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当前生物识别信息在我国社会中的运用呈现逐年递增的趋势.生物识别信息具备本体特殊性和社会特殊性,这决定了其具备与普通公民个人信息不同的重要性,应受到刑法的特殊保护,但我国既定刑事立法对生物识别信息并未进行任何形式的特殊保护.可运用实质解释的方法,在不违反罪刑法定原则的前提下,充分利用两高《解释》第5条中第1款第10项和第2款第4项这两个兜底条款,将"侵犯生物识别信息5条及以上"认定为"情节严重",将"侵犯生物识别信息50条及以上"认定为"情节特别严重",由此降低针对生物识别信息原本的入罪和法定刑升格的数量,最终实现对生物识别信息的特殊刑法保护.  相似文献   
词的离合现象是语法研究中的老大难问题。文章独辟蹊径,从与词的离析使用密切相关的准定语和准名词入手,根据句子的信息结构原则,解释了词的离合现象的成因。文章指出,话语的信息结构安排是促成句法结构重组的语用推力:话题语的指称化处置诱发了准定语结构的操作,基本不涉及词的离析;评述语受单一新信息原则制约而出现的事件化处置,迫使及物性低的双音词强行拆分以容纳事件化所需要素,是诱发词的离析并催生准定语和准名词的直接动因。文章的观点是,用朴素的眼光看汉语,汉语中并无什么离合词,词的离合只是非形态语中双音词的用法变异,是语用型语言句子信息结构进行整编与重组的副产品。  相似文献   
The socio-economic literature has focused much on how overall inequality in income distribution (frequently measured by the Gini coefficient) undermines the “trickle down” effect. In other words, the higher the inequality in the income distribution, the lower is the growth elasticity of poverty. However, with the publication of Piketty’s magnum opus (2014), and a subsequent study by Chancel and Piketty (2017) of evolution of income inequality in India since 1922, the focus has shifted to the income disparity between the richest 1% (or 0.01%) and the bottom 50%. Their central argument is that the rapid growth of income at the top end of millionaires and billionaires is a by-product of growth. The present study extends this argument by linking it to poverty indices in India. Based on the India Human Development Survey 2005–12 – a nationwide panel survey-we examine the links between poverty and income inequality, especially in the upper tail relative to the bottom 50%, state affluence (measured in per capita income) and their interaction or their joint effect. Another feature of our research is that we analyse their effects on the FGT class of poverty indices. The results are similar in as much as direction of association is concerned but the elasticities vary with the poverty index. The growth elasticities are negative and significant for all poverty indices. In all three cases, the disparity between the income share of the top 1% and share of the bottom 50% is associated with greater poverty. These elasticities are much higher than the (absolute) income elasticities except in the case of the poverty gap. The largest increase occurs in the poverty gap squared – a 1% greater income disparity is associated with a 1.24% higher value of this index. Thus the consequences of even a small increase in the income disparity are alarming for the poorest.  相似文献   
消除贫困、实现共同富裕是社会主义的本质要求,也是中国共产党人的“初心”和“使命”。新中国成立70年来,党和政府为实现全体人民共同富裕的奋斗目标,带领全国人民持续向贫困宣战,成功探索出了一条具有中国特色的扶贫道路,取得了举世公认的扶贫成就。基于实现共富的三重向度来回顾中国扶贫70年的发展历程:在历史向度上,中国扶贫道路经历了救济式扶贫、体制改革式扶贫、开发式扶贫、参与式扶贫和精准扶贫等5个发展阶段;在实践向度上,中国扶贫始终坚持实事求是思想路线,发挥党的领导和政府主导相结合的政治优势,积蓄扶贫物质的经济力量,形成了独具中国特色的“中国经验”;在价值向度上,中国扶贫70年所形成的“中国经验”为世界减贫理论、减贫事业的发展贡献出了“中国智慧”和“中国方案”,具有极其重要的世界意义。  相似文献   
