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存在构式是语言学中普遍的语言现象,本文选取了构式语法理论作为理论基础,对英汉存在句的构式进行对比 分析,以挖掘二者的本质差异。研究结果发现:①句首部分方面,英语存在构式由there引导,有固定的形式、意义及位置,且 there?仅作主语,而非主题;汉语存在构式中句首部分则由方位短语或时间短语引导,形式、意义非固定但位置固定,且句首短 语既是主语又是主题。②动词方面,英语存在构式中的动词作为必备要素出现,而汉语中动词存在的必要性则取决于不同的 语境条件,若一旦出现,将直接决定构式的动态或静态属性,作用至关重要  相似文献   
This study explored the case of a former addict, focusing on his existential self‐interpretation and identity transformation process. This study began from the question of whether philosophical processes related to existential self‐interpretation could lead to the formation of the concept of bottoming out and of identity transformation. To answer this question, the study analyzed the case of a male in his mid‐forties who was addicted to drugs for approximately 30 years and has only recently maintained abstinence. The study used the phenomenological approach to determine the meaning drugs held for him in each stage, and what drug‐related identity he had in each stage. Further, this study identified the integrative implications of these meanings in terms of existential self‐interpretation and identity transformation. The four different identities the man identified for the four stages of his life were juvenile delinquent, gang member, half‐gangster, and breadwinner, and the associated meanings drugs had for him during each period were “glue,” “filthy,” “leeches,” and “abstinence,” respectively. Finally, this study elucidated the integration of these meanings through the hermeneutic circle, identified the social welfare implications of the findings, and developed educational recommendations.  相似文献   
Undergoing a traumatic experience can be a life-changing event, having a significant impact on individuals, families, communities, workplaces and societies. Traumatology is therefore a complex field of study demanding a sophisticated level of understanding to serve as a theory base. This article explores the potential for existentialist philosophy to make an important contribution to our understanding of trauma and its effects. It presents trauma as an existential injury and explores the psychosocial basis of traumatic experience — that is, conceptualising trauma as having both psychological and sociological dimensions, the combination of which has profound existential resonances. While the theoretical ideas discussed can be applied to trauma at any stage in the life course, this paper focuses in particular on childhood trauma. Consequently, child abuse is used as an example of how trauma can have a significant (and detrimental) effect on identity development, invoking a need for a commitment to trauma recovery.  相似文献   
Counselors may benefit from applying principles of existential psychotherapy to career counseling with Black men. Existential psychotherapy asserts that there are 4 issues that all people experience: death, freedom, isolation, and meaning. The life experiences of Black men, including difficulty with their careers, suggest that they may struggle with these existential concerns, particularly finding meaning in their lives. Because work and issues in other domains of life (e.g., family, community) often intersect, an existentially based career counseling approach may prove useful. An overview of existential psychotherapy is presented, followed by a discussion of its applicability to career counseling with Black men. In addition to suggestions for career counselors, recommendations for training and professional development are offered.  相似文献   
存现句在英语和汉语中普遍存在,且有同有异,但有关英汉存现结构的现有解释机制仍有不足。文章以乔姆斯基(1998,1999)最简探索理论为背景,在Collins(2005)提出的左向移动假说的理论框架下从句法层面对英汉存现句作了统一的解释。  相似文献   
我国度量衡起源很早。历代度量衡都经历了不断演变的过程。《说文解字》所收度量衡量词大致包括长度单位量词、地积单位量词、容量单位量词、重量单位量词等。其说解简明扼要,溯源穷流;有点有面,各成系统;既言汉世规章,又述周代古制。《说文解字》对所收度量衡量词的说解,充分反映出中国文化"天人合一"的思想。  相似文献   
丰富的量词是现代汉语最重要的特点之一。它可以分类为名量词和动量词,也可分类为人称类量词和非人称类量词。汉语量词具有不同的语用功能。分析汉语量词的类别及语用特征,探讨汉语量词的翻译方法,具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   
作为俄语简单句的三种基本类型之一,存在句具有自身的结构和语义特征.本文着重论述了存在句的三种句法结构类型:完全结构存在句、简略结构存在句和称名结构存在句,旨在解决使用存在句时应注意的问题.  相似文献   
在西方现代哲学各派日益把哲学逻辑化、语言化,使哲学之路越走越窄的理论背景下,广松涉以"物象化论"为哲学方法,对以康德、马赫、胡塞尔和海德格尔为代表的西方实体主义的哲学传统进行了批判,由此实现了从物的世界观到事的世界观、从实体主义到关系主义的哲学变革.在格外重视生态平衡与可持续发展的当代世界,关系主义应有实体主义所不具有的理论价值与现实意义.  相似文献   
文章以英语作为参照,从形式、功能和认知的角度出发,对汉语“LP+VP+NP”存在句句型中的句首方位结构进行了全面的分析:对方位词进行了界定,确定了方位结构的语法属性;对句首方位结构的语法功能作了探讨;从认知语言学的角度出发,分析了句首方位结构的认知功能。  相似文献   
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