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This article introduces the concept of racial witnessing – i.e. defining moments where an individual experiences a strong event in which they (or someone they care deeply about) were racialized, Othered, and/or treated differently (usually negatively) because of their racial group, racial affiliation, etc. It is these moments of racial witnessing that are pivotal in the development of los conscientes. These were the more critical-minded preservice teachers who demonstrated a greater understanding regarding race and racism and the impacts it has on the educational system and human lives. This article argues that it is not a specific variable and/or experience (such as those gained in field experiences) that creates race consciousness among preservice teachers. It is the accumulation of racial witnessing events that allow for a deeper understanding of how race dictates lives.  相似文献   
随着现代教育的发展,提升幼儿园教师专业素养已成为促进学前教育发展的必然要求。以探究民办幼儿园教师专业素养为视角,提出通过干预行为提升教师专业素养水平的构想。实验随机选取成都市某民办幼儿园的20名教师为实验组,再选取与其办园环境、办园背景相似的另一所民办幼儿园的20名教师为对照组,对实验园教师的专业理念与师德、专业知识、专业能力3个维度进行干预。实验结果表明:与对照园相比,实验园教师的专业能力提升显著;与实验园实验前后相比,教师在专业知识、专业能力维度及专业素养总体水平方面均有提升。对教师培训的具体建议为:(1)单一与混合相结合的培训方式对提升民办幼儿园教师专业素养总体水平有现实意义;(2)民办幼儿园教师专业知识的提升需理论培训与自主学习相结合;(3)专家"现场诊断-指导式"培训方式对提升民办幼儿园教师专业能力有显著作用。综上,建议民办幼儿园在了解本园教师专业素养水平的基础上,针对教师专业素养的不同方面,分别采取不同的有效培训方式。  相似文献   
实习教师隐性知识显性化能有效促进实习教师个体教学经验的积累和理论知识的增长,增加教育实习的价值。当下,我国学者对教师隐性知识的研究对象更多集中于资深教师团体。由于实习教师隐性知识外显化缺少必要的机制与条件,所以学者们往往忽略了对实习教师隐性知识显性化的挖掘。SECI模型指知识转化的四种模式,即社会化、外部化、组合化和内部化。与之相对应的有四种场所,分别是创始场、对话场、系统化场和练习场。在此基础上,提出SECI知识转换扩展模型,并从知识创生的四个不同阶段探究实习教师对SECI模型的应用情况。据此,提出相应的教育实习策略,如建立学习共同体、引导实习教师深入反思教学实践、建立有效的学校ICT环境、形成高效且自主的实习教师授课模式等,以促进隐性知识的共享与应用。  相似文献   
新生代乡村教师是乡村教育的新生力量和未来的中流砥柱,他们能否安心留在乡村学校从教,关系着乡村教育的可持续发展。为解决乡村教师"留不住"的问题,国务院办公厅于2015年6月发布《乡村教师支持计划(2015-2020年)》,从经济待遇、社会地位、专业发展等方面着手,提出了具体措施。但是通过实证研究发现:当前新生代乡村教师的离职意向仍然普遍存在,尤其是其中的男教师和工作在乡村小学的教师;新时代乡村教师的离职意向,受经济待遇、社会地位、专业发展、个人偏好、乡村文化适应性、家庭和学校支持度、教师教育满意度等多方面因素的影响,其中个人偏好和乡村文化适应性是最主要的影响因素。因此,为了更好地留住新生代乡村教师,仍需在"乡村教师支持计划"现有政策支持的基础上,进一步补充和完善相关的政策措施:(1)重视乡村教师招聘和管理过程中对个人偏好的考察与培育;(2)积极帮助新生代乡村教师适应乡村文化;(3)关心新生代乡村教师的家庭问题,提供帮助和支持;(4)重视乡村学校建设,给予新生代乡村教师更多的组织关怀;(5)出台针对乡村教师的教师教育标准。  相似文献   
采用文献计量学研究方法和主题内容分析法,回顾了2009至2018年我国幼儿教师职业道德研究的概貌,发现该领域文献研究的热点方向依次为:幼师师德失范与因应对策、幼师专业学生职业道德培养、幼师师德的规范建构与评价等。为进一步推动我国幼儿教师职业道德研究,关切该问题的学者可以形成研究共同体,从均衡研究维度着手,不断拓展研究视野的广度,并通过开展后续研究推进成果转化。  相似文献   
This study contributes to an understanding of the geographies of masculinities, by demonstrating how black South African male nurses negotiate hegemonic masculinity through citing masculine gendered acts. The research draws on qualitative data gathered from interviews with 15 black male nurses aged between 26 and 50 years who have worked in the paediatric, trauma, orthopaedic, oncology and midwifery fields for a period of not less than two years. It is argued that the colonially imposed hierarchies of race, gender and occupation merge with culturally specific pre‐existing African masculinities, and that this informed how the black male nurses experienced their gender identity in the occupation. The