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最高人民法院、最高人民检察院《关于办理侵犯公民个人信息刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第六条对为合法经营活动而侵犯公民个人信息行为进行独立规制,是新型犯罪罪状表述抽象化与罪状解释具体化、信息时代信息价值多元化与危害行为多样化、现代社会犯罪治理精细化与刑法评价精准化的内在要求.为合法经营活动而侵犯公民个人信息行为相关规范要素中的“为合法经营活动”应理解为主观超过要素,“获利五万元”应作严格解释,“曾因侵犯公民个人信息”应作广义解释,“其他情节严重”应包括信息数量标准.  相似文献   
随着智慧社会的到来,人工智能体广泛应用于社会各个领域,智能水平不断提升,与之相关的犯罪问题逐渐走向理论和实践的焦点。人工智能体冲击着刑法教义学主体和客体相区分的二元结构,引发了广泛的讨论和争议。探讨人工智能体的刑法地位应当改变混同分析主体性和能力性的思路,区分不法和责任两个层面进行研究。应基于人工智能的发展阶段,明确现阶段人工智能体仍然属于弱人工智能,因此其无法成为犯罪人或被害人,也无法具备责任能力或承担刑事责任。但是人工智能体日益可能成为犯罪对象,与之相关的自然人和法人犯罪也应当受到重视。探讨人工智能相关的刑法问题应当立足于教义学的基本立场与理论范式。  相似文献   
我国检察公益诉讼制度全面实施两年后呈现出新的发展态势。亟需理论深入研判。本文以2017—2019年间的司法数据为基础,运用实证方法分析了《行政诉讼法》《民事诉讼法》修改后检察公益诉讼在办案数量、办案规则、办案能力、办案力量、办案重心等方面的发展态势:审判机关和检察机关的办案数量增长迅速,并积极推动诉讼规则完善;各地办案数量差异明显,案件分布不均衡;基层人民检察院是办案主力军;行政公益诉讼案件数量锐减,办案重心转向刑事附带民事公益诉讼案件;立案数量快速增长,但履行诉前程序、提起诉讼的比率呈下降趋势。这些发展态势的内因是检察机关组织机构改革带来的办案能力的提升;外因是党委和人大增强了对检察公益诉讼的支持力度,化解了制度运行中的部分障碍。未来还需从内、外、广、深四个维度推动检察公益诉讼制度完善:促进公益诉讼检察与三大检察内部融合;建立公益诉讼检察与法治政府的耦合;探索拓展受案范围;建构符合需要的诉讼机制。  相似文献   
People with criminal records in the United States continue to face limited employment opportunities due to social stigma and legal barriers. In contrast to the civilian sector, the military conducts a “whole person” evaluation to screen potential recruits and regularly hires people with felony and misdemeanor records. Moreover, evidence suggests that the military serves as a socially integrative institution and may facilitate desistance from future crimes. However, critics argue that the military exacerbates inequalities by subjecting marginalized communities to the unequal burden of service. Using the data obtained from the Army, we examine the relative risks of combat exposure and casualties between enlisted soldiers with and without criminal records who joined between 2002 and 2009. The results suggest that soldiers with felony and misdemeanor records are more likely to be assigned to combat occupations than those without criminal records. We also find that among soldiers assigned to positions with low combat exposure, ex-offenders face a higher risk of death compared to those without criminal records. Findings do not dispute the idea that the military facilitates desistance from future crimes and provides second chances to people with criminal records, but reaffirm the fact that military service costs lives and limbs.  相似文献   

Restorative justice is regarded in modern criminal justice systems as one approach to address inadequacies in the conventional justice model. New Zealand has become a leader in implementing legislatively mandated restorative procedures. This reputation is due in part to a handful of supportive statutes: the Sentencing Act 2002, the Victims’ Rights Act 2002, the Parole Act 2002, the Corrections Act 2004 and subsequent amendments to those acts. In this article, I evaluate the practices bolstered by these acts and how effectively they operate, accounting for how legislative design may contribute to achievements and shortcomings in New Zealand's restorative justice programmes. I supplement the results by comparing New Zealand's efforts to those in Vermont, a U.S. state similarly well-regarded for its restorative policies. The evaluation of each jurisdiction's restorative justice programme is based on metrics for restorative success from Bazemore and Schiff (2005. Juvenile justice