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This work constitutes a systematic review of the empirical literature about emotional facial expressions displayed in the context of family interaction. Searches of electronic databases from January 1990 until December 2016 generated close to 4400 articles, of which only 26 met the inclusion criteria. Evidence indicate that affective expressions were mostly examined through laboratory and naturalistic observations, within a wide range of interactive contexts in which mother–child dyads significantly outnumbered father–child dyads. Moreover, dyadic partners were found to match each others’ displays and positive and neutral facial expressions proving more frequent than negative facial expressions. Finally, researchers observed some developmental and gender differences regarding the frequency, intensity, and category of emotional displays and identified certain links among facial expression behavior, family relations, personal adjustment, and peer-related social competence.  相似文献   
This article focuses on research ethics in highly intimate research with possible impact on life and death. In order to stimulate an open-ended dialogue about research ethics, we reflect on four ethical challenges that came up during our research into older people with a wish to die. Drawing on our experiences, we discuss (1) the possibly confirming influence of our research on the death wish (moral experience of whether or not to disregard responsibility); (2) the suggested duty to intervene (moral experience of whether or not to compromise the person’s autonomy); (3) the researcher’s authority and power over the data (moral experience of threatening a person’s self-narrative) and (4) the dilemma of intimacy (moral experience of encountering the tragic). For guidance in addressing these challenges, we draw upon work on research ethics from phenomenological and care ethics scholars, as well as from those writing about relational ethics in health research. We suggest that being open about ethical uneasiness is important, because in most cases of a grey area, there are only open-ended answers needing an enquiring mind, rather than clear and fixed guidelines. Acknowledgement of ethical uneasiness and open-ended reflexivity are indispensable to constitute a morally good research practice.  相似文献   
《围城》与《历史人》都是著名校园讽刺小说.其代表人物李梅亭与霍华德·科克都是生活在动荡时期相对平静的大学校园“围城”中的高级知识分子,他们在日常生活中言与行的矛盾、表与里的抵牾,在职场生涯中道貌岸然的显性身份表象与其庸俗无聊、滑稽可笑的隐性角色扮演形成的伦理悖论,无疑具有强烈的喜剧效果和深刻的反讽性质.由于人物所处经济、政治、文化背景不同,其伦理悖论又各具特点,李梅亭身上散发出陈腐的朱熹式伪道学气息,霍华德·科克则是在激进外表下包裹着极端利己主义.李梅亭与霍华德·科克形象蕴含的伦理悖论在知识分子中具有一定典型性,其形象既为历史存照,也对今天重塑大学灵魂、重塑知识分子健全人格具有一定镜鉴意义.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the Chinese government’s policy of purchasing social services and discusses how relevant organisations provide social work and develop it within local socio-political and cultural contexts. An ethnographic research method was adopted for the study by the first author while participating in social work development in Q City. We argue that the policy of purchasing social services succeeded in achieving “embedded development” but also created a “conjuncture structure” in cultural reproduction. However, due toprofessional social workers in China have, in practice, passively responded to the conjuncture there has been a failure to reproduce professional values of social work in the Chinese cultural context. Therefore, further development of social work in China needs to strengthen cultural reflection in practical actions, focus on the exploration of cultural connections between social work practice and local communities, and enhance the cultural capacity of social workers in the local cultural context.  相似文献   
通过对抗性设计方法解决项目评审中的社会伦理问题,为专家、申请者、大众提供争论和表达异议的民主环境。项目自动评价平台完成民主环境的构建,呈现专家、申请者、平台的争胜性关系,揭示霸权,旨在重塑自由、平等、公平、正义、特权等的项目评审中的社会伦理。  相似文献   
堪称伦理思想者,当有指认依据在。以梁漱溟为例,提出伦理思想的三个指认依据:一是基本稳定的形上基础;二是相对系统的伦理主张;三是较为广泛的实际影响。只有坚持论从史出,我们才有可能靠近历史人物伦理思想的历史真实和价值真实。  相似文献   
投资者是否可以利用“软”信息来识别公司的真实价值?社会心理学理论认为人在提供虚假信息(如撒谎)的时候会流露出负面情绪,进而反映到面部表情上。论文以2009年至2014年在创业板上市的公司为样本,分析公司上市后的业绩变脸幅度与其董事长在IPO路演讲话时的负面情绪水平之间的关系。为了提高结论的可靠性,本研究首先基于实验室实验方法设计欺骗行为实验,检验了Facereader软件测量面部表情给出的负面情绪值与欺骗行为之间的相关性。本研究指出可以利用董事长在IPO路演讲话的面部表情来识别公司的真实价值,该结论为保护投资者利益提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   
“微公益”是指从微不足道的小事入手开展公益活动,注重由少积多的公益行为。与传统的公益活动相比,微公益呈现出参与人数多、事情小、目标明确、针对性强、运用现代传媒方式等特点。结合微公益呈现的特点,对微时代下的人人公益行为以及微公益过程本身引发的伦理道德问题,如社会信任、道德自觉性、法律关系、公平性、权利与义务等问题进行深入剖析。通过问卷调查法、访谈法,对重庆市公民进行了关于微公益认识与伦理问题的调查研究,从伦理学、社会学的视角着手,介绍微公益伦理问题的表现,分析微公益伦理存在的原因,提出从法律法规的制定、监管力度的完善、诚信品质的落实及网络道德的建设等方面应对微公益凸显的伦理问题。  相似文献   
随着网络直播的兴起和网红经济的发展,"网红直播带货"成为一种新的重要营销方式,它不仅能满足人们个性化的物质需求,而且能满足个体的社交化情感诉求,但其中所潜藏的诚信缺失和个体消费成瘾等伦理失范问题较为突出。加强个人义利观教育、完善社会诚信监督机制,丰盈个体精神生活、净化社会消费风气,则是解决这些伦理问题的可行性路径。  相似文献   
《Risk analysis》2018,38(9):1820-1829
Ethical analysis is often needed in the preparation of policy decisions on risk. A three‐step method is proposed for performing an ethical risk analysis (eRA). In the first step, the people concerned are identified and categorized in terms of the distinct but compatible roles of being risk‐exposed, a beneficiary, or a decisionmaker. In the second step, a more detailed classification of roles and role combinations is performed, and ethically problematic role combinations are identified. In the third step, further ethical deliberation takes place, with an emphasis on individual risk‐benefit weighing, distributional analysis, rights analysis, and power analysis. Ethical issues pertaining to subsidiary risk roles, such as those of experts and journalists, are also treated in this phase. An eRA should supplement, not replace, a traditional risk analysis that puts emphasis on the probabilities and severities of undesirable events but does not cover ethical issues such as agency, interpersonal relationships, and justice.  相似文献   
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