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通过对抗性设计方法解决项目评审中的社会伦理问题,为专家、申请者、大众提供争论和表达异议的民主环境。项目自动评价平台完成民主环境的构建,呈现专家、申请者、平台的争胜性关系,揭示霸权,旨在重塑自由、平等、公平、正义、特权等的项目评审中的社会伦理。  相似文献   
“厅壁记”是镌刻在古代衙门的墙壁上,记述历代职官沿革、制度得失、官员迁转等,具有警示教育意义的一种文体.唐代御史的厅壁记写作重视“法”的作用,有些甚至上升为国家意志,与粉饰太平的馆阁文学大不相同,是中国法制史上浓墨重彩的一笔.唐代御史的厅壁记写作有着独特的文学价值:(1)李华、柳宗元的诸多厅壁记均用散体文写就,简洁真切,议论精警,已开中唐古文运动的先声.(2)唐代御史在厅壁记创作中注入鲜明的主体意识,语言辛辣,发人深思.唐代御史厅壁记的文献学价值表现在:一是订补现存史志文献之阙,促进唐史研究的深入;二是有助于对唐代文学发生背景的了解.唐代御史厅壁记因观览人数较多,其公众宣传、社会传播、舆论导向之作用亦不可忽视.  相似文献   
奢靡世风之下的儒、商互动,建立在士人逐利、商贾求名基础之上,导致士商相混,界限模糊。这一方面促使郎署文人自觉不自觉地调整、改易着其写作风貌,以前多适用于上流社会的一些应用文体,很大程度上因之走向商贾、市井之家,逐渐普泛化、世俗化。另一方面,它又是“性灵”说的催生剂。同时,还使得一些郎署文人关注通俗文学,自觉参与到小说、戏曲等通俗文学样式的创作、刊刻、批评与传播过程中。这从内外两个层面,对郎署文学形成很大冲撞,致使其文学权力下降。从某种意义上说,这标志着晚明文学开始由以传统诗文为主的雅文学,逐渐向以小说、戏曲为重心的通俗文学转型。  相似文献   
史称“新感觉派”后起之秀的黑婴是唯一一位跻身于1930年代中国主流文坛的南洋华侨作家。这位生于荷印棉兰,长于广东梅县,深造于“魔都”上海的新一代南洋华侨,在“民国时态”浓郁的南洋氛围中登陆沪上文坛。在此跨文化的激烈碰撞与深度融合中,黑婴经由“乡愁”的激发与引领,讲述了新一代南洋华侨青年的苦难、迷惘以及艰难的蜕变。今天看来,这种包含着独特生命体验和丰富历史痛感的文化乡愁,正是南侨作家黑婴在“华文文学”和“海派文学”的脉络之外,贡献给中国现代文学真正而独特的“新感觉”。  相似文献   
《Risk analysis》2018,38(9):1820-1829
Ethical analysis is often needed in the preparation of policy decisions on risk. A three‐step method is proposed for performing an ethical risk analysis (eRA). In the first step, the people concerned are identified and categorized in terms of the distinct but compatible roles of being risk‐exposed, a beneficiary, or a decisionmaker. In the second step, a more detailed classification of roles and role combinations is performed, and ethically problematic role combinations are identified. In the third step, further ethical deliberation takes place, with an emphasis on individual risk‐benefit weighing, distributional analysis, rights analysis, and power analysis. Ethical issues pertaining to subsidiary risk roles, such as those of experts and journalists, are also treated in this phase. An eRA should supplement, not replace, a traditional risk analysis that puts emphasis on the probabilities and severities of undesirable events but does not cover ethical issues such as agency, interpersonal relationships, and justice.  相似文献   
张慎 《北方论丛》2015,(6):43-47
雷达是秉承着当代文学社会历史批评传统走上文学批评道路的。社会学批评方法在20世纪50—70年代存在“泛政治化”“泛阶级论”的弊病,并在“文革”期间走向了极端,沦为沾满血污的“棍棒”。为了使社会学批评正常化、健康化,1980年代的文艺理论批评界对社会学批评的“真实性”“时代本质”“思想倾向性”等尺度进行了调整。雷达的文学批评历程恰恰体现了社会学批评方法面对时代转型与文学新潮进行积极调整的过程。与阎纲、许觉民等年长的批评家一道,雷达迎纳新潮,独立思考,渐渐形成了他凝聚着个性魅力的“历史—美学”批评,为备受质疑与冷遇的社会学批评方法开拓了蜕变与更生之路。  相似文献   
