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为探究我国核电技术创新中政府和企业的协调情况,文章基于协同学理论和复杂系统理论,从核电技术创新的特点出发,将核电技术创新系统解构为政府子系统和企业子系统,采用2007年—2017年相关数据,运用协调度测度模型对政府子系统有序度、企业子系统有序度和政企协调度进行测度和分析。研究结果显示:我国核电技术创新中政企协调度随时间呈现“N”型变化趋势,且协调度均值较低;政府子系统有序度和企业子系统有序度表现为“双螺旋”协调演进;制约政府子系统有序度和企业子系统有序度提升的关键因素分别为税收优惠力度和企业R&D强度。  相似文献   
国有企业混合所有制改革是当前理论探讨的热点。以分权控制理论为基础,构建国有股东、民营股东和监督机构三方的利益博弈模型,并对模型进行分析。结果显示,国有股东侵占民营股东的概率受监督机构监督成本和国有股东被监督损失等因素的影响,监督机构选择自主监督国有股东的概率受国有股东侵占行为惩罚力度系数、国有股东侵占额外收益和民营股东诉讼赔偿等因素影响。要加强对国有股东的惩罚力度,发挥好政府的监督作用,增强中小股东权利保障机制,推进国有企业混合所有制改革的步伐。  相似文献   
分贷统还合同为政府通过合约统一贴息实现了扶贫资金的公司化运作,有效地发挥财政扶贫资金的整体效益,但也产生了合同法律性质认定争议大、合同履行易受政策变化影响;户贷企用导致贷款用途和资金安全存在风险,公司分红还款系统性违约等弊端,如公司经营不善,贷款亏空,一旦出现系统性违约,不仅影响农村社会稳定和政府公信力,司法机关亦将面临纠纷批量涌入的现实问题。为趋利避害,分贷统还合同有必要在综合衡量扶贫目的、公司盈利及扶贫责任和银行资金安全的基础上,调整户贷企用政策,甄别债权类型,考虑违约的具体情势,从实操层面化解分贷统还合同违约风险。  相似文献   
This paper explores how the British exit from the European Union (EU) potentially affects the United Kingdom (UK) economy and the production patterns of multinational enterprises that choose the UK as either a destination market or a gateway to the EU market. Utilizing an extended version of the knowledge-capital model, which includes six types of firms and four countries grouped into market and non-market, simulation analysis reveals that efforts to enhance attractiveness of the UK as a destination market to increase horizontal-type inward foreign direct investment would be a solution to cover losses from reduction in the number of export-platforms.  相似文献   
社会经济的不断发展促使分工愈发精细,对个人与组织间的技术隔离也愈加明显,亟待创业者个体及组织开展跨层次的交互学习以构建组织创新优势。基于此,本文援引学习理论与意义构建视角,从"行动"与"解释"出发,采用纵向单案例研究方法,基于"个体-组织"整合性分析框架,探究了不同创业阶段内跨层次行动主体间的学习互动模型,揭示了其对企业创新的影响路径。研究发现:创业者个体学习与组织学习间的互动,表现为渐变初期个体利用式学习经"自上而下"团队互动主导形成组织单环式行动;而在调整转变期,个体学习与组织学习发生交互影响,包含个体探索式学习经"横向协同式"团队互动主导形成组织双环式行动,以及组织双环式行动转换为单环式之后,经由持续反思与质询,刺激形成创业者个体利用式学习;最后,在发展突变期,个体利用式学习经"制度化统筹式"团队交互合作促成组织单环式行动,同时个体探索式学习经"跨越层次自主式"团队交互激活组织双环式学习。此外,在不同创业阶段,3种互动逻辑与意义构建框架下的创新决定机制呈现出以个体创意激发与扩散、信息整合与匹配以及平衡矛盾与冲突3种不同的影响路径展开的态势。本研究为创业学习理论和创业实践过程贡献了新的启示。  相似文献   
研究表明,德行领导作为家长式领导的核心维度,对员工行为有重要影响,但现有研究忽视了员工工作状态的重要作用。本文基于自我决定理论,以员工工作繁荣为中介,探讨德行领导对员工创新行为的影响,并从社会认同的情感视角出发,考察了情感承诺在上述关系间的调节作用。研究表明,德行领导对员工工作繁荣与创新行为均存在显著正向影响;员工工作繁荣对其创新行为存在显著正向影响;员工工作繁荣在德行领导与创新行为之间起部分中介作用;情感承诺调节了德行领导对员工创新行为的影响,情感承诺越高,德行领导对员工创新行为的影响越显著。  相似文献   
随着数字版权时代的发展,作品的传播方式变得更加灵活,传播速度也更加迅捷。传统版权登记制度因存在登记成本较高、标准不一、泄露隐私等弊端,在实际应用中面临困境,区块链技术的出现为推动版权登记的适时发展提供了一种新思路。区块链技术应用于版权登记,其去中心化特质可以降低登记成本;分布式共享机制能够统一登记标准;难以篡改的性质能够提高登记的证明效力;弥补了既有版权登记制度的缺陷。同时,区块链技术利用自身特性建立新的版权信任机制,既能清晰地分配版权利益,又能创新传统的版权商业模式,推动版权市场的发展,最大化地利用版权的固有价值。区块链技术在与版权登记相结合的过程中,会出现一些技术上难以解决的问题,既无法对作品的独创性进行准确的判断,也无法发挥版权制度原有的公示力作用。因此,必须创新版权登记规则,加快制定区块链版权平台市场准入机制,并设置统一的监管机构,将区块链锁在版权制度的笼子里,防止出现滥用区块链技术的情形,以最终实现技术和法律的融合发展。  相似文献   

