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2018年9月10日,习近平总书记在全国教育大会上强调:“要树立健康第一的教育理念,开齐开足体育课,帮助学生在体育锻炼中享受乐趣、增强体质、健全人格、锤炼意志。”这为我国未来学校体育的发展指明了方向。学校体育要认真贯彻落实习近平总书记的重要讲话精神,把增进学生的身心健康作为学校体育工作的出发点和落脚点,切实提高学生的身心健康水平,促进学生全面发展。本文首先阐述了习近平总书记重要讲话精神的核心要义,以及所体现的以人为本的思想、高度重视把学生的健康放在首位、非常关注学生的身心协调发展等。其次,就如何落实习近平总书记的重要讲话精神提出了建设性意见:必须开齐开足体育课,保证校内外锻炼时间;提高体育课和课外体育活动的教育教学质量,加强学生的运动效果;“五育”并重,将学校体育纳入学校教育质量评价的重要组成部分;体育教师应树立强烈的社会责任感和使命感等措施和建议。  相似文献   
Value‐added models (VAMS) are commonly used in high‐income countries for measuring the quality of teachers and schools, on the grounds that they are a fairer reflection of true quality than simple average test scores, as they account for differences in student intake. Not accounting for student's prior test scores can give a misleading impression of school quality. In this article, we adapt the current VAM of secondary school quality to the Ugandan context, and test its robustness. Using official test score data from Uganda, we test the robustness of the model to a range of different empirical specifications, including sensitivity to the inclusion of controls for student socioeconomic status. We find that the model is robust to a variety of different specifications and control variables. The VAM is low cost and has the potential to provide a clearer signal to parents, teachers, schools, and policy‐makers about how much learning is actually happening in different schools. This approach could be carried out at low cost in a wide range of low‐income countries that have similar testing regimes.  相似文献   
基于通识教育的内涵和师范教育的特性,师范院校通识教育的使命体现在两个层面:终极层面,即"完整的人"的培养;专业层面,即教育信念的培养。师范院校通识教育在理念、课程、教师、教学方式、教学管理等方面还存在问题。改进和完善师范院校通识教育,必须首先确立科学的通识教育理念,明确通识教育的使命,加强对通识教育理念的宣传;从通识教育的理念和使命出发,顶层设计通识教育课程体系;强化通识教育师资建设,建设一支专、兼结合的优质通识教育课程师资队伍;创新通识教育教学方式,积极推进小班讨论教学、研究型教学,强化经典导课程教学,在专业方向课程教学中融渗通识教育,将专业教育和通识教育有机结合;加强通识教育管理工作,探索建立全校层面的通识教育机构,建立通识教育质量评估反馈机制,建立通识教育课程教学助教制,实施双导师制,推进优质通识教学资源共享。  相似文献   
办学特色是我国高等教育大众化背景下新建地方本科院校求生存、谋发展的必然选择。本文首先分析了高校 办学特色的科学内涵,并以泉州师范学院为例,对新建地方本科院校的办学特色进行了优劣势分析,并从办学定位、学科专业 建设、人才培养、服务社会、师资队伍、校园文化等六个方面,提出了培育高校办学特色的具体建议。  相似文献   
There is widespread belief that dropping out of high school leads to economic hardship. This belief rests on tenuous evidence. High school dropouts likely face an increased risk of economic hardship because of differences beyond a high school diploma. In particular, dropouts are more likely to come from disadvantaged backgrounds and thus face an elevated risk of economic hardship. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1979 Cohort, I estimate the consequences of dropping out by comparing dropouts to their siblings who completed high school. I also present OLS regression estimates using the same data. OLS regression estimates are consistently higher than sibling fixed effects estimates with the largest discrepancy occurring between estimates of the effect of dropping out on income-to-poverty ratio. However, the sibling fixed effect estimates reveal that dropping out has an effect on economic hardship net of unobserved background characteristics that are shared by siblings. I conclude with a discussion of how recent policy shifts affect the economic standing of low-ability students and suggest avenues for future research.  相似文献   
