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随着电子商务技术的发展,网络购物越来越便利。与此同时,网络购物带来的产品体验滞后也导致了消费者对产品的认知不确定性。而这种不确定性正在成为消费者策略性退货行为的主要原因,如消费者同时购买多件具有横向差异的产品,在收到货物后经亲身体验后保留一件而将其他产品退货。本文通过构建Hotelling模型,探讨了企业在考虑此种影响情况下的最优定价策略,分析得出:当消费者的退货成本增加时,企业最优定价也随之增加;消费者对产品的先验效用差异化越小,企业的最优定价也越低。同时发现,若某种产品无消费者单独购买,企业的最优定价会随消费者偏好的增加而增加;而当两种产品均有消费者单独购买且消费者退货成本较大时,企业的最优定价不但不会随消费者偏好的增加而提高,反而会随消费者偏好增加而减少。此外,本文给出了消费者策略性退货行为存在的临界条件,当消费者的退货成本高于这一临界条件时消费者的策略退货行为将消失。  相似文献   

The shift in the technology landscape has altered the technology ecosystem of adolescents and emerging adults in the 21st century. Yet, with greater use of digital gadgets comes greater mental health risks that technological advancement brings. This study provides a narrative review of contemporary cyber risks faced by adolescents and emerging adults. In particular, this review will cover dangers and effects of cyber-bullying, social media, cyber-dating violence, sextortion, sexting, revenge porn, online dating, catfishing, and scammers, with an emphasis to raise awareness and encourage proactive efforts dedicated to address these social concerns as the digital era continues to evolve.  相似文献   

In this short piece, I offer a reconfiguration of the term “aging in place” by analyzing media content of web-based senior-focused portals while demonstrating how these online consumer-driven spaces unwittingly re-create new social relations and imagined communities. Building on the sparse body of scholarship on extra-familial, kin-like networks, I reflect on the cultural possibility of internet spaces as surrogate “places” for later life non-kin sociality. In this exploration, I privilege the possibility of enriched selfhood of older Indians by moving away from the conventional gerontological trope of the (Indian) elderly as indivisible familial subjects, as a deliberate process of decolonizing the field of gerontology.  相似文献   
上网对个人社会融合的影响是一个有争议的论题。文章使用2010年中国西部调查中陕西、广西两省(自治区)数据,从初级群体、次级群体两个维度考察上网时间与个人社会融合情况之间的关系。分析表明,上网时间的延长会增加个人的社会融合行为。同时,上网程度的加深会强化个人对初级群体的融合。这些结论初步揭示出上网对个人社会融合之间存在正相关关系。  相似文献   
由于监管缺失、信用风险管理缺位,导致网络借贷市场的违约事件持续出现,损害网络借贷市场的参与者利益。本文构建了一个包括网络借贷平台、金融监管机构和投资者的网络借贷市场参与主体的三方行为策略演化博弈模型,从演化博弈的角度分析了网络借贷平台、金融监管机构和投资者的策略选择对网络借贷市场运行的影响,并以拍拍贷平台为案例进行数值模拟分析。研究结果表明:不同初始值的三方博弈结果存在显著差异,网络借贷市场参与主体行为策略的演化博弈不具有稳定中心点、且不存在稳定的均衡点。另外,当金融监管机构采取"严格监管"措施时,惩罚值越高,网络借贷平台越倾向于选择"自律"的行为策略,随着投资者投资额度的增加,网络借贷平台选择"自律"行为策略的概率逐渐降低。最后,提出规范网络借贷市场参与者行为和风险控制的对策建议。  相似文献   
移动互联网时代,教育舆情的呈现日益显在化,教育舆情的类型日渐多元化,教育舆情的演化日趋复杂化;与此同时,教育舆情处置面临着教育舆情风险不确定性增大、教育舆情冲突破坏性加重、教育舆情危机化解难度升高等诸多新挑战。应该针对当前移动互联网时代教育舆情生成与演化各阶段的特点,做好教育舆情态势的识别与研判,抓好教育舆情风险的预警与防范。同时,明确教育舆情危机应对的责任主体及其处置权限;及时发声,回应社会关切,掌控舆情走向;解决问题,化解矛盾,平息舆情危机;妥善做好相关善后事宜,防止舆情反复及次生舆情事件的发生。  相似文献   
长期以来,人力资源管理有效性对企业的积极作用得到理论与实务界的普遍认可。随着宏观经济环境的变化,企业纷纷转型升级谋求生存与持续发展,作为企业的支持系统,人力资源管理也必须寻求新型模式以适应新形势要求。在介绍HRBP模式基础之上,运用知识图谱分析方法,进一步厘清HRBP模式的发展历史、现状及未来趋势。然而,企业在实施HRBP模式过程中存在HR人员角色定位模糊、缺乏配套措施支持与HR人员胜任力不足难点,结合“互联网+”时代背景,提出融合互联网思维的HRBP模式,分别融合用户思维、平台思维以及迭代思维解决HRBP模式实施过程中的难点,从而促进HRBP模式创新与发展。  相似文献   
网络时代的民主   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络的迅速发展对人类民主理论与实践的影响巨大,它既为民主化进程提供了空前的动力与机遇,使 人们畅想民主的新篇章,同时又使民主的发展面临着巨大的挑战。网络技术的发展为直接民主的实现带来了曙 光,使得民主为大多数人所享有成为可能,但也给民主的发展带来多种阻碍,影响着民主理想的实现。作为技术 手段的网络是中性的,其对民主作用的实现需要掌握这个技术的公众及政府的共同努力。这是推动网络民主发 展的正确道路。  相似文献   
我国互联网市场是目前急需规范的领域,大量不正当竞争行为在互联网市场出现,严重扰乱了互联网市场的秩序,其中互联网版权不正当竞争是典型表现之一。规制互联网市场的不正当竞争行为,创新互联网市场不正当竞争规制制度,不仅应认清现今规制所处的困境,规制之缺陷,还需在规制理念上进行完善,从而进一步建构我国互联网市场不正当竞争之规制制度。  相似文献   
The rapid spread of information and communication technologies (ICT) may increase firms’ productivity with important consequences for job creation and for economic growth. This article contributes to this discussion by analysing the impact of internet adoption on labour productivity and the mechanisms shaping this relationship in Peruvian micro and small manufacturing firms over the period 2011–2013. The article estimates a reduced form where labour productivity is a function of internet adoption and other explanatory factors. Internet adoption is instrumented using a measure of the availability of financial opportunities for micro and small firms in Peru. Findings indicate that internet adoption: (a) increases firms’ labour productivity; (b) reallocates employment away from temporary administrative workers and non‐remunerated workers and expands employment of permanent production workers; (c) leads to the formalization of labour relationships, to the implementation of new organizational practices and to the improvement of training measures. While changes in employment and formalization of workers are linked to labour productivity gains, increases in training measures and organizational changes do not generate any additional productivity increase. Policies oriented to promote the adoption of ICT in micro and small firms can be beneficial to close the productivity gap with larger firms in Peru. Moreover, policies directed to the formalization of the workforce can provide an extra benefit, i.e. additional labour productivity gains in firms adopting the internet. Finally, policies oriented to the development of digital skills are also important to ease the re‐employment of those workers losing their jobs and the achievement of additional productivity gains that new organizational practices can provide.  相似文献   
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