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建设具有中国特色、中国风格、中国气派的哲学社会科学,一直是我国哲学社会科学繁荣发展的根本目的.提升高校哲学社会科学繁荣发展水平,离不开科学有效的哲学社会科学研究评价.坚持党的领导、"二为"方向和"双百"方针是哲学社会科学繁荣发展的根本保障,坚持"质量为本"和"创新至上"是哲学社会科学繁荣发展的必然要求,坚持科学权威和公开透明是哲学社会科学研究评价的现实需要.结合当前高校哲学社会科学研究评价中"量化评价下数量与质量的关系论辩","学术评价与科研管理评价的边界异化"和"学术权力和行政权力的制度规制"三大问题聚讼,文章建议通过强化学术成果质量保障机制、优化学术共同体工作机制、构建学术争鸣长效机制和完善学术成果转化应用机制等制度建设,推动构建科学权威、公开透明的哲学社会科学研究评价体系,以期进一步改善新时代高校哲学社会科学研究评价工作.  相似文献   
科技金融是"第一生产力"与"第一助推力"的有机结合,承担着带动地区经济高质量发展的重要使命.基于当前我国科技金融结合不断推进的背景,文章以2007—2016年我国共285个地级市的面板数据为例,运用双重差分法(DID)对科技部、中国人民银行等五部门推行的科技金融结合试点政策对试点地区经济增长的带动效应及机制进行检验.结果表明:第一,科技金融结合试点政策能够有效带动试点地区经济增长,这一结论具有稳健性;第二,科技金融结合试点政策对试点地区经济增长的带动作用存在显著的地域性差异,东部最强、中部次之、西部最弱;第三,进一步的机制检验表明科技金融结合试点政策能够通过提升地区科技创新水平和推动产业结构合理化的双重路径带动地区经济增长.为了进一步推动科技与金融相结合,提升地区经济发展水平,各地政府应高度重视科技金融结合试点政策对地区经济发展的正外部性,积极申报试点城市建设.同时,应结合各地市情社情制定差异化试点政策,大力提升科技创新与产业结构合理化水平,充分发挥其对地区经济增长的中介作用.  相似文献   
国内学术界一般以西方学术发展史作为背景,把治理作为一种社会互动来进行研究。中国历史视野下的治理,发轫于中国社会生活,其内涵最初主要是为了获取生存资料,即有收成才能够形成秩序也就是治理。从“乂”这个象形文字来看,乂就是治理,其原意为“收割”。不过,围绕生存资料的生产和分配逐渐产生了更加丰富的社会权力关系,而巩固和拓展这种权力关系则使得构筑更加严格的秩序成为必然。神秘感是构筑秩序的重要依据,而赋予仪式以神秘感的则是觋、巫等知识群体,他们将天、帝、王、人通过仪式联系在一起,建构起一套以礼为基础的秩序。但是,西周末年,觋、巫的神秘感被世俗的君权摧毁以后,“君臣秩序”以及由此构筑起来的社会秩序都被颠覆,从而导致“君臣之礼既坏”和“礼坏乐崩”的情形。“以智力相雄长”不仅表现在王室内部、诸侯之间、社会层面上,而且也表现在知识分子身上。从此以后,士绝大多数以追逐爵禄而骄天下为荣,以至于两千多年来一直存在“士贱而君肆”的情形。“君士互动”的治理模式,正是随着神秘主义的礼的崩溃而崩溃的。  相似文献   
随着劳动力价格上涨,制造业企业人口红利逐渐消失,以互联网、人工智能提升改造传统产业的同时,推动“技术红利”替代“人口红利”,成为制造业企业优化升级的必然选择。技术创新在促进经济发展的同时是否加剧了技能短缺?考察技术创新对技能短缺的影响作用,结果表明:技术创新对企业技能短缺产生了显著的正效应,研发支出增加了对技能劳动力的需求,并且伴随企业规模扩大、技能劳动力比例上升,技能短缺程度加剧。同时,技术创新对技能短缺在区域和产业上存在显著异质性。在超大城市中,技术创新对技能短缺的拉动作用更为显著。在中小城市,技术进步效应并不显著;而技术创新对制造业技能缺口的影响效应也显著强于服务业,进一步验证了技术创新水平的快速提升使现有技能水平无法与之相匹配,加剧了企业技能结构性短缺。  相似文献   
公民参与公共服务的有序性和有效性并非直接相关,可以从有序性和有效性两个维度分析公民参与及其治理效能的关系.为提升治理效能,以程序性规则为核心的制度设计能更为充分地保障公民有序有效参与公共服务,实现公民与政府之间的良性互动与有序合作.基于全过程民主、程序性权利和共同体秩序等公民参与的程序性价值维度考量,再以环境保护领域中的公民参与为例,从公开公示机制、意见表达机制、回应吸纳机制、监督评价机制和责任追究机制等方面构建公民全过程参与制度,并探索公民参与的方法和策略.通过公民参与的程序性价值内化、方法创新与技术转型来推进治理体系和治理能力现代化.  相似文献   
Scholars have highlighted the use of punishment as a tool to defend laws and norms, deter deviance, and restore justice in the aftermath of organizational misconduct. However, current theory and research primarily draw on a micro-oriented lens to understand how punishment occurs in response to deviant actors within organizations, neglecting macro-oriented questions of whether and how organizations are punished for their misconduct. We review sociological and macro-organizational work that suggests punitive severity can vary with three key attributes of the organization: status, reputation, and embedded ties. We then develop a mezzo-lens framework motivated at the intersection of micro- and macro-perspectives on organizational misconduct to shed light on opportunities for theoretical expansion by crossing levels of analysis.  相似文献   
《Long Range Planning》2022,55(1):102069
Based on a longitudinal case study of China's high-speed rail embedded in the emerging economy context, we focus on what role the government plays and how that matters to open innovation (OI) for competitive advantage. By linking the OI literature with the national political institutions literature to motivate our research question, we propose a statist-based OI view to differentiate diverse government roles, investigating how government adopts roles in a combined way to push OI in stages. Our findings suggest that government is an important strategic decision-maker for OI. Specifically, the government plays various roles as commander, protector, cultivator, and intermediator, reflecting state activism derived from national