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科技金融是"第一生产力"与"第一助推力"的有机结合,承担着带动地区经济高质量发展的重要使命.基于当前我国科技金融结合不断推进的背景,文章以2007—2016年我国共285个地级市的面板数据为例,运用双重差分法(DID)对科技部、中国人民银行等五部门推行的科技金融结合试点政策对试点地区经济增长的带动效应及机制进行检验.结果表明:第一,科技金融结合试点政策能够有效带动试点地区经济增长,这一结论具有稳健性;第二,科技金融结合试点政策对试点地区经济增长的带动作用存在显著的地域性差异,东部最强、中部次之、西部最弱;第三,进一步的机制检验表明科技金融结合试点政策能够通过提升地区科技创新水平和推动产业结构合理化的双重路径带动地区经济增长.为了进一步推动科技与金融相结合,提升地区经济发展水平,各地政府应高度重视科技金融结合试点政策对地区经济发展的正外部性,积极申报试点城市建设.同时,应结合各地市情社情制定差异化试点政策,大力提升科技创新与产业结构合理化水平,充分发挥其对地区经济增长的中介作用.  相似文献   
BackgroundHaving a positive childbirth experience is an increasingly valued outcome. Few studies evaluated the women’s satisfaction with childbirth through face-to-face interviews out of the health service environment. The objective of this study was to identify factors associated with a higher level of satisfaction with the childbirth experience among Brazilian women.MethodsThis cross-sectional study involved 287 women giving birth in two hospitals in southern Brazil. Women who gave birth to healthy newborns at term were randomly selected. Face-to-face interviews were conducted 31–37 days after delivery, at the mothers’ homes, using a structured questionnaire. Satisfaction with the childbirth experience was measured using a Likert-type scale ranging from very satisfied to very dissatisfied. Prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated using Poisson regression with robust variance.ResultsFollowing hierarchical multivariate analysis, the following factors remained associated with a higher level of satisfaction with the childbirth experience: being satisfied with antenatal care (PR = 1.30; 95% confidence interval [95%CI] = 1.06−1.59), understanding the information provided by health professionals during labor and delivery (PR = 1.40; 95%CI = 1.01−1.95), not having reported disrespect and abuse (PR = 1.53; 95%CI = 1.01−2.31), and having had the baby put to the breast within the first hour of life (PR = 1.63; 95%CI = 1.26−2.11). No association was observed with type of delivery or hospital status (public or private).ConclusionsA higher level of satisfaction with the childbirth experience is related to satisfactory antenatal care, a non-abusive, respectful, and informative environment during childbirth, and to the opportunity to breastfeed the baby within the first hour of life. In clinical practice, greater attention to these basic principles of care during pregnancy and delivery could provide more positive experiences during birth.  相似文献   
消除贫困、实现共同富裕是社会主义的本质要求,也是中国共产党人的“初心”和“使命”。新中国成立70年来,党和政府为实现全体人民共同富裕的奋斗目标,带领全国人民持续向贫困宣战,成功探索出了一条具有中国特色的扶贫道路,取得了举世公认的扶贫成就。基于实现共富的三重向度来回顾中国扶贫70年的发展历程:在历史向度上,中国扶贫道路经历了救济式扶贫、体制改革式扶贫、开发式扶贫、参与式扶贫和精准扶贫等5个发展阶段;在实践向度上,中国扶贫始终坚持实事求是思想路线,发挥党的领导和政府主导相结合的政治优势,积蓄扶贫物质的经济力量,形成了独具中国特色的“中国经验”;在价值向度上,中国扶贫70年所形成的“中国经验”为世界减贫理论、减贫事业的发展贡献出了“中国智慧”和“中国方案”,具有极其重要的世界意义。  相似文献   
