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自然有没有目的性,如果有的话,是在什么意义上讲的,自然的目的性是否具有层次性,我们应该如何对待这些不同形态的自然及其目的性,等等。这个问题,不同的价值观和思维方式的回答是不同的。一般来说,机械论和传统唯物主义是否定自然的目的性的,西方传统中占主导地位的理性主义往往形成自然与社会、物质和精神、理性与非理性等等二元因素的对立。而儒家、马克思的实践哲学明确主张,或从现代现象学可以推断出,自然界不但存在着目的性、主体性,而且存在着它们的差异性,如马克思强调在实践活动的基础上自然与历史的一体化,而儒家的仁爱是有差等的爱,不是墨家所说的具有绝对主义倾向的“兼爱”。也就是说,自然界中的一切生命,按照从高到低的价值顺序,微生物、植物、普通动物、人,都是具有独立的意志和价值的生命体。在道德的理想性、超越性上,它们是平等的,都是爱和尊重的对象,而在现实性上,它们对人的价值是不同的,人们对待它们的态度也应该是不同的,即是有差等的。  相似文献   
Pluralist theorists have long contended that to exercise power and influence in the American political system, blacks should come together like any other organized interest group, form coalitions with other like-minded people (white liberals), and advocate for policy reforms. Beginning during the “Black Power” era, the goal of putting black faces in high places to help address black concerns became a driving force in black politics. The deteriorating social and economic status of many in the black community, however, has not been prevented by either the political incorporation of more than 11,000 black elected officials or even the election of the nation’s first black president. This article will show how the inherent limitations of the pluralist interest-group strategy and a growing white backlash fueled by an awareness of changing demographics in the country has spawned an economic and political crisis in black America.  相似文献   

In a high-choice media environment, there are fears that individuals will select media and content that reinforce their existing beliefs and lead to segregation based on interest and/or partisanship. This could lead to partisan echo chambers among those who are politically interested and could contribute to a growing gap in knowledge between those who are politically interested and those who are not. However, the high-choice environment also allows individuals, including those who are politically interested, to consume a wide variety of media, which could lead them to more diverse content and perspectives. This study examines the relationship between political interest as well as media diversity and being caught in an echo chamber (measured by five different variables). Using a nationally representative survey of adult internet users in the United Kingdom (N?=?2000), we find that those who are interested in politics and those with diverse media diets tend to avoid echo chambers. This work challenges the impact of echo chambers and tempers fears of partisan segregation since only a small segment of the population are likely to find themselves in an echo chamber. We argue that single media studies and studies which use narrow definitions and measurements of being in an echo chamber are flawed because they do not test the theory in the realistic context of a multiple media environment.  相似文献   
