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自我分类理论概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自我分类理论产生的直接理论背景是Tajfel的社会认同理论,自我分类理论在Tajfel社会认同理论的基础上直接发展而来。它是针对社会自我概念、去人格化的前提条件和结果等的一系列假设,从社会认知的角度阐释个体主动将群体心理化后,集体现象与个体的社会认知和行为的联结过程。  相似文献   

Adolescent sexual abuse can interfere with healthy development. Sexual abuse that is perpetrated by close other(s)—high betrayal—can be additionally harmful, with sexual abuse being linked with dissociation and nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI). Depersonalization, a dissociative subtype characterized by disconnection between oneself and one’s body and/or thoughts, may further explain the role of dissociation in NSSI. The purpose of the current study was to: 1) isolate the impact of adolescent sexual abuse on NSSI; and 2) examine depersonalization as a pathway between high betrayal adolescent sexual abuse and NSSI. Participants (N = 192) were college students who completed online measures assessing sexual abuse, dissociation, and NSSI. While controlling for child sexual abuse and adult sexual abuse, adolescent sexual abuse predicted NSSI. Moreover, there was an indirect effect of high betrayal adolescent sexual abuse on NSSI through depersonalization, while controlling for child sexual abuse, adult sexual abuse, and medium betrayal (perpetrator: unclose other) adolescent sexual abuse. Findings from the current study have implications for relational cultural therapy as an evidence-informed treatment that highlights the relational harm of interpersonal trauma, while incorporating contextual elements, such as development of maladaptive coping strategies, into therapy.  相似文献   
翻译要达到“信”,仅做到严复所要求的是不够的。艾略特的“非个性化”理论给了译者达“信”的新启示。文章举人文思想在中译文中的得失,来讨论英诗的翻译。因为人文思想是英美文化的组成部分,贯穿英美文学,在英美诗歌中表现尤为显著。翻译大师的某些译作在形式内容等方面均可与原文媲美,但因未曾顾及诗歌中的“人文思想”而显得有些逊色。  相似文献   
就业倦怠是大学生就业过程中新出现的、尚未引起足够重视的一种现象,是由内在的反复心理挫折体验而形成的外显消极行为,其主要表现为情感耗竭、人格解体和个人成就感降低。通过借用马诗勒倦怠问卷,可以对其进行测量和诊断。为了化解就业倦怠,应在增强抗挫折能力的基础上,致力于减少大学生对就业岗位的情感损耗,保证目标岗位与心理期待的始终一致性,提高就业过程中的成就感,并适当进行压力管理和训练。  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to explore predictors of burnout in clinicians working across different mental health settings in Greece. The Maslach & Jackson Inventory (Maslach Burnout Inventory, MBI; Maslach & Jackson, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1981, 2(2), 99–113) was used to evaluate burnout syndrome and assess the relationship between demographic factors (age, children, education, and job experience) and each sub-factor (emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (DP), and personal accomplishment (PA)) of the MBI. Results revealed that out of three burnout factors, EE and PA demonstrated one significant predictor each whereas DP showed no significant predictors. In addition, job experience (years in the job) was found to be a significant predictor of EE in clinical staff. Further analysis showed no significant differences across job type for EE, DP, and PA. The findings are discussed with a focus on prevention and coping strategies for clinicians working in mental health settings.  相似文献   
影响高校教师工作倦怠的因素及对策分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
采用Maslach倦怠量表(MBI)对512名高校教师进行了问卷调查。结果:(1)人口统计学变量方面,男性教师非人性化程度比女性严重(F=6.32,P<0.05),同时比女性体会到更多的个人成就感(F=10.99,P<0.05);年轻教师情感耗竭程度高(F=5.56,P<0.05)而个人成就感低(F=15.06,P<0.05);低职称教师总体倦怠水平高;博士学历教师情感耗竭程度高(F=5.76,P<0.05),本科学历教师个人成就感低(F=12.25,P<0.05);(2)经济收入方面,基本满意和不满意的教师情感耗竭程度高(F=7.82,P<0.05)。结论:高校教师的工作倦怠在性别、年龄、职称、学历和经济收入方面存在差异。  相似文献   
目的:探讨南京市某中医院医务人员职业倦怠状况及其影响因素,为减轻医务人员的职业倦怠状况提供理论依据?方法:应用社会人口学调查表及职业倦怠调查表进行问卷调查,并对结果进行统计分析?结果:性别?受教育程度?岗位?职称?每周工作时间?所属部门?每周体育锻炼次数?每周睡眠时间等均与职业倦怠有关?结论:医生的职业倦怠状况普遍存在,关注医务人员职业倦怠情况迫在眉睫,特别应该关注门诊医生?年轻医生和在高压状态下长时间工作的医务人员?  相似文献   
专业异化指人们在实践中自觉或不自觉的把专业绝对化、把人完全专业化的现象。从专业名称出发,用专业属性规定人的特性,人异变为专业的符号,人的全部等同于专业功能。专业异化是消极的,专业教育代替了整个人才培养;片面强调专业功能,人异化为工具;"专业"名称遮蔽了专业实质和专业人性。对于专业异化的消解主要依靠观念鼎新,配合一定的措施,经过较长时间的努力,有望得到缓解。目前,对于专业异化问题的探讨更大的价值在于理论建设方面。  相似文献   
库切在《等待野蛮人》中展现了系统力量造就的“敌意想象”和情境力量场中的“去个人化”对施恶者人性和行为的强力影响,改变了人们对人性和罪恶行径的定势认知。虽然库切对人性之黑暗有着清晰的洞察,然而,他并没有对人性丧失信心。通过对主人公这一平凡英雄的刻画与褒扬,库切试图向人们传达:只要坚守人性之本分,人完全可以凭借自身意志力抵抗住外在力量的影响,避免走向恶之端。库切对罪恶和人性的深刻剖析显示其作为一名哲学作家的深度思辨。  相似文献   
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