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To improve access to education in Ecuador, state actors encourage parents and youth to think of girls’ emotional bonds to family as potential barriers to schooling. High schoolgirls and their mothers respond by synchronising their institutional and family responsibilities with the emotional norms of age grades such as ‘student youth’ and ‘mother’. Girls dedicated to embodying national progress find themselves trying to delay strong emotional commitments to family until after they have completed their schooling. Examining their construction as emotional suspects reveals the stakes of age expectations for female citizens in Ecuador.  相似文献   
李良品  祝国超  廖钰 《民族学刊》2020,11(3):21-27, 127-128
明清时期中央王朝实施的改土归流,不仅彻底废除了土司的政治、经济、军事、司法等特权,将国家版图内的人事权、财政权、军事指挥权、行政管理权、文化教育权等悉数收归中央,而且也是中华民族共同体由“自在”向“自觉”过渡的关键环节。明清改土归流经历了一个长期、艰巨、复杂的过程,其中既有土司利益与王朝利益的矛盾、各地土司与辖区民众的矛盾,也有中央王朝通过改土归流以增加税收、朝廷命官与乡村民众要求改土归流等现实动因。改土归流实现了国家“大一统”的目标、凸显明清国家治理能力的进步、加快了中华民族共同体建设的速度。中华民族共同体是一个由政治共同体、经济共同体、文化共同体和社会共同体四者构成的命运共同体。改土归流的实施,不仅是推动共同体由“自在”向“自觉”迈进的关键步骤和重要举措,而且使中华民族共同体在政治、经济、文化和社会诸方面发生巨大变化。  相似文献   
Sociology of gender has developed beyond a personality-centered idea of “sex-roles” to an approach that stresses interaction and social structure. At the same time, there has been a concurrent development in the psychological sex-differences and medical literatures toward including the biological bases of sex-typed behavior and gender identities. In this paper, while we conceptualize gender as a social structure, we focus only on the individual level of analysis: testing the relative strength of (maternal circulating) prenatal hormones, childhood socialization, and the power of expectations attached to adult social roles (cultural interactionist) as explanations for women’s self-reported feminine and masculine selves. Our findings are complex, and support some importance of each theory. Prenatal hormones, childhood socialization, and cultural interactionism were all influential factors for gendered selves. While cultural expectations predicted only feminine selves, prenatal hormones were more robust predictors of masculine sense of self. While personality may be a relatively stable characteristic influenced by the body and childhood socialization, our results reinforce the importance of studying how the social world responds to and reinforces gendered personality.  相似文献   
为提高土木工程专业《结构实验与方法》研究生课程的教学质量,培养研究生的应用与创新研究能力,基于《结构实验与方法》研究生课程的具体教学实践,分析了建设《结构实验与方法》研究生课程教学案例库的必要性,探讨了《结构实验与方法》研究生课程教学案例库建设的程序与目标,提出了建设《结构实验与方法》研究生课程教学案例库的基本方法。  相似文献   
为满足以新技术、新业态、新产业、新模式为主要特点的新经济发展需求,开展多学科交叉的创新型人才培养势在必行。基于新工科建设理念和BIM技术发展,对国内外BIM技术和BIM专业人才培养现状进行了对比分析,总结出我国高校BIM人才培养中存在的系列问题,并对高校土建类多学科协同BIM人才培养与实践进行探讨,通过分析BIM教学课程体系、师资力量、应用环境、实践教学等方面存在的问题,提出调整BIM人才培养方向,完善BIM人才培养方案,搭建产学研一体化BIM平台,优化人才引进和培养机制,提高师资力量,增加专业资源投入,优化BIM应用环境,建立人才培养综合能力评价考核体系,推动教学方法创新,深化校企合作等建议,为新形势下高校培养新型BIM应用人才提供思路。  相似文献   
A large literature demonstrates the direct and indirect influence of health on socioeconomic attainment, and reveals the ways in which health and socioeconomic background simultaneously and dynamically affect opportunities for attainment and mobility. Despite an increasing understanding of the effects of health on social processes, research to date remains limited in its conceptualization and measurement of the temporal dimensions of health, especially in the presence of socioeconomic circumstances that covary with health over time. Guided by life course theory, we use data from the British National Child Development Study, an ongoing panel study of a cohort born in 1958, to examine the association between lifetime health trajectories and socioeconomic attainment in middle age. We apply finite mixture modeling