primed by filling a RP scale had lower CB scores than control participants. This effect was directly replicated twice (N = 205 and N = 265) and confirmed by a mini meta-analysis (N = 519; d = .20). Practical and theoretical implications are then discussed.  相似文献   

We examined HIV conspiracy beliefs and PrEP awareness in a convenience sample of minority MSM. Participants in three cities completed a behavioral self-assessment on sociodemographics, PrEP awareness, and HIV/AIDS conspiracy beliefs. HIV/AIDS conspiracy beliefs were more common among Black than Latino MSM (58% vs. 42%, p < .05), and among younger men than older men (age 18–29 (50%), 30–39 (22%), 40+ (28%); p < .05). PrEP awareness co-occurred with conspiracy belief less (37%) than with non-belief (63%, p < .05), persisting in multivariable regression (aOR = 0.52, 95% CI = 0.38–0.71). This relationship suggests that current HIV care and prevention messaging is either inaccessible or not credible to some minority subpopulations.  相似文献   
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