study demonstrates how, because of their career choice, the gender identities of the male nurses were positioned as marginalized and subordinate to the modes of a hegemonic masculinity, a gender identity only available to them momentarily. In this context, it was found that the modes of gender performativity in which the nurses negotiated and subverted their subordinate and marginal status was with the complicity of patients and other healthcare workers. This upheld the more generally assumed hegemony of masculinity in the hospital workplace. The study traces these experiences to the discourses of black masculinities during South Africa's pre‐colonial, colonial and apartheid eras and in the present day. In doing so, this study contributes to an understanding of the geographies of masculinities by demonstrating the locally specific modes of masculine performativity through which black male nurses negotiate their gender in South Africa.  相似文献   
美国《早期学习与教育技术政策简报》是关于幼年学习者使用技术的政策简报,回应了“α世代”信息化生存问题,解答了“21世纪,儿童获得技术是必要的,但还不够”现实难题。该政策简报中愿景、早期学习者技术使用指导原则和呼吁行动三部分分别从本简报出台的初心、如何指导幼儿恰当使用技术,呼吁社会各界力量协同实现本简报的初心等方面进行阐述。美国《早期学习与教育技术政策简报》对提升我国学前教育信息化水平、提高幼儿园教师信息素养和构建幼儿信息化生态系统,满足我国学前教育利益相关者的“技术促进学习”时代诉求等方面提供有益参考。  相似文献   
Objectives: Riegel (2011) argued there is a moral panic surrounding the issue of male transgenerational eros in the West. In response, he offered a variety of contrasting perspectives, one being that such eros has an evolutionary basis. The present article offers commentary. Methods: I supplement his hypothesis with a review of seven related evolutionary hypotheses and then compare/contrast all eight. Results: All these hypotheses constitute a work in progress, which Riegel adds to by properly restricting evidence (e.g., cross-cultural) to male homoerotic type (i.e., transgenerational). Conclusions: Riegel contributes to addressing the moral panic, and his evidence-type matching, which is part of a new trend in this area, promises to improve validity.  相似文献   
基于交往行为理论,建构了以真实性、正当性及真诚性为核心的师生交往评价体系,并据此进行课例分析和文献分析,明确了当前师生交往失效问题的根源在于教师在教育教学中固有的主导地位,即教师常常作为师生交往的言语者。失效的师生交往,正是源于教师漠视与学生建立沟通的正当秩序,忽视学生世界的客观知识基础以及教师对自身主观世界经验的表达失真。为调和成年人世界和未成年人世界的对立,实现有效的师生交往,对哈贝马斯"有效交往"的概念进行本土化改造,提出"和合故能谐"的观点,并以此重构当代教师的师生交往观。  相似文献   
Using mixed methods, we explored the role of coercive controlling behaviors in a high-risk sample of 126 men in violent same-sex relationships. Contrary to a prediction that separate factors of physical violence and coercive control might emerge, a simple principle components analysis supported that male same-sex relationship intimate partner violence (IPV) is essentially unidimensional. Qualitative narratives supported a single latent factor solution of violence, and that coercive controlling behaviors better detect IPV dynamics within the same violent encounters (i.e., weapon use), even when compared to profiles defined by physical violence. Narratives also highlighted gender-different tactics of coercion used, underscoring importance of context-based assessments.  相似文献   
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