An accurate procedure is proposed to calculate approximate moments of progressive order statistics in the context of statistical inference for lifetime models. The study analyses the performance of power series expansion to approximate the moments for location and scale distributions with high precision and smaller deviations with respect to the exact values. A comparative analysis between exact and approximate methods is shown using some tables and figures. The different approximations are applied in two situations. First, we consider the problem of computing the large sample variance–covariance matrix of maximum likelihood estimators. We also use the approximations to obtain progressively censored sampling plans for log-normal distributed data. These problems illustrate that the presented procedure is highly useful to compute the moments with precision for numerous censoring patterns and, in many cases, is the only valid method because the exact calculation may not be applicable.  相似文献   
Estimates of population characteristics such as domain means are often expected to follow monotonicity assumptions. Recently, a method to adaptively pool neighbouring domains was proposed, which ensures that the resulting domain mean estimates follow monotone constraints. The method leads to asymptotically valid estimation and inference, and can lead to substantial improvements in efficiency, in comparison with unconstrained domain estimators. However, assuming incorrect shape constraints may lead to biased estimators. Here, we develop the Cone Information Criterion for Survey Data as a diagnostic method to measure monotonicity departures on population domain means. We show that the criterion leads to a consistent methodology that makes an asymptotically correct decision choosing between unconstrained and constrained domain mean estimators. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 315–331; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
国有企业混合所有制改革是当前理论探讨的热点。以分权控制理论为基础,构建国有股东、民营股东和监督机构三方的利益博弈模型,并对模型进行分析。结果显示,国有股东侵占民营股东的概率受监督机构监督成本和国有股东被监督损失等因素的影响,监督机构选择自主监督国有股东的概率受国有股东侵占行为惩罚力度系数、国有股东侵占额外收益和民营股东诉讼赔偿等因素影响。要加强对国有股东的惩罚力度,发挥好政府的监督作用,增强中小股东权利保障机制,推进国有企业混合所有制改革的步伐。  相似文献   
在国家的扶贫实践中,地方政府的行为策略是影响扶贫绩效的关键变量。通过对精准扶贫政策实践的调研发现,中央政府不断升级的治理手段为重构央地关系创造了条件,地方政府对国家扶贫理念转型认知的偏差以及在形成路径依赖之后的策略行为不仅容易产生对总体局势的误判,还为后期的政策困局埋下了伏笔。在此背景下,地方扶贫工作遭遇“指标困局”,即地方政府很难实事求是去识别贫困户,只能在既有的指标约束下进行精准识别,扶贫工作陷入了反复识别,却仍难实现精准的怪圈。  相似文献   
作为一种司法创制原则,美国专利法不正当行为原则在规制不正当专利申请、提升专利申请授权质量方面发挥着积极作用。但对该制度进行本土化的前提是需要充分论证该制度下的信息披露义务以及专利不可执行性的正当性。专利契约论下的对价和正义原则能够对这两方面给予充分证实:专利契约论下的实质对价要求专利申请人的信息披露义务应延伸至专利申请人所知悉的与专利申请的可专利性相关的所有信息;在正义原则之下,专利权人对其通过不正当行为而获取的专利权的主张行为使其不正当行为延伸至司法程序,法院拒绝向其提供司法救济是正义原则的应有之义。  相似文献   
乡村振兴的关键是打赢脱贫攻坚战。集中连片特困地区是我国精准扶贫的重点区域,致贫因素复杂,扶贫任务艰巨。基于秦巴山区农户的调查数据,运用A-F测度方法对农户多维贫困进行测度与分解,并运用Probit回归模型对其影响因素进行实证分析。结果表明:农户在厕所类型、做饭燃料、健康状况和受教育程度等方面存在严重的问题,贫困现象普遍。K=3时,农户多维贫困发生率高达90.56%,多维贫困指数为0.391 6;农户家庭65岁以上人数、耕地面积、地理位置和地理环境对农户多维贫困有显著正向影响;户主婚姻状况、受教育水平、健康状况、家庭人口数量等对农户多维贫困有显著负向影响。建议从生活水平、健康医疗、养老保障和教育等方面进行重点扶贫,使农户早日脱贫致富。  相似文献   
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