reform and restorative justice: building theory and policy from practice. Cullompton: Willan Publishing). I employ qualitative and quantitative data, surveying existing evaluations of restorative justice in New Zealand and Vermont, collecting longitudinal statistics, and conducting interviews with restorative justice practitioners. Overall, this analysis reveals that the design of restorative justice programmes requires negotiation; it is difficult to balance the dimensions of effective restorative justice with the needs of modern justice systems.  相似文献   
社会风险不能等同于刑法危险,但二者存在动态交叉关系,社会风险可以通过刑事政策转变为刑法中的危险。风险刑法首先是现代刑法应对风险过程中"自觉"的结果,是现代刑法体系的同质组成部分。从贝克划分社会形态的时间考虑,我国早已进入风险社会,且是全面而非局部风险社会。我国社会主要矛盾的转变使我国社会风险在质上表现为严重危害公共安全和公共利益,在量上表现为风险的相对增多,从刑法的应对上来看,似乎只能选择刑法提前介入。风险刑法理论的中国展开应该从实然和应然两个层面出发,前者旨在突出风险刑法的教义学研究,后者需要从社会风险自身的特点出发,有针对性地调整刑法体系,以期防控风险、创造安全。  相似文献   
互联网金融发展使得新型金融产品应运而生。校园贷具有数额小、效率高、门槛低等优势,吸引了有超前消费需求的在校大学生。由于平台监管缺失、大学生消费非理性等因素,校园贷滋生出了高利贷、骗贷、裸贷等乱象,部分行为还构成了违法犯罪。与其他网络贷款方式相比,校园贷具有借款对象单一性、贷款方式隐蔽性、抵押方式非具象性、催款手段违法性、受害学生犯罪转化性等特征,导致校园贷走入迷途。为了有效规范和严格治理校园贷,可以通过建立犯罪防控体系、促进联合监管、强化学生法治意识等路径,将校园贷引入良性发展轨道,最终实现良好的法律效果和社会效果。  相似文献   
Privatizing the administration of American prisons represents a popular tool of correctional governance. In turn, policy and public administration researchers are routinely studying the consequences of prison privatization on criminal justice outcomes such as recidivism rates and prisoner complaints. However, much less attention has been paid to the antecedents of privatization decisions occurring across states, in particular how racial determinants might be influencing privatization outcomes. Building upon existing policy research with theories of social construction and negative racial classification, we argue that privatization debates over corrections management become more racialized when Black prisoners comprise a larger share of the state prison population, predicting higher overall levels of privatization usage. We further argue that this Black prisoner presence-privatization relationship is context-specific and conditioned by two additional variables: (1) levels of mass racial stereotyping and (2) partisan composition of state government. The statistical analysis demonstrates that racial determinants do significantly influence state prison privatization decisions and in complex ways as theorized. In states where Blacks make up a larger share of the prison population, privatization usage is found to be higher. Additionally, in line with theoretical expectations, Black prisoner presence is associated with increased privatization levels most strongly in states where citizenries hold heightened levels of racial fear and Republicans have increased legislative presence. This research is of keen interest to scholars of public policy and management, who could pay more heed to the ways in which race influences decisions around administrative structuring and outcomes for taxpayers and clients.  相似文献   
无罪推定与诉诸无知论证的论证形式虽然相同,但实质却有根本区别,主要表现在两个方面:(1)诉诸无知论证转移了举证责任,无罪推定并未转移举证责任;(2)诉诸无知论证中的立论主体和评判主体相同,无罪推定过程中的立论主体和评判主体并不相同。正是基于这些根本差异,本文认为,无罪推定不同于诉诸无知论证,无罪推定的逻辑本质并不是“诉诸无知”。  相似文献   
刑事二审中新证据的采信对于查明案件事实有重大意义,但刑事诉讼法只是原则性的规定了新证据,对其构成要件及采信标准则需要参照相关司法解释及部门法进一步明确。理论上讲,我国对新证据采取的是随时提出主义,反映了对刑事实质正义的绝对追求。具体到新证据的认定标准上,需要考察时间、原因和种类三个要件。在此基础上,结合证据的可采性原理,可以分别对检察院、辩护人及法院提出的新证据进行科学的采信。  相似文献   
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