提升学生的阅读素养是当前我国阅读课程教学改革的重要目标之一。本研究首次尝试将群文阅读这种新兴的阅读教学方式与传统的单本阅读教学方式进行对比研究,主要从提升学生阅读兴趣的效能方面进行分析与探讨。实验涉及我国中西部5个省市、6个区县共计1 231名中小学生,并使用MIMIC模型,在有效控制测量误差的基础上,对实证数据进行了量化建模与分析,通过分析发现,群文阅读教学对激发学生阅读的“情境兴趣”有更加显著的作用,具体表现为对学生阅读注意力、情感体验、探索意愿、价值感知的影响更大,同时也验证了Knogler提出的“情境兴趣模型”在阅读教学领域的适用性,从而为进一步推进我国中小学阅读课程教学改革提供了科学的数据支撑。因此,为提升中小学生阅读素养,在阅读教学中引入群文阅读这一新兴的教学方式,具有重要的实践价值和现实意义。  相似文献   
百年前中国的仁人志士围绕着民族复兴提出了诸多社会改造方案,其中因直面社会弊端根源而具有现代中国构建意义的是作为1840年以来中国思想交汇点的“科玄论战”。由于“科玄论战”的双方将自我主张与“唯物的历史观”相隔离,这使得“科玄论战”成为了不彻底的思想启蒙。随着马克思主义的深入传播与发展,中国的先进分子从“实践主体”与“主体实践”关系的维度明晰了中华民族伟大复兴之路。“实践主体”与“主体实践”的明晰是马克思主义对中国百年思想的启蒙,是“中国道路”的逻辑始点。  相似文献   
Respect for the elderly and hence the associated rights support a generational contract. Nevertheless, the case of the recent debate on the universal retirement scheme in Hong Kong has raised concerns about its strength. We identify relevant items from the sixth wave of the World Values Survey to explore the orientations of different generations toward others. The analysis shows differences between younger and older generations. Regression analyses show that values are not significant in explaining the differences, but various positions, including sex, marital status, and education, and perceptions of the elderly are relevant. Such differences across generations might weaken the generational contract and potentially engender conflicts as shown in the recent debate about the retirement scheme. We suggest short‐ and long‐term interest calculations, informed by their positions, play a more significant role in policy discussions and decisions, rather than simply appealing to values.  相似文献   
家庭、村庄和学校是农村学生成长过程中的三个重要教育主体,三者相辅相成共同构成农村教育主体结构。农村中小学生正是在该结构中获得成长,而农村校园欺凌事件的频发和多发则与其变化相关。农村教育主体结构的变化包括三个方面:一是家庭教育主体的缺位,表现为农村家庭隔代抚育的“不过问”逻辑;二是村庄教育主体的缺位,表现为村庄交往中的村民相互“不得罪”的逻辑;三是学校主体的缺位,表现为学校管理中官僚主义的“不出事”逻辑。这些主体行为逻辑的变化,进而带来了三者之间良性互动的阻隔,包括家庭与学校勾连的中断、村庄对学生和家庭监管的缺位,以及学校对农村社会的脱嵌。治理农村校园欺凌事件,除了法制和规范进校之外,还要搭建新型的教育主体结构,形成多元化、多主体农村校园欺凌的治理格局。  相似文献   
在全面推进乡村振兴的大背景下,乡村建设正如火如荼地开展。其中,乡村建设中农民房屋建筑类型从特质性的“匠心独具”到同质性的“千村一面”,再到异化性的“自厝同异”变迁路径,反映出传统文化的保护危机,也深刻揭示出建筑变迁背后暗藏的农民与地方政府间的多元矛盾和博弈。此问题的根源在于农民主体性被消解,成了被建构的对象或客体,而地方政府却不断强化构建主体的身份认同。事实上,当前乡村建设呈现出五种不同的价值取向:一是为城市消费者休闲情趣的乡村建设;二是为城市中产阶级家乡情感的乡村建设;三是为地方政府凸显政绩的乡村建设;四是为开发商投资回报的乡村建设;五是为农民生存利益的乡村建设。不同参与者均带着不同的利益诉求介入乡村建设,直接影响到乡村建设的发展走向。因此,要处理乡村建设中的矛盾和问题,必须强化农民在乡村建设中的主体意识和主体身份,赋予农民对乡村建设事务的话语权与决定权。  相似文献   
针对21世纪对英语口语思辨表达能力的要求,分析了英语口语和思辨性表达的关系,回顾了提升英语口语思辨能力的理论文献,总结了在英语听说课程中实践话题性内容听力导入、小组活动、演讲范例分析和呈现、文学经典作品导入和呈现有效提升英语口语思辨表达能力的作用。  相似文献   
检察机关提起环境行政公益诉讼,是促进行政机关履行环境保护职责的重要方式.环境行政公益诉讼涉及检察机关、法院和行政机关三个机关,需要处理好司法权与行政权之间的关系.一方面,环境司法具有能动性,容易导致司法权与行政权之间的冲突;另一方面,基于司法有限性与环境法行政实施的特征,需要重视司法谦抑性问题.而如何认识环境行政公益诉讼的谦抑性,需要从理论和实践的维度进行分析.在检察机关提出环境行政诉讼时,应当尊重行政机关的首次管辖权、重视行政公益诉讼的诉前程序、尊重行政自由裁量权、重视行政不能问题.当然,这种谦抑并不是绝对的,为有效发挥行政公益诉讼的功能,应当把握好这种谦抑性的限度,通过明确强制诉讼范围、确定实体性裁判的要件、尊重诉讼和解等方式来处理好司法谦抑与司法监督的关系.  相似文献   
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