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科技金融是"第一生产力"与"第一助推力"的有机结合,承担着带动地区经济高质量发展的重要使命.基于当前我国科技金融结合不断推进的背景,文章以2007—2016年我国共285个地级市的面板数据为例,运用双重差分法(DID)对科技部、中国人民银行等五部门推行的科技金融结合试点政策对试点地区经济增长的带动效应及机制进行检验.结果表明:第一,科技金融结合试点政策能够有效带动试点地区经济增长,这一结论具有稳健性;第二,科技金融结合试点政策对试点地区经济增长的带动作用存在显著的地域性差异,东部最强、中部次之、西部最弱;第三,进一步的机制检验表明科技金融结合试点政策能够通过提升地区科技创新水平和推动产业结构合理化的双重路径带动地区经济增长.为了进一步推动科技与金融相结合,提升地区经济发展水平,各地政府应高度重视科技金融结合试点政策对地区经济发展的正外部性,积极申报试点城市建设.同时,应结合各地市情社情制定差异化试点政策,大力提升科技创新与产业结构合理化水平,充分发挥其对地区经济增长的中介作用.  相似文献   
基于CHARLS 2015数据,采用倾向得分匹配法实证分析参加医疗保险对农村居民健康的影响。研究发现:参加医疗保险对农村居民的日常活动能力和自评健康影响不显著,参加医疗保险对农村居民认知能力具有显著的正向影响。据此提出,应进一步提升社会医疗保险保障水平、扩大社会医疗保险保障范围、促进商业医疗保险有序发展、推进"三医"高效协同联动等,以充分发挥医疗保险的健康保障功能,从而进一步提升参加医疗保险对农村居民健康的正向影响。  相似文献   
民族记忆既是传承民族文化基因的载体,也是彰显民族文化基因的重要文化表征。民族记忆作为延续民族历史和文化基因的内在根基,通过传承民族历史文化、建构民族身份、塑造民族形象等形式传承和彰显民族文化基因的内在特征。以瑶族为代表的少数民族文化基因是中华民族文化基因的重要组成部分,深入挖掘瑶族民族记忆中蕴含的“中华民族共同体”文化基因,并阐释其内在的价值与意义,对培育和铸牢我国各民族的“中华民族共同体”意识有着重要的理论价值与现实意义。  相似文献   

This essay comes out of my experience as an attendee at the #MeTooPoliSci short course in the American Political Science Association meeting in 2018. I use the framework of policy feedback theory to explain the difficulty in reforming sexual harassment policies at universities and prescribe some actions we as scholars can take to improve the situations at our places of employment.  相似文献   
从理论层面揭示区域一体化影响城市土地利用效率(ULUE)的内在机理,构建区域一体化背景下“规模+结构+集聚”的ULUE测度体系,并综合利用小波神经网络、空间分异模型和空间回归分析探索2003-2015年长江中游城市群ULUE的空间关联特征及其影响因素。结果发现:①区域一体化背景下长江中游城市群ULUE从2003的0.561 4增长至2015年的0.811 1,且呈现出明显的区域差异。②ULUE并非随机分布,而是具有空间上的关联特征和集群趋势。且由于不同集聚区内扩散效应在空间上渗透不均衡,其关联性主要表现为空间依赖性和空间异质性。③区域一体化背景下长江中游城市群ULUE在空间关联上具有“近水楼台先得月”和“门当户对”的特征,地理位置的空间相邻、投资消费结构和产业结构的相似是其空间关联的主要成因。  相似文献   
In this paper, two new multiple influential observation detection methods, GCD.GSPR and mCD*, are introduced for logistic regression. The proposed diagnostic measures are compared with the generalized difference in fits (GDFFITS) and the generalized squared difference in beta (GSDFBETA), which are multiple influential diagnostics. The simulation study is conducted with one, two and five independent variable logistic regression models. The performance of the diagnostic measures is examined for a single contaminated independent variable for each model and in the case where all the independent variables are contaminated with certain contamination rates and intensity. In addition, the performance of the diagnostic measures is compared in terms of the correct identification rate and swamping rate via a frequently referred to data set in the literature.  相似文献   
中国当代文学在进入“新时期”后随着主流意识形态文艺制度的松绑而发生了重要的身份转向。这种“转向”一方面表现为作家写作心态的重要变化,另一方面也表现为文学风格的根本变化,同时还表现为文学启蒙主义现代性使命的重新回归。中国当代文学在进入“新时期”后的这种复杂现代性身份转型,为20世纪80年代后的中国社会现代性建设提供了重要的想象支持。  相似文献   

Huge advances have been made in deepening and expanding our knowledge of gendered migration over the last decades in both theoretical and methodological terms. Empirically it is, however, still the case that North–South migration is at the basis of most theorisations, leaving the characteristics of South–South migration at the margins. In this paper we, therefore, shift the focus to intra- and trans-regional migration in a South–South context in exploring what this means for women migrants. While feminist scholars have highlighted care and the ways in which migration challenges social reproduction as an important issue, mainstream approaches continue to focus predominantly on the ‘productive’ lives of migrant workers. With migration theories still largely drawing on the experience of South–North migration, there continues to be relatively little understanding of South–South migration’s gender dynamics, despite the fact that many of the highly feminised, yet hyper-precarious, migration flows occur intra-regionally.  相似文献   
历史照亮过去,历史启迪未来。以党史、新中国史、改革开放史、社会主义发展史为核心内容的“四史”教育,是以历史为基础的思想政治教育。从党史、新中国史、改革开放史、社会主义发展史中挖掘思想政治理论课教育资源,对高校传承红色基因、落实立德树人根本任务具有重要的指导意义。以庆祝中国共产党成立100周年为契机,将“四史”教育融入高校思想政治理论课教学,必须遵循相应的逻辑理路:树立正确党史观、坚定理想信念的价值追求是融入的逻辑立场;强化大历史观、理解党的伟大贡献是融入的逻辑方法;坚持内在统一性、把握“四史”教育的整体性逻辑是融入的基本前提;抓住侧重点、精准对接各门大学生思想政治理论课程是融入的逻辑核心;坚持实践逻辑、引导大学生从“四史”中汲取智慧和力量是融入的根本遵循。  相似文献   
[Abstract] Based on a single and on two independent samples, joint confidence regions for parameters of Pareto distributions are proposed with minimum volume properties and without assigning the confidence level to dimensions. In the one-sample case, comparisons are made to former simultaneous confidence sets for Pareto parameters by means of simulation and a real data set. The two-sample case is studied in various set-ups and comprises simultaneous confidence regions for the shape parameters, the scale parameters, and higher-dimensional vectors of these parameters, where common shape and common scale models are also considered.  相似文献   
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