to identify distinct trajectories of health that simultaneously account for timing, duration and stability. Moreover, we employ propensity score weighting models to account for the presence of time-varying socioeconomic factors in estimating the impact of health trajectories. We find that, when poor health is limited to the childhood years, the disadvantage in socioeconomic attainment relative to being continuously healthy is either insignificant or largely explained by time-varying socioeconomic confounders. The socioeconomic impact of continuously deteriorating health over the life course is more persistent, however. Our results suggest that accounting for the timing, duration and stability of poor health throughout both childhood and adulthood is important for understanding how health works to produce social stratification. In addition, the findings highlight the importance of distinguishing between confounding and mediating effects of time-varying socioeconomic circumstances.  相似文献   
高校公共课是高等教育人才培养体系中的重要一环,而教师是决定公共课教育教学质量的关键。本研究以教师教学反思为研究对象,以教学学术为研究视角,对公共课教师在教学和科研两方面的反思情况进行分析。研究发现,当前高校公共课教师教学反思主要存在学术研究意识薄弱、学术方法欠缺、学术情感淡薄、反思成果封闭化等问题。研究以教学学术理论为分析依据,对以上问题展开讨论。尝试提出改善公共课教师教学反思的策略:唤醒基于学术研究的教学反思意识;开展基于校本研究的教学反思行动;开展以学术团体为载体的教学反思研究;搭建教学反思研究成果公开评议、交流平台。以上策略可以化解"教学"与"科研"的矛盾冲突,使"教学"与"科研"有机结合,让教学不再是一种机械式的重复劳动而是有价值的创造性活动。  相似文献   
The ability to work at older ages depends on health and education. Both accumulate starting very early in life. We assess how childhood disadvantages combine with education to affect working and health trajectories. Applying multistate period life tables to data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) for the period 2008–2014, we estimate how the residual life expectancy at age 50 is distributed in number of years of work and disability, by number of childhood disadvantages, gender, and race/ethnicity. Our findings indicate that number of childhood disadvantages is negatively associated with work and positively with disability, irrespective of gender and race/ethnicity. Childhood disadvantages intersect with low education resulting in shorter lives, and redistributing life years from work to disability. Among the highly educated, health and work differences between groups of childhood disadvantage are small. Combining multistate models and inverse probability weighting, we show that the return of high education is greater among the most disadvantaged.  相似文献   
The transition from youth to adulthood in western societies has become more prolonged and complex as traditional societal norms have lost influence. Using retrospective data from a cohort of 43-year-old Canadians surveyed in 2010 (n?=?405), we mapped the timing, sequencing, and duration of ‘first stage’ youth-adult transitions (leaving home, finishing formal education, obtaining a full-time job) and ‘second stage’ youth-adult transitions (marriage, parenthood, home ownership). Latent profile analysis identified five distinct transition profiles – norm-setters, quick adults, uncertain adults, adult students, and delayed adults – with different amounts and timing of post-secondary educational investment playing an important profile-shaping role. Although youth-adult transitions have become less standardized and more individualized, especially for first stage transitions, these transitions are still quite structured and continue to be affected by gender and family socioeconomic status.  相似文献   
《电工电子学》是高等学校针对非电类工科专业开设的一门有关电工、电子技术的重要专业基础课。针对《电工电子学》传统理论教学空洞乏味、师生互动不足、学生学习兴趣不足等问题,在《电工电子学》课程教学中引入雨课堂智慧教学工具,论述了雨课堂从课前、课上和课后三个方面实践的特点和使用方法,实践表明,基于PPT和微信的雨课堂混合传统教学的教学方法可以实现师生实时线上互动,建立多元化科学评价机制,激发学生学习主动性,活跃课堂气氛,提高学生学习积极性,改善本门课程的教学效果。  相似文献   
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