文章以中国民营企业家为研究对象,采用跨案例分析法探讨企业家伦理领导行为的内涵结构及特征,并在此基础上开发具有中国情境特点的民营企业家伦理领导行为量表。研究结果显示:受中国儒家伦理文化影响,中国民营企业家伦理领导行为包括"德性修养""集体动机"和"天下情怀"三个维度;企业家的伦理领导行为表现为"修己安人"的关系内涵,企业家自身不仅践行着较高的伦理道德标准,且将之扩展至对员工、组织行为的引导和规范;本研究开发的中国民营企业家伦理领导行为量表具有良好的信度和效度。文章丰富了西方伦理型领导理论和高阶理论研究,对中国本土企业家如何提高领导力有着重要启示。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the Chinese government’s policy of purchasing social services and discusses how relevant organisations provide social work and develop it within local socio-political and cultural contexts. An ethnographic research method was adopted for the study by the first author while participating in social work development in Q City. We argue that the policy of purchasing social services succeeded in achieving “embedded development” but also created a “conjuncture structure” in cultural reproduction. However, due toprofessional social workers in China have, in practice, passively responded to the conjuncture there has been a failure to reproduce professional values of social work in the Chinese cultural context. Therefore, further development of social work in China needs to strengthen cultural reflection in practical actions, focus on the exploration of cultural connections between social work practice and local communities, and enhance the cultural capacity of social workers in the local cultural context.  相似文献   

This study analysed the influence of praise and criticism on moral pride (the pride we feel when we believe we have done something morally good) and guilt. Ninety-two adolescents (age: M = 15.17, SD = 0.43; 44.6% girls, 55.4% boys) completed a questionnaire which outlined 10 scenarios based on combinations of three variables: the moral nature of the action (positive/negative); praise, criticism or the absence of either; and the source (parents/peers). Participants were asked to indicate the intensity with which they would feel pride and guilt (seven-point scale). Praise of positive actions increased pride. Interestingly, criticism of positive actions reduced pride and increased guilt, while praise of negative actions reduced guilt and increased pride. No differences were found between the pride felt after a criticized positive action and that felt after a praised negative action. A parallel effect was not, however, observed for guilt. These results reveal the strong, sometimes pernicious, influence of praise and criticism on guilt and pride and, even more, the need for praise by others in the experience of moral pride.  相似文献   
儿童文学的"游戏精神"主要是指在儿童作品文本中体现出的、通过人物游戏所传递的一种符合儿童心理需求和审美旨趣,并实现儿童内心愿望的精神。周作人认为儿童文学的游戏精神是"幻想精神""愉悦精神"和"自由精神"。儿童文学游戏精神具有快乐性、幻想性和自由性的三性特征"。游戏精神"在儿童文学中作品的主要呈现形式为:通过"顽童""小大人""、反派"等人物形象的塑造凸显游戏精神;通过故事情节蕴涵的笨拙与聪明、嬉笑与吵闹、虚拟与真实凸显游戏精神;通过语言夸张凸显荒诞美、语言颠倒凸显逆向思维、语言突转凸显惊奇,从而凸显游戏精神。游戏精神对于儿童文学作品编创的意义在于:游戏精神是儿童文学的基本属性和内涵所在,新媒介时代儿童文学的发展需要延续游戏精神。因此游戏精神是儿童文学的作品编创的重要依据和准则。  相似文献   
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