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人类命运共同体构想作为马克思主义中国化的最新理论成果,是在积极反思人类生存现状的基础之上,对世界未来发展形态的一种前瞻性擘画。总体观之,作为“类”存在的人的主体自觉以及马克思主义“类”思想是人类命运共同体构想的逻辑基点, 现代“人类交往”方式的演进与普遍发展是人类命运共同体构想的现实基点,中国传统文化中的“和合”理念是人类命运共同体构想的思想源点。逻辑起点、现实基点与思想源点共同构成人类命运共同体构想的生成之源,对其系统、深入的阐释与审思则是我们学习、领悟、实践这一伟大构想的重要环节。  相似文献   
志愿服务乡村是社会参与人才振兴战略的重要方式,大学生在其中承担着重要角色。“乡愁文化”和“社会理性”是大学生志愿服务乡村缘由所在;性别、年级、学校类型、了解程度和志愿组织对大学生志愿服务乡村有显著影响。大学生志愿服务的着力点在于智力支持且具有文教活动倾向性,但也存在意愿与行动脱节、认知流于表面、能动性不强、缺乏思想引领以及对小微志愿组织的支持缺位等问题。乡愁文化嵌入大学文化、引入激励机制、打造志愿组织“大家庭”、牢守宣传育人“主阵地”、强化智力支持优势、补齐理论技能短板、关爱“小微组织”成长、构建“三位一体”支撑体系等可有效优化大学生志愿服务乡村。  相似文献   
国际法在长期的实践当中存在着价值理性弱化的困境,价值理性的趋弱使得国际社会忽视国际法在国际治理中的地位,人类命运共同体理念的出世为国际法价值理性的增进带来曙光。当前人类命运共同体理念已初具影响力,国内政策报告已有初步的系统阐述,该理念在联合国决议中多次出现,表明人类命运共同体在为国际法提供"价值指向"方面有极大的发展潜力。人类命运共同体语言系统中的诸多表述对于国际法价值理性的增进皆有启示意义,从内部形态塑造来看,该理念对于"善治"价值中的"合法性""善意遵守"皆有指导性的表述,从外部环境改良来看,该理念可与"合作"价值下的风险防范、角色定位两方面相联结。为确立具备可操作性的国际法价值理性增进路径,中国、国际组织乃至全球国家都需要扮演好相应的角色,为在人类命运共同体指引下增进国际法的价值理性而努力。  相似文献   
袁了凡(袁黄)以其《了凡四训》闻名于世,该书亦被当作训子家书。其实,了凡所作家训并非《了凡四训》,而是《训儿俗说》。作为王龙溪(王畿)的及门弟子,了凡在思想上是阳明后学的一分子,其人生轨迹属于典型的儒家士大夫,其日常修持及著述呈现三教汇通的思想特色。了凡家风淳朴,家学深厚,以儒为宗,兼收并蓄,强调道德主义,注重积德行善,具有出世情怀,对其人格产生深刻影响。  相似文献   
This study investigates staff and family attitudes towards the use of the fences that surround many aged care facilities in Australia, in the context of indefinite detention of people with dementia. This indefinite detention has been described in a report from an Australian Senate Inquiry as “a significant problem within the aged care context”, which “is often informal, unregulated and unlawful”. Five focus groups comprising direct care workers, family members, nurse unit managers and facility managers discussed the reasons for and their attitudes towards fences. The results show a tension between the provision of physical and emotional safety. This is to say that even while it is illegal to detain people with dementia against their will, and even while participants understood the negative impact of fences on the well‐being and emotional safety of people with dementia, they accepted and supported the presence of perimeter fences because they provided the perception that fences kept people with dementia physically safe. This has implications for redressing the balance between physical and emotional safety in policy and practice.  相似文献   
为了削弱传统零售商在渠道博弈中的垄断地位,制造商尝试建立在线渠道与零售商展开竞争。本文在考虑消费者低碳偏好的基础上,又将消费者的渠道偏好进行区分,通过不同决策模式的对比及数值算例分析,寻求低碳供应链最优的减排边界。研究表明:1分散决策时,制造商的低碳决策会受消费者渠道偏好的影响;集中决策时,制造商的低碳决策保持不变。2不同决策模式的减排边界由渠道偏好决定,渠道偏好较大时,分散决策的减排边界更高;渠道偏好较低时,集中决策的减排边界更高;渠道偏好中立时,两者的减排边界相同。3制造商可以通过升级低碳技术、实行低碳化管理等方式降低减排成本,同时通过低碳产品认证、广告宣传等方式提高消费者对低碳产品的认可程度。  相似文献   
随着智慧社会的到来,人工智能体广泛应用于社会各个领域,智能水平不断提升,与之相关的犯罪问题逐渐走向理论和实践的焦点。人工智能体冲击着刑法教义学主体和客体相区分的二元结构,引发了广泛的讨论和争议。探讨人工智能体的刑法地位应当改变混同分析主体性和能力性的思路,区分不法和责任两个层面进行研究。应基于人工智能的发展阶段,明确现阶段人工智能体仍然属于弱人工智能,因此其无法成为犯罪人或被害人,也无法具备责任能力或承担刑事责任。但是人工智能体日益可能成为犯罪对象,与之相关的自然人和法人犯罪也应当受到重视。探讨人工智能相关的刑法问题应当立足于教义学的基本立场与理论范式。  相似文献   
日语空间性状的时间映射具有局部映射性和选择性,映射具有负向语义选择偏好;形成“水平线性空间>垂直线性空间>立体三维空间”维度制约等级。上述制约特质是时空隐喻概念相似性与语言类型特质共同驱动促成的。概念相似性是其内在驱动力,相似者易于映射,反之则受制约性强;日语的时间性特质是其负向语义选择偏好的外在驱动力。  相似文献   
Maintaining the performance of infrastructure-dependent systems in the face of surprises and unknowable risks is a grand challenge. Addressing this issue requires a better understanding of enabling conditions or principles that promote system resilience in a universal way. In this study, a set of such principles is interpreted as a group of interrelated conditions or organizational qualities that, taken together, engender system resilience. The field of resilience engineering identifies basic system or organizational qualities (e.g., abilities for learning) that are associated with enhanced general resilience and has packaged them into a set of principles that should be fostered. However, supporting conditions that give rise to such first-order system qualities remain elusive in the field. An integrative understanding of how such conditions co-occur and fit together to bring about resilience, therefore, has been less clear. This article contributes to addressing this gap by identifying a potentially more comprehensive set of principles for building general resilience in infrastructure-dependent systems. In approaching this aim, we organize scattered notions from across the literature. To reflect the partly self-organizing nature of infrastructure-dependent systems, we compare and synthesize two lines of research on resilience: resilience engineering and social-ecological system resilience. Although some of the principles discussed within the two fields overlap, there are some nuanced differences. By comparing and synthesizing the knowledge developed in them, we recommend an updated set of resilience-enhancing principles for infrastructure-dependent systems. In addition to proposing an expanded list of principles, we illustrate how these principles can co-occur and their interdependencies.  相似文献   
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