BackgroundThe experience of labour and birth is complex, multidimensional and subjective and has the potential to affect the women and their families physically and emotionally. However, there is a lack of research around maternal satisfaction in Italy.AimTo evaluate mothers’ satisfaction with their childbirth experience in relation to socio-demographic characteristics, obstetric history and intrapartum care variables.MethodsA cross-sectional study involving 277 women who had given birth in a low risk maternity unit in Northern Italy was undertaken. Satisfaction with birth was measured using the Italian version of the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (I-BSS-R). The scale comprises three Sub-Scales: quality of care provided, personal attributes of women and stress experienced during childbirth.FindingsNo socio-demographic variables were related to maternal satisfaction. Multiparous women had a higher satisfaction score (p = 0.020; CI:0.23;2.75). Antenatal class attendance was negatively associated with maternal satisfaction (p = 0.038; CI:−2.58; −0.07). Intrapartum variables that significantly reduced maternal satisfaction were: epidural usage (p = 0.000; CI:−4.66; −2.07), active phase >12 h (p = 0.000; CI:−6.01; −2.63), oxytocin administration (p = 0.000; CI:−5.08; −2.29) and vacuum assisted birth (p = 0.001; CI:−6.50; −1.58). Women with an intact perineum were more likely to be satisfied (p = 0.008; CI:−4.60; −0.69).DiscussionIn accordance with other research, we showed that intrapartum interventions are negatively associated with maternal outcomes and therefore also with maternal satisfaction with birth. The sub-scale that measured Quality of Care provided scored higher than the other two Sub-Scales.ConclusionFurther studies on maternal satisfaction in Italy should be conducted, using the I-BSS-R with the aim to compare outcomes and understand what matters to women during childbirth.  相似文献   
从文学史的角度来看,《沧浪之水》讲述的是一个“组织部又来了个年轻人”的故事,是对这一主题的续写和改编,也是对“年轻人”和“人”的又一次重新想象。同时,《沧浪之水》是在“新写实”之后现实主义创作的又一次尝试,它在再一次充分地释放现实主义能量的同时,也同样受到了这一写作方式的限制。这一限制既体现在小说的创作当中,也体现在批评家的批评文本里。  相似文献   
This essay is a response to Stein (2019; 2020) and his use of lived experience to tell the story of violence and the Holocaust. I discuss these works’ contributions to public sociology and teaching.  相似文献   
体验式学习的内涵随着时代的发展而逐渐丰富和深化,但无论其如何演变,直接经验和反思始终是体验式学习这一概念的内核。体验式学习理念渗透于美国教育文化之中。具体表现在:小学阶段的教育以学生的真实感知为基础,注重为学生提供真实体验的机会和激发学生的学习兴趣;中学尤其是高中阶段的教育以学生的真实体验为基础,注重为学生提供在新情境中检验所学知识的机会,注重学生知识、技能的内化吸收。美国中小学体验式学习的实施经验可为我国基础教育课程改革提供如下启示:(1)进一步树立和推广体验式学习理念;(2)创设学生进行真实体验的教学环境;(3)注重实施基于学生体验式学习的表现性评价。  相似文献   
在脱贫攻坚、全面建成小康社会的重要阶段,城乡之间发展不平衡和农村发展不充分成为我国社会发展的主要问题。制度质量在城镇化发展与区域经济增长之间的积极效用,为推进区域经济增长、城镇化发展至关重要。文章基于我国30个省(市、区)2010—2015年省级面板数据,实证探究城镇化发展、制度质量与经济增长的内在互动机理。研究发现,制度质量、城镇化发展都会对经济增长产生积极正向的影响,在城镇化发展程度较好、制度质量较高的地区,区域经济增长相对较快。研究结论可为政府缩小城乡差距、推进城镇化发展提供理论依据,为制定经济政策、营造良好制度环境、招商引资提供支持,为地区经济增长产生良好的互动效应。  相似文献   
《左传·郑伯克段于鄢》是非常著名的历史叙述文本,讲述了庄公兄弟二人为王位而反目成仇的过程。《左传》评价"兄不友、弟不恭"的伦常失序是事件的起因。后世评论多以此为据,而忽视兄弟二人的母亲武姜的政治力量。清华简第六辑《郑武夫人规孺子》,塑造出颇具政治谋略的武姜,综合《左传·郑伯克段于鄢》的叙述,借助历史重演解释理论分析可知,她与庄公多年秘而不宣的政治角力,是郑伯克段叙述中的内隐的政治背景。庄公借助边父、祭仲等人的长久筹谋,因势利导,驱逐共叔段、拘禁武姜,避免郑国内乱,为国家兴盛谋求发展空间,但他养骄长恶,一贯以满足个体私欲来豢养王室及其近属,为郑国埋下内乱的祸根。  相似文献   
对初始情境中受难者“陷困”功能的探讨,是“动物叙事”叙事语法研究中不容忽视的一环,其中贯穿了一个最为基础的叙事功能指向——“抉择之痛”。强调“动物与人”两类受难者角色在身体、心理抑或情感维度陷入某种矛盾与纠结的状态,并且彼此间时常呈现出一定的矛盾悖反性。这一角色身份由动物形象与人类形象分别或共同承担,均指向一种叙事伦理层面的现代境遇的表达。在题材范畴方面,这一功能指涉涵盖了家养类与野生类“动物叙事”各自的叙事范畴。其效力边际已不仅仅局限在单纯生态视域与人性指涉的层面,而是凸显现代语境下人类所面临的共通性的伦理困境:一种挥之不去的矛盾、困惑与不安的情感和心境的写照。  相似文献   
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