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Water is the source of all life, and is closely related to human civilization. It had a special significance in China, so the ancient Chinese created the dragon god as a symbol of China, the Chinese and Chinese civilization. It can be said that the unique hydrological conditions on the territory of China created three great historical miracles: China, the Chinese people, and Chinese civilization. The Chinese have dedicated more effort than people in any other countries to water control and water use in order to make effective use of water resources and prevent flooding. It is their unparalleled achievements that have laid the foundation for these three miracles. Today, the Chinese people are facing unprecedented challenges in water control and water use. Exploring the historical Chinese relationship with water offers a good opportunity to understand the important role that water plays in long-term social development.  相似文献   
《共产党宣言》蕴含着深刻的生态思想,其体系以人、社会、自然整体为背景,其核心观点认为生态问题是由资本主义生产方式引起的.马克思在唯物史观视野下,科学论证了资产阶级的所有制必然灭亡、共产主义必然实现的历史发展逻辑,廓清了人与人、人与自然之间双重和解的演化路径.其中关于科技提升、市场拓展、交通和通信发展等引起世界市场“生态扩张”的思想,对全球化程度日益加深境况下“生态文明”和“人类命运共同体”的构建具有重大的理论和实践指导价值.  相似文献   
子志月 《民族学刊》2018,9(4):58-63, 116-117
本文在对国内外以社会性别视角进行的生态研究进行梳理的基础上,深入分析了历史上中缅边境北段怒江峡谷中以傈僳族为主体的少数民族妇女在地方民族社会发展进程中为当地生态平衡所做的重要贡献。同时,对在社会转型和边疆农业女性化的现实背景下傈僳族妇女在与生态环境互动的诸多细节进行了深入的调研分析,进而认为妇女与环境的关系必须要放在具体的经济和社会发展的语境中阐释,环境治理中应为少数民族妇女提供发挥能动性的平台,并强调社会性别分析对边疆生态环境治理的积极意义,以及少数民族妇女在边疆地区生态安全的建设过程中所发挥的独特而重要的作用。  相似文献   
习近平生态文明思想是习近平运用辩证唯物主义的基本方法,将马克思主义的生态思想与我国生态文明建设经验相结合而形成的理论创新。它包含生态文明“兴衰论”、生态文明“两山论”、生态文明“民生论”、生态文明“和谐论”、生态文明“共同体论”五重理论内涵,对于我国生态文明建设以及全球生态治理和世界人民树立命运共同体意识具有重要意义。  相似文献   
曾路 《民族学刊》2019,10(6):83-88, 134-136
定向思维模式的建构与解构实际上反映出认知结构的二重性特征,两者在文化认知活动中可互为挹注共存于对立统一关系里。因此,对中国少数民族文化范式的研究,不仅要重视建构之功能催生的符号化文化构成,还应关注解构之功能显现的非常见的文化元素。同时,只有弄清楚定向思维模式的建构与解构在文化认知中的意涵,才能明确定向思维模式的“趋向”和“专注”特点以及“惰化”和“孤立”倾向,从而为牵及民族文化事项的认知固化与迁移提供理论工具并用以指导多元文化实践。  相似文献   
作为习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,习近平生态文明思想这一科学理论有其严密的生成逻辑理路。马克思恩格斯生态文明观的继承发展是其理论逻辑;中华优秀传统文化生态智慧的超越升华是其文化逻辑;历代中国共产党人生态文明思想的承接开拓是其历史逻辑;习近平个人成长发展历程中对生态文明的不懈探索是其实践逻辑;中国特色社会主义生态治理经验的深刻总结是其社会逻辑。深入学习和研究习近平生态文明思想生成的逻辑理路将有助于更系统地认识和理解这一思想产生的时代背景和价值意蕴,也为推进当代中国生态治理和破解全球生态危机提供了基本遵循和科学指南。  相似文献   
This study investigated the risk factors associated with the occurrence of child physical and psychological abuse in South Korea based on the ecological theory of child maltreatment. A subsample of 3‐ to 18‐year‐old children from “A Study on the Current State of Child Abuse and Neglect,” a nationally representative study on child abuse and neglect, was utilized for secondary data analysis. The sample was divided into two age groups (third graders in elementary school and below and fourth graders and above). We utilized hierarchical logistic regression for each age group separately to analyze the data. The variables at each level of the system (i.e., ontogenic development, microsystem, and exosystem) were entered into the model in sequential order. The results showed the common risk factors for both age groups are the caregiver's experience of abuse in childhood, the child's problem behavior, exposure to domestic violence, community size, and informal social control. The child's age was also significant in both groups but in the opposite direction. Social support was a significant predictor for the younger age group only, while the caregiver's level of education was significant for the older age group only. Implications for future research and practice are discussed based on the study results.  相似文献   

The article presents a study of how U.S. social work educators are including discussion, exercises, readings, and other pedagogical approaches to the natural environment into their classrooms. The findings are part of a larger, naturalistic study that gathered data using a semi-structured interview format. The three major themes that emerged were human behavior theory, ecological and environmental justice, and environmental sustainability. The participants are introducing issues of the natural environment using varied pedagogical techniques including readings, in-class discussions and exercises, service learning, assignments, including written and practical work, research, self-awareness exercises, and class facilitation. Questions for further investigation of social work and the natural environment are included.  相似文献   
中华人民共和国成立70年来,与政治制度变革和政治路线变迁相顺应,前30年的新闻史研究,“革命史范式”占据主导地位,研究队伍人数较少,研究对象局限于无产阶级新闻事业。后40年的新闻史研究,新闻史的学科地位确立,汲取传播学及其他学科理论与方法,“新闻本体范式”兴起,研究范式多样化,中国新闻史学会成立,学术队伍人才济济,学术成果丰硕并走向世界。此后的新闻史研究,须更多负起“资治”“知来”之责,创新研究范式,填补研究空缺,建设中国特色新闻史学。  相似文献   
构式与其组构成分间的互动关系一直是构式语法关注的核心问题之一。Goldberg在构式语法理论框架中提出了动词与构式的双向互动观,但在实际论述中却过于强调构式对动词的单向压制,降低了动词义对构式生成的贡献,忽略了对构式组构成分的系统研究。以构式与其组构成分间的互动关系为视点,从构式压制与承继的辩证关系出发,进一步阐释图示构式生成是构式与组构成分在互动压制和多重承继合力作用下的结果。同时,基于封闭语料库穷尽分析汉语羡余否定构式"好不X"的特征,结果表明:构式压制与词汇压制是双向互动的;图示构式特征的形成取决于构式对其组构成分的多重动态承继;图示构式基于互动压制承继合力机制的形成。  相似文献   
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