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寨堡是我国古代重要的军事防御性聚落,其修筑的时间、空间皆与区域的战争形势有着较大关系。清代四川省由于多次大规模战乱,迫使乡民修筑了数以千计的寨堡。寨堡的命名主要可分为因自然地理条件和因人文社会因素两大类,前者包括地形、水文、土石、植物等,后者包括姓氏、寺观、神祇、嘉名、人物、神话、形象、纪事等。寨名包含了丰富的文化内涵,体现出了寨堡的选址、用材、作用、历史、精神等内容。  相似文献   
Conceptual linearity and analytic parochialism (aka focus) can make it more difficult for sociolinguists or discourse analysts to apprehend the far‐reaching, exploitative ways inequality is nowadays produced. A suitably material‐cum‐materialist class critique certainly entails empirical and phenomenological worlds flagged by, for example, multi‐sited ethnographies but otherwise side‐lined as merely “extra‐situational” in much talk/text‐directed scholarship. I propose we think more geographically by properly engaging spatiality à la Harvey (1990) and especially the radical politics of simultaneity (Massey, 2005)—the literal, “right‐now” connectedness of places and people. To this end, and allied with deepening interest in political economy, I combine the principles of articulation theory with the procedures of commodity chain analysis for picking apart an epitomic, contemporary manifestation of extreme privilege: the business‐class meal. The proposed discourse‐centred commodity chain analysis offers an ecumenical but systematic framework for tracking how commodity fetishism is actually and discursively accomplished (or not) across dispersed voices, stories, and social meanings.  相似文献   
张慎 《北方论丛》2015,(6):43-47
雷达是秉承着当代文学社会历史批评传统走上文学批评道路的。社会学批评方法在20世纪50—70年代存在“泛政治化”“泛阶级论”的弊病,并在“文革”期间走向了极端,沦为沾满血污的“棍棒”。为了使社会学批评正常化、健康化,1980年代的文艺理论批评界对社会学批评的“真实性”“时代本质”“思想倾向性”等尺度进行了调整。雷达的文学批评历程恰恰体现了社会学批评方法面对时代转型与文学新潮进行积极调整的过程。与阎纲、许觉民等年长的批评家一道,雷达迎纳新潮,独立思考,渐渐形成了他凝聚着个性魅力的“历史—美学”批评,为备受质疑与冷遇的社会学批评方法开拓了蜕变与更生之路。  相似文献   
舟山灯塔历史概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灯塔一般位于海岸、港口或河道,用以指引船只的航行方向。灯塔大都类似塔的形状,透过塔顶的透镜系统,将光芒射向海面或河面照明。舟山地处我国大陆海岸线中部,长江口南侧,杭州湾外缘东海洋面上,自古有“江浙之门户,四明之藩篱”之称,历史上就为中国重要的海上贸易通道。为保障海上航行安全,舟山很早就设立导航设施,到清晚期,随着航线的日益繁忙以及导航技术的发展,舟山设立了众多的近代灯塔,这些灯塔大多保留完整,其数量之多,密度之高,在全国首屈一指。  相似文献   

This study analysed the influence of praise and criticism on moral pride (the pride we feel when we believe we have done something morally good) and guilt. Ninety-two adolescents (age: M = 15.17, SD = 0.43; 44.6% girls, 55.4% boys) completed a questionnaire which outlined 10 scenarios based on combinations of three variables: the moral nature of the action (positive/negative); praise, criticism or the absence of either; and the source (parents/peers). Participants were asked to indicate the intensity with which they would feel pride and guilt (seven-point scale). Praise of positive actions increased pride. Interestingly, criticism of positive actions reduced pride and increased guilt, while praise of negative actions reduced guilt and increased pride. No differences were found between the pride felt after a criticized positive action and that felt after a praised negative action. A parallel effect was not, however, observed for guilt. These results reveal the strong, sometimes pernicious, influence of praise and criticism on guilt and pride and, even more, the need for praise by others in the experience of moral pride.  相似文献   
有关黄河河源的概念,古代各种史学、地理、以及宗教文献都有相关记载。早期文献中提出的重源潜流的概念,也为塑造河源空间概念留下了发挥余地。及至唐朝,各种类书、笔记、野史关于位于境外的河源的著述沿用了上述文献中已有的地理知识,并融入了佛教世界观的空间概念以及唐代实地考察的纪录,逐渐构成了河源这一多元化的空间想象。本文探讨了不同知识框架对唐代河源记载的影响,以及在几幅现存宋代地图上所反映出的相关影响。这类文献资料有助于我们理解中古地理知识的深化与演变,以及后代地图上展示河源的更丰富的地图表现形式。  相似文献   
苏轼的诗词是高度个性化的存在,也是具有世界影响的存在。然而,这种个性化除了来自于诗人的自我之外,同时也来自于诗人一生中各时段所在地方的特性,我们称之为“地方性”。苏轼诗词中的“地方性”,主要体现在四个方面,与诗人的自我、诗中的自然、诗中的人文和诗人的思想以及诗中的地名等有着重要的关系。苏轼诗词中的“地方性”,来自于他所到过的许多地方、诗人自己对自然的敏感以及他深厚的地理意识,同时也来自于他对于诗歌艺术时空的建构。苏轼诗词里的“地方性”具有重要的诗学价值,对于当代汉语诗歌创作也具有诸多启示。  相似文献   
尽管斯达尔夫人和刘师培分处东西方历史发展的不同时期,但是斯达尔夫人的欧洲南北文学论与刘师培的中国古代南北文学不同论具有重要的比较诗学研究价值。斯达尔夫人的欧洲南北文学论和刘师培的中国古代南北文学不同论基于各自不同的理论背景和历史背景都引入了地理空间视域,其比较诗学研究的理论内涵主要包括三个方面:一是地理空间视域引入的不同理论背景、历史背景、理论内涵;二是地理空间视域下语言维度研究进路的异同;三是吊诡的倒转性:北方浪漫主义、南方古典主义与北方古典现实主义精神、南方浪漫主义精神。  相似文献   
空间的伦理性为发现和理解文学中的伦理问题提供了新视角。从文学伦理学批评来看,阿瑟·米勒的戏剧《桥头瞭望》通过语言、动作和舞台布景等方式建构戏剧的社会空间、家庭空间和心理空间,反映了居于美国中下层的意大利移民所面临的伦理两难、伦理身份的混乱和内心无意识的禁忌情感,打破了戏剧的“第四面墙”,在演员与观众构成的交往空间中直接进行伦理教诲,启发人们关注现实社会中伦理准则之间的冲突以及禁忌情感的潜在力量。  相似文献   
Long‐distance migration is a primary source of language contact. Those who voluntarily migrate, though, may not resemble the broader population: psychological research suggests some factors that predispose people to become migrants also tend to lead to more openness to trying new things, potentially including linguistic features. This implies differential reactions to language contact, so inferences drawn from migrants may not generalize to the language‐contact process more generally. To test this hypothesis, this article examines lexical patterns in the 1940 United States census, focusing on who used the title mortician or funeral director rather than the traditional undertaker. Individuals who had moved from their state of birth were particularly likely to use the newer terms, even when explicitly controlling for the distribution of titles among the states from which the movers relocated. The personal characteristics leading people to encounter new linguistic environments may also independently affect their choices within those environments.  相似文献   
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