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寨堡是我国古代重要的军事防御性聚落,其修筑的时间、空间皆与区域的战争形势有着较大关系。清代四川省由于多次大规模战乱,迫使乡民修筑了数以千计的寨堡。寨堡的命名主要可分为因自然地理条件和因人文社会因素两大类,前者包括地形、水文、土石、植物等,后者包括姓氏、寺观、神祇、嘉名、人物、神话、形象、纪事等。寨名包含了丰富的文化内涵,体现出了寨堡的选址、用材、作用、历史、精神等内容。  相似文献   
宋代共设有三等閤职,最初供职于閤门,后閤职官员出外任职情况变得普遍,直接推动了外任武官兼带閤职制度的发展,此后閤职作为武官兼带的一种职名,成为奖励军功以及控制武官的一种有效手段。而閤职制度的发展也使閤职作为武臣清选的地位逐渐确立,表现之一就是在磨勘叙迁上较一般武官而言具有一定的优越性。同时,内外不同的閤职在磨勘制度上也有一定的差异,这些差异的产生也加深了閤职作为武臣清选的内涵。  相似文献   
People with criminal records in the United States continue to face limited employment opportunities due to social stigma and legal barriers. In contrast to the civilian sector, the military conducts a “whole person” evaluation to screen potential recruits and regularly hires people with felony and misdemeanor records. Moreover, evidence suggests that the military serves as a socially integrative institution and may facilitate desistance from future crimes. However, critics argue that the military exacerbates inequalities by subjecting marginalized communities to the unequal burden of service. Using the data obtained from the Army, we examine the relative risks of combat exposure and casualties between enlisted soldiers with and without criminal records who joined between 2002 and 2009. The results suggest that soldiers with felony and misdemeanor records are more likely to be assigned to combat occupations than those without criminal records. We also find that among soldiers assigned to positions with low combat exposure, ex-offenders face a higher risk of death compared to those without criminal records. Findings do not dispute the idea that the military facilitates desistance from future crimes and provides second chances to people with criminal records, but reaffirm the fact that military service costs lives and limbs.  相似文献   
奋斗幸福观是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,是马克思主义幸福理论的最好阐释和最新发展,它赋予了幸福历史的深度、时代的高度和现实的温度,具有深刻的理论内涵与丰富的理论意蕴。对其理论内涵的解读可从四个维度进行,从国内外双重视角分析奋斗幸福观的问题缘起,明确其现实必然性;从当前到长远把握奋斗幸福观的本真旨归,明晰其目标指向性;从个体到群体厘清奋斗幸福观的主体构成,阐明其全员参与性;从理想到现实确定奋斗幸福观的实践指南,剖析其路径协同性。奋斗幸福观深刻阐明了奋斗和幸福之间的辩证关系,具有强大的亲和力、凝聚力、生命力和战斗力,是全体中国人民获得幸福和过上美好生活的观念指引和行动指南,具有厚重而深远的历史意义和现实意义。  相似文献   
"天书降神"新议--北宋与契丹的文化竞争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋真宗"天书降神"一事,不但为当时"不语怪力乱神"的儒者反对,亦为今世秉后见之明,崇尚"理性"、"科学"的学人严厉批判.但元儒修撰<宋史>,于此曾表"同情之理解".本文即以此为起点,以考据为基础,试图揭示"天书降神"背后的文化意蕴和实际效果,并提出与亨廷顿"文明冲突"(the clash of civilizations)不同的观念--"文化竞争"(the cultural struggle).  相似文献   
卡伦在清代边防中占有重要地位,见证了中国边界的变迁和中国屈辱百年的历史进程。在维护统一多民族国家各项事业的发展、增进各民族的交往、沟通边地与内地的联系等方面,卡伦起到了推动作用。  相似文献   
元朝的统一结束了数百年的封建割据。在蒙古攻金、西征、灭宋的战争中,契丹人军队成为一支精锐劲旅。许多杰出的契丹将领,或则“参预机谋,出入战阵;”为蒙古统一全国做出了贡献。“以儒冶国”他们“勤劳于国,诚节如一,”对元朝的文治也发挥了深远影响。契丹虽然已经消亡,早已融入到中华民族大家庭中,但研究其发展历史,还是很有意义的。  相似文献   
“愤怒的青年”文学流派中最著名的小说《幸运的吉姆》表达的是小人物对生存现状与社会不公所表现出来的愤怒与抗争。令人窒息的学院派作风、虚伪“精英文化”的趾高气扬和功利驱使下的学术不端行为是吉姆愤怒的诱因。吉姆用自己的方式进行反抗,他的奋力抗争代表的是社会中下阶层小人物对现实的反击。  相似文献   
汉武帝时征讨南越国,《史记》记载三路主力都是循岭北南下进军.照此实战经验,秦代征南越,当无《淮南子》所讲“分五军”之理.史学前辈吕思勉已经指出淮南说法的荒谬.据各可能的进军线路的地理、水文状况和地上考古的发现,驳正淮南的旧说,重新检讨秦征南越的线路和军事策略问题.  相似文献   
This study examined how changes in at‐home parents' mental health and parenting practices related to changes in their children's adjustment throughout the course of a service members' military deployment. Participants included at‐home parents from 114 National Guard families who were interviewed at four different occasions across the deployment cycle. The results revealed changes across the deployment cycle among the following three indicators: parental warmth, depressive symptoms, and children's externalizing behaviors. Changes in parental warmth were associated with changes in children's adjustment. Overall, these findings indicate that during parental separation, at‐home parents' responses to children have important implications for children's adjustment.  相似文献   
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