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秦晓伟 《阅江学刊》2014,(3):127-133
文学的科学化诉求引发了划分文学语言与非文学语言的冲动。在文论史上,理论家们曾尝试区分日常语言与文学语言、标准语与诗语言及科学语言与诗语言的差异。这些区分一般倾向于在静态框架之内展开。从动态观点来看,日常语言与文学语言之间存在着相互转化;标准语和诗语言之间呈现为相互支撑;科学语言与诗语言之间体现为逻各斯与神话的对立互补。从发生学角度看,语言就是那种在持续流动中减损消逝并增补更新着的事物。语言的内在流变性证明,任何关于文学语言本质的抽象和规定都是不可能的。  相似文献   
Time series of daily mean temperature obtained from the European Climate Assessment data set is analyzed with respect to their extremal properties. A time-series clustering approach which combines Bayesian methodology, extreme value theory and classification techniques is adopted for the analysis of the regional variability of temperature extremes. The daily mean temperature records are clustered on the basis of their corresponding predictive distributions for 25-, 50- and 100-year return values. The results of the cluster analysis show a clear distinction between the highest altitude stations, for which the return values are lowest, and the remaining stations. Furthermore, a clear distinction is also found between the northernmost stations in Scandinavia and the stations in central and southern Europe. This spatial structure of the return period distributions for 25-, 50- and 100-years seems to be consistent with projected changes in the variability of temperature extremes over Europe pointing to a different behavior in central Europe than in northern Europe and the Mediterranean area, possibly related to the effect of soil moisture and land-atmosphere coupling.  相似文献   
本文主要考察清代内地汉民族迁移新疆后的民间信仰和日常活动的保持及其变异,以期描绘、复原移民社区生活的生动图景。  相似文献   
由于第三人称不是言语交际的直接参与者,其指称形式的所指定位存在诸多复杂的情况。基于Langacker的情境植入理论,分析探讨英汉日常语言中第三人称指称形式所指定位的认知规律。研究发现,英汉日常语言中第三人称指称形式的所指会在形态、语义及范畴层次等方面发生变化,其具体定位需通过话语参与者共建话语框架并进行认知加工才能得以完成。  相似文献   
The majority of LGBTQ psychological research focuses on dysfunction. The exclusion of strengths-based perspectives in LGBTQ psychology limits the understanding of LGBTQ mental health. In this article we report experiences that young bisexual and other nonmonosexual people perceive as affirming of their sexual identity. A 28-day, daily diary study was used to investigate whether bisexual-identified participants encountered positive experiences related to their sexual identity, and which type of experiences they perceived to be positive. Using a constructivist grounded theory approach, participants’ experiences were organized according to a social ecological model. Experiences were reported at the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and institutional levels, but most positive sexual identity experiences occurred at the interpersonal level. Implications for positive health outcome research and the integration of positive psychology with LGBTQ psychology are discussed, as well as study limitations.  相似文献   
劳动社会生产力的发展致使在资本主义商品经济中有资本利润率趋向下降的规律,文中基于相同的原因又得出了在商品经济社会中也存在着工人生活必需品扩大的规律,并通过对于主要资本主义国家经济史的考察,验证了这一规律的正确性。最后,本文运用OLS法对我国国民收入结构进行线性回归分析发现:增加低收入者、工人阶层的工资收入,自觉运用工人生活必需品扩大规律,是当前破解宏观经济问题的关键。  相似文献   
北京市老年人休闲生活研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于对北京市老年人休闲生活的抽样调查数据,描绘了老年人日常休闲活动的日程安排;概述了老年人在体育、文娱兴趣、学习、公益及旅行游玩5大类休闲活动的参与情况;采用聚类分析的方法将老年人口及其休闲行为分成3个类别,并进行了类间比较;探讨了伴侣、子女及友人等在休闲和日常生活中的陪伴对老年人社会支持的提升以及对休闲生活品质的促进作用。  相似文献   
三十四年代文学中的上海形象经历了白天、夜晚和日常的递变。茅盾用公债市场、工厂、小汽车构成白天的上海;新感觉派作家们用夜总会、舞厅、街道描画了一个夜的上海;张爱玲则用公馆、公寓、里弄砌成了日常的上海。在欲望的指引下,它们共同完成了我们对老上海的现代想象。  相似文献   
萧也牧的《我们夫妇之间》和沈西蒙、漠雁、吕兴臣编剧的九场话剧《霓虹灯下的哨兵》是较早的“乡下人进城”作品.《我》的饱受争议与《霓》剧的名噪一时形成了鲜明的反差,这源于二者对城乡日常生活方式差异的不同想象.经由这一文学现象的考察,可见当代城乡差异叙事逐渐剥离阶级、国家意识的遮蔽与替代转向不同身份的生命的“生”的个体差异.“差异”的历史衍义折射了国家、阶级、民族宏大叙事的祛魅以及对生命本体差异现状的正视与回归.透视“差异”衍义的审美经验背后的政治,可知进城的乡下人在创造生活的同时也在创造一种历史.  相似文献   
传统的石柱土家"啰儿调"是人们的日常生活的组成部分,在迅速蔓延的全球化背景下的现代,"啰儿调"一度面临失传境地,在保护非物质文化遗产的呼吁声中,它成为了人们的传承客体,乃至消费文本。用艺术人类学视角来对土家"啰儿调"的生存环境、演唱场景及其流变过程进行动态性的描述,并进行分析。  相似文献   
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