political institutions, to construct institutional-level OI for domestic OI activities, and inbound and outbound OI across national borders. We find government can deliberately and strategically use its diverse roles in a combined way to push OI for competitive advantage through the industrial evolutionary process over time. Our study contributes to the OI literature and integrates the strategic management literature with the study of OI to provide new insights to explain the origins of competitive advantage from the state perspective.  相似文献   
文章基于陕西省白水县的农村反贫困实践探索,从发展性社会工作视角探讨经济赋能与社区融合干预对于残疾人脱贫发展的意义。 这一反贫困实践案例显示,贫困者的生计发展嵌入在其家庭及社区的关系性脉络中,依托于残疾人互助合作社的社区融合介入,有助于残疾人的经济与社会的双重赋能,提升残疾人生计发展的内生动力。 同时,本地社会组织在残疾人反贫困中发挥关键作用,社会组织的能动性发展促进了多主体合作参与的贫困治理,也带动了社会工作专业理念和方法在反贫困实践中的运用。  相似文献   
For social work education in the Netherlands, the rapid transition towards superdiversity means that its capacity to adapt to this new reality and to adjust to diverse students’ backgrounds is fiercely challenged. The key aim of this article is to discuss how social work educators are dealing with the unsettling challenges of increasing diversity, based on the research outcomes of an explorative study amongst Turkish–Dutch and Moroccan–Dutch female professionals. Two different groups of educators were asked to comment on the outcomes of this study. One of the dilemmas for educators is to determine what can be considered supportive and inclusive and as reducing inequality in education. The authors used two key theoretical concepts, ‘superdiversity’ and ‘the capability approach’. These theoretical perspectives were used to deconstruct the rather massive concepts of diversity and social justice, by emphasising contextual approaches. Both perspectives stress the urgent need to involve students as ‘active agents of change’, by building a social work community to stimulate and facilitate an on-going dialogue. To successfully fulfil a pivotal role in the upward mobility or emancipation of ethnic minority students, social work education needs to be adjusted to accommodate diverse student groups.  相似文献   

This study examines the environmental protests that occurred in Tunisia after the 2011 uprisings. It analyses the factors underpinning the rise of the environmental networks during the period of transition (2011–2014). It details the mobilising strategies that were crucial for the networks’ growth or survival during this period of institutional instability. The study shows how networks leaders were able to bring together social and political actors from different backgrounds and ideological orientations. It is argued that the ability of networks to develop new distinctive collective identities was crucial for network sustainability. Those networks and actors who did not develop new clearly defined environmental identities and continued to rely importantly on pre-existing (authoritarian) structures and practices were more negatively impacted by ideological cleavages and political calculations. Empirically, the contribution builds on interviews and observations, as well as documents collected from Tunisian municipalities between 2013 and 2015. Conceptually, the research proposes a bottom-up perspective that highlights the interplay between micro- and macro-dynamics and strategies during a political transition. The analysis details the actors’ capacity to build alliances via interpersonal relations at the micro level, and their strategies to engage with institutional actors and processes.  相似文献   
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