While many previous studies have identified a positive relationship between teachers unions and student achievement on standardized tests, little research to date has explored the channels through which unions might actually affect achievement. Utilizing multilevel random intercept models, we examine the effects of two categories of items commonly negotiated in teacher contracts—“industrial union” items and “professional union” items—on individual student math scores. Further, we assess the ability of these two clusters of variables to explain the positive union effect found in previous research. The results confirm that teachers unions are positively associated with student achievement and suggest that the industrial model explains moderately more of the union effect than the professional model; however, only the combination of both models is capable of reducing the union effect to nonsignificance. These findings are also confirmed in a supplemental analysis utilizing instrumental variables to account for the possibility of endogeneity. Finally, a decomposition of the union effect suggests that teachers unions are most beneficial to middle‐ and high‐achieving students. We conclude that through industrial and professional bargaining, teachers are able to secure higher salaries, credentialing, and greater autonomy which lead to improved student achievement.  相似文献   
稳定的教师职业忠诚是一种宝贵的教育资源,爱岗敬业是教师职业忠诚最显著的特征。然而,当前教师职业忠 诚度在教师队伍中整体上呈衰减态势,有的教师甚至发生职业疏离与异动,原因虽然是多方面的,但学校管理缺乏对教师的人 文关怀也是其重要的一种原因。领导者确立新的教师观与教师管理观;无私地放弃自己某些特殊权利;智慧地践行多种人本 化管理措施,是学校管理提升教师职业忠诚的应有之举。  相似文献   
电子校务是国家电子政务建设的重要组成部分,是学校应用现代信息化通信技术、借助互联网对管理和服务进行的优化和创新,电子校务在高校中的应用虽然取得了一定的成效,作为教务管理模块中的考务管理却鲜有被涉及。课程考试是我国高校教务管理工作中的一项重要工作,考务管理则是保证对学生进行有效考核的基础。因此,如何利用先进管理理念和信息化技术手段对考务管理模式进行优化,提高高校人才培养质量,已成为高校亟待研究、解决的问题。  相似文献   
提升学生的阅读素养是当前我国阅读课程教学改革的重要目标之一。本研究首次尝试将群文阅读这种新兴的阅读教学方式与传统的单本阅读教学方式进行对比研究,主要从提升学生阅读兴趣的效能方面进行分析与探讨。实验涉及我国中西部5个省市、6个区县共计1 231名中小学生,并使用MIMIC模型,在有效控制测量误差的基础上,对实证数据进行了量化建模与分析,通过分析发现,群文阅读教学对激发学生阅读的“情境兴趣”有更加显著的作用,具体表现为对学生阅读注意力、情感体验、探索意愿、价值感知的影响更大,同时也验证了Knogler提出的“情境兴趣模型”在阅读教学领域的适用性,从而为进一步推进我国中小学阅读课程教学改革提供了科学的数据支撑。因此,为提升中小学生阅读素养,在阅读教学中引入群文阅读这一新兴的教学方式,具有重要的实践价值和现实意义。  相似文献   
中文笔迹特征与人格特质关系密切,为了研究中年级小学生笔迹的工整性与自信心的关系,采用罗森博格《自信心量表》和中文笔迹评定材料对125名中年级小学生进行测试。结果发现:(1)中年级小学生自信者和自我感觉平常者比重大,约占95%,自卑者和超级自信者比重小,约占5%;(2)自信心和笔迹工整性正相关显著(r=0.24,P<0.05);(3)笔迹工整性对自信心具有预测作用,笔迹工整性可解释自信心9.3%的变异(R2=0.093);(4)笔迹工整性存在显著的性别差异(F=41.62,P<0.05),男性笔迹得分的平均分显著低于女性。可以得出:(1)中年级小学生自信心状况整体良好;(2)受测者笔迹越工整,自信心越高;(3)笔迹工整性对自信心具有预测作用;(4)性别影响笔迹工整性,男生的笔记工整性不如女生。  相似文献   
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