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Hybrid organizational forms that combine commercial and welfare institutional logics play an increasingly important role in addressing the grand societal challenges we face today. Building on the literatures on hybrid organizations and social business models, we explore the characteristics of social businesses from a business model perspective. This study seeks to better understand the particularities and value drivers of hybrid social purpose in contrast to purely commercial business models. We follow a grounded theory approach and our findings are based on interview data from 17 social business firms. Building on social businesses' identified particularities, we propose four value drivers of social business models: 1) responsible efficiency, 2) impact complementarities, 3) shared values, and 4) integration novelties. We link our findings to the literature, contributing new insights into social businesses models and implications for practitioners.  相似文献   
油画艺术自明代从西方传入中国后,在一百多年的发展历程中不断与中国本土文化相融合,逐步形成了鲜明的民族风格,主要表现为:在创作上不仅采用富有中国特色的自然和人文题材,还特别钟情于少数民族题材;在艺术表现形式方面借鉴了中国传统艺术的特点,具体表现在构图、线条和意境等方面。  相似文献   
Deception, in its many forms, is present in families and relationships across the globe. The impact of the presence and discovery of family secrets or deceptive acts on the individual, the family unit, and the therapeutic process, particularly in the field of marriage and family therapy, has not been thoroughly studied or discussed. Further, deceptive acts during the therapeutic process may have implications for effective treatment planning. This article defines the various forms of deception and its systemic effects on relationships and on the therapeutic process. Possible interventions to address deception in a family therapeutic setting are proposed.  相似文献   
造物艺术史研究之中只有赋予造物艺术史以某种新意义、新价值或者新答案的论著才称得上是具有启迪意义的论著。要做到这一点,既要求研究者必须具备良好的历史意识,更要求其在研究中把握好“源与流”“内容与形式”“历时性与共时性”“造物的因果律”等核心问题。这些问题不仅涉及能否准确把握人类物质文明发展的历史全貌,而且关乎人类历史发展动力和规律中复杂关系的揭示。造物艺术的历史,不只是物态的历史,还是一部与人有关的生产生活史。近年来,造物艺术史研究对这些问题和关系的探索,出现了两个引人瞩目的新变化:一是研究方式从描述转向阐释;二是研究视角从核心转移到了边缘。  相似文献   
以泉州市刺桐幼儿园为例,将木偶特色文化融合于幼儿园美育环境创设之中,对幼儿进行审美教育并增强其对传统文化的了解,并指出幼儿园美育环境创设可以采取以下四个行动策略:整体规划,创设“偶意”环境;挖掘内涵,营造“偶情”环境;丰富感受,搭架“偶动”环境;释放潜能,共创“偶育”环境。  相似文献   
在中原地区,一些回汉村庄结成数百年不渝、情同手足的友好关系,民间称之为"社亲".仁义、感恩、重诺、守信等传统美德是这种关系的道德基础,仪式化的情谊交流方式以及平等、宽容、相互尊重的文化理念是这种关系的保证.回汉村庄的这种情谊扎根在传统社会文化的土壤中,具有不可忽略的现代价值.  相似文献   
中国民族歌剧自上世纪20年代诞生以来,在学习与借鉴欧洲传统歌剧的基础上,已经有了较大水平的提升,许多优秀歌剧作品不论是歌剧内容还是艺术形式上都堪比西方歌剧。然而,民族歌剧的艺术形式影响着歌剧在我国的普及程度,许多优秀的新歌剧"昙花一现",中国民族歌剧事业的发展面临着巨大挑战,探索一条我国歌剧自己的道路还需要歌剧创作者们付出更多的努力。  相似文献   
所谓微制作,就是指利用智能手机、平板电脑等移动通讯终端作为音乐生产工具,突破时空局限的音乐生产活动。根据音乐生产的技术方式,我们可以把整个音乐生产分为“手工制作式”、“机械复制式”和“数字虚拟式”等不同的生产方式,但微制作与它们不同,因为它实现了音乐创制空间的流动化、创作时间的即时化和创制与传播的同步化,因而微制作是一种新的音乐生产方式。微制作的出现,大大推动了音乐生产日常化的步伐。  相似文献   
This study explores how online publics are engaging with organizations by creating and sharing brand-related content online, outside corporate-controlled communication environments. This research employs a quantitative content analysis of memes shared on the social networking site Imgur to reveal how user-generated content conveys meaning about organizations. The analysis reveals brand-centric memes are generally classified as orphan memes, or memes that have distinct textual and visual characteristics separating them from established or emerging meme families. Memes about organizations are neither an overwhelming reflection of biting criticism or support, but rather a reflection of online public engagement with organizations that primarily use humor and textual brand features (or quiddities) to convey their commitment and satisfaction with the organization and unite meme families.  相似文献   
有关黄河河源的概念,古代各种史学、地理、以及宗教文献都有相关记载。早期文献中提出的重源潜流的概念,也为塑造河源空间概念留下了发挥余地。及至唐朝,各种类书、笔记、野史关于位于境外的河源的著述沿用了上述文献中已有的地理知识,并融入了佛教世界观的空间概念以及唐代实地考察的纪录,逐渐构成了河源这一多元化的空间想象。本文探讨了不同知识框架对唐代河源记载的影响,以及在几幅现存宋代地图上所反映出的相关影响。这类文献资料有助于我们理解中古地理知识的深化与演变,以及后代地图上展示河源的更丰富的地图表现形式。  相似文献   
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