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张爱玲与施叔青分别在20世纪40年代与80年代创作了多篇以香港为题材的小说。她们以独特的女性视角指出了都市女性苍凉的生存困境,并揭示了女性原始而又恒久存在的“原罪意识”。在物欲和情欲的支配下,张爱玲笔下的女性成为男性的附庸,无法活出自我,逐渐沉沦下去。而施叔青小说中的女性虽然曾一度沦为物质的俘虏,但大多能走出来自省,从欲望中觉醒,获得新生。  相似文献   
This study investigates gender differences in recently arrived migrants’ labour market activity and occupational status both shortly after arrival and with increasing length of stay. We examine the role of education, household composition and traditional gender role values by estimating multi-group multilevel models based on three waves of the New Immigrants to the Netherlands Survey. In line with findings regarding gender gaps in labour market behaviour, recent female migrants are less active on labour market than their male counterparts, and we observe a clear motherhood penalty and fatherhood premium on the number of hours worked. Men and women show only marginal differences in their occupational statuses. Changes over time do not differ between men and women, indicating persistent gender inequality in labour market attainment. Moreover, interesting differences between the nationalities were found. Polish migrants show the highest activity levels and lowest occupational status, also when compared to Bulgarians. Spanish migrants hold the highest occupational statuses. Recent Turkish migrants seem to be better integrated and show fewer gender differences than the more established Turkish minority in the Netherlands.  相似文献   
This paper employs literatures of mobility to explore the ways which rural migrant workers in China are represented publicly via television drama. Through an analysis of the popular serial Mingong, the paper examines the underlying politics of contemporary migration in China through three themes: the territorialisation of rural and urban spaces; the embodiment of boundaries via corporeal practices and subjectivities; and the politicisation of rural migrant desires. This analysis demonstrates the significance of television in crafting discursive understandings of mobility and migrants that are suffused with contemporary governmentalities of generating but also managing and excluding migration.  相似文献   
二十世纪七八十年代西方社会空间转向的出现打破了以往时间独大,而忽视空间维度的局面,大量学者开始关 注空间与空间理论。在文学上也出现了文学作品的空间叙事,非裔美国作家托尼?莫里森的《宠儿》正是空间叙事的典范,通过 在作品中建构社会文化空间、心理空间、社区公共空间,以小说中三个黑人女性命运为时间线,从时间的历史性与空间的共时 性两方面实现十字交叉式叙事,从而实现黑人女性身份的建构。  相似文献   
新世纪以来,一批河南籍女性作家开始崭露头角,并取得了引人注目的成绩。面对急剧转型的时代,传统乡土叙事经验已经无法涵盖已经发生巨变的乡土社会,河南籍女作家以一种更加开放的姿态面对新的乡土世界,她们的创作把日常生活经验转化成一种叙事伦理,从而以独特的乡土感知,细致的文字表述拓宽了传统乡土小说的表现领域,更新补充了乡土小说的叙事内涵,为河南乡土文学注入了新质。  相似文献   
Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Lowland (2013) explores effects of the 1967 Communist Naxalbari uprising in West Bengal India. Irrespective of the glowing reviews the author earned for her truthful representations, the novel presents the pro-Communist uprising in a particular discursive regime that establishes a particular way of remembering and forgetting. Drawing on Foucault’s notion of ‘subjugated knowledges,’ this essay seeks to examine the epistemic hegemonies and mainstream perspectives of the novel that have confined particular experiences and memories of the movement to the margins and rendered them unworthy of epistemic respect in the battle among power/knowledge frameworks. The novel reconstitutes a gendered history of the movement in which women’s story of engagement is spatiotemporally erased and reformulated. I argue that the genealogy of this particular oversight is rooted in the heteronormative capitalist ideology of the States that exercises discursive power over individuals to fabricate a desired truth.  相似文献   
都市民俗是在都市环境中蕴育形成的物质民俗、社会民俗、精神民俗及语言民俗等。在20世纪华洋杂处的上海,都市民俗形成了其特有的兼容并蓄的特点。对上海都市民俗的文学书写经历了20世纪30年代新感觉派的“异质民俗”书写、40年代新市民作家的“日常民俗”书写,以及80、90年代当代作家的“民俗寻根”书写等阶段,从而建构起了一条跨越时空的都市民俗文学书写的独特的风景线。都市民俗的文学创作承传也积淀着作家个人的文化情结与国家民族的文化记忆,具有文学史的意义与价值。  相似文献   
西北地区少数民族整体素质的培养与提高影响到西北地区综合素质的提高,而西北地区少数民族女性受教育的状况影响到少数民族自身整体素质的提高,也影响到对少数民族下一代的教育。制约西北地区少数民族女性发展的主要因素有:自然条件的影响,社会经济形态、政治形态的历史影响,少数民族封闭心理的制约,女性自卑心理的影响。对西北地区少数民族女性社会化发展的问题进行思考,从深层次上对西北地区少数民族女性的教育及社会化发展进行探讨,具有现实意义。  相似文献   
沿袭·颠覆·融合——浅析现代知识女性婚姻观念的嬗变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭是社会的细胞,谈及共建和谐社会,婚姻话题必不可免。本文从现当代文学部分作品着手,分析了知识女性婚姻观的几次重大的嬗变历程,探讨了两性和平共处对共同营造和谐社会的重要意义。  相似文献   
运用弗洛伊德的创伤理论来解读印度女作家阿兰达蒂·洛伊获奖作品《微物之神》,剖析了小说中三代女性所遭遇的身体和心理上的创伤,将宗教、阶级、性别和创伤主题有机连接在一起,从而反映了不仅仅是个别女性,更代表印度女性的整体创伤记忆,同时也表达了印度广大女性对自身生存状态的关注和期待改变的强烈愿望。  相似文献   
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