In the ‘Rust Belt’ city of Geelong in Victoria, Australia, discourses of young people’s enterprise and innovation provide a counter-narrative to the prevailing material and symbolic consequences of industrial decline, job losses, and the growing insecurity of employment and income. GT Magazine is a weekly, large circulation magazine in Geelong with a significant focus on the activities and aspirations of enterprising young people. In this paper, we examine, by utilising techniques of content analysis and discourse analysis, the particular ways in which young people’s innovation and enterprise are framed and enacted in GT Magazine. Our analysis reveals that ‘youth’ and ‘enterprise’ are, in GT Magazine, given an embodied form that is powerfully marked by aestheticised, normalised enactments of gender, class and race. In doing this work, we make productive contributions to three key themes in contemporary youth studies: new work orders and the youthful self as enterprise; the gendered and aesthetic dimensions of affective labour in these new work orders; and the emerging spatial turn to examine young people's embodied, place-based experiences of employment and enterprise. We seek to make problematic the sense that solutions to multiple disruptions and crises in capitalism and the environment are to be found in young people’s enterprise. Particularly when that enterprise is given form in ways that are aestheticised, gendered, classed, individualised and responsibilised.  相似文献   
Although the relationship between social protection and enterprise performance is much debated in the literature, evidence is particularly limited in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises in developing economies. Using census data from 2010 to 2014, this article examines how the provision of social security influenced business performance in Indonesia. The author finds that increased social security spending of 10 per cent is associated with a per-worker revenue gain of up to 2 per cent. Moreover, profits are not found to decrease with increased social protection coverage, suggesting that increasing worker benefits may be a worthwhile business investment.  相似文献   

Many nonprofits are turning to commercial strategies to enhance their income. While previous research identified challenges social enterprises face in balancing commercial and social missions, little is known about how Chinese social enterprises respond to similar challenges in meeting the double bottom line. Using 16 cases studies, this study identified different types of social enterprises extant in the Chinese context, and examined the strategies they adopt. We found that the fee-for-service is the most common operational model, and that despite attempts of heavy state influence, Chinese SEs were able to demonstrate their resilience by diversifying their operational models. Implications for China’s social work development are discussed.  相似文献   
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