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根据支撑基础、责任负担、保障水平以及民众需求等维度,可以把民生保障划分为托底型、基本型、改善型以及富裕型等四种类型。改善型民生是经济社会发展到一定阶段的产物,也是国家治理体系与治理能力现代化的客观要求。它是指通过各类民生项目的安排及民生待遇优化以促进民众生活得到持续改善、社会发展水平得到提升的一种制度类型,是民生项目更加齐全、内容更为完善、治理水平更高、使民众各按其分的民生模式,是人们的日常生活与服务消费支出总额持续增长以便能够提升生活水平的民生类型,是那种不断满足人的需要特别是较高层次需要的模式类型,也是更有助于形成社会结构稳定、国家长治久安的民生制度类型,因而具有综合性、完善性、激励性以及发展性等特点。这要求我们优化民生类型设计及民生投入结构,补齐改善型民生短板,营造良好社会秩序,扎实推进国家治理体系及治理能力现代化建设。  相似文献   
沈兴菊  Ray Huang 《民族学刊》2018,9(2):65-71, 119-121
美国国家公园建设过程中,以国家为主导,注重国家意识,定位服务功能,体现其教育理念,并在此过程中将管理和利用模式由开始的保护转变为现在的保护与利用并行,为全世界提供了一个成功的模板。但在其100年的发展过程中,环境的破坏,原住民权利的漠视,游客管理的混乱,是其曾遇到或正在面临的问题。建议我国在进行国家公园建设时,应扬长避短,突出国家名义,强调社区参与和游客管理先行,并注重国家公园的公益性和教育功能。  相似文献   
艾菊红 《民族学刊》2021,12(10):46-52, 121
詹姆斯?斯科特(James C. Scott)认为,基督教在赞米亚地区广泛传播的主要原因是与山地族群的先知主义和千禧年宇宙观契合,从而使基督教成为山地族群借用的意识形态与谷地国家对抗,逃避谷地的统治。然而民国时期,中国西南山地民族皈信基督教的例子则显示,基督教为这些民族带来符合现代社会秩序的价值理念和行为规范,促使山地民族进入现代性的社会化道路,这恰恰符合了国民政府对于山地民族长期以来的教化愿望,期望将山地民族真正纳入国家的治理体系之下。因而基督教进入“赞米亚”区域,虽然也有逃避统治与国家相对抗的一面,同样也有与国家意识形态相一致的一面,促使山地民族适应国家并进入国家。这可能是斯科特所忽略的一个重要方面。  相似文献   
成立国家级新区对迅速改善欠发达地区经济环境、改变落后的民生状态进而促进城市区域发展具有重要意义。国家级新区应努力推动社会公共服务体系与产业发展体系协同共进。义务教育资源是社会公共服务体系的重要组成部分,不容忽视。国家级新区在初创的关键时期需要打好义务教育资源均衡分配的基础,为后续义务教育资源的优化升级提供坚实保障。本文以N市J区为例,通过对12345政务热线服务平台的数据分析和对关键人物的访谈,探讨国家级新区初创期义务教育资源需求特征,同时发现实际存在着义务教育资源供不应求、供需脱节、配置失衡、提质升级乏力等供需矛盾,并依据新区初创阶段的实际需求,从制定规划、资金支持、供需互动、创新升级等方面进一步探讨国家级新区义务教育资源供需矛盾的消解路径。  相似文献   
The sociology of homosexuality lacks engagement with queer theory and postcolonialism and focuses primarily on the global metropoles, thus failing to provide a plausible account of non‐Western non‐normative sexual identities. This research adopts the author’s newly proposed transnational queer sociology to address these deficiencies. First, it critiques the Western model of sexual identity predominantly employed to elucidate non‐Western, non‐normative sexualities. It does so by examining not only the queer flows between West and non‐West but also those among and within non‐Western contexts to produce translocally shared and mutually referenced experiences. Second, the proposed approach combines sociology with queer theory by emphasizing the significant role of material, as well as discursive, analyses in shaping queer identities, desires and practices. This article employs the approach to examine young gay male identities, as revealed in 90 in‐depth interviews conducted in Hong Kong (n = 30), Taiwan (Taipei, n = 30) and mainland China (Shanghai, n = 30) between 2017 and 2019. More specifically, it highlights the interplay between the state and identity by investigating the intersection and intertwining effects of these young men’s sexual and cultural/national identities, revealing three different forms of civic‐political activism. The article both demonstrates the way in which sexuality and the state are mutually constituted and provides nuanced analysis of the heterogeneity of contemporary homosexualities in Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China. In applying a new sociological approach to understanding sexuality, this research joins the growing body of scholarship within sociology that is decentring the Western formation of universal knowledge.  相似文献   
五四时期是李大钊民族复兴思想形成的重要阶段。李大钊曾对新生的民国寄予厚望,然而实际情况是战争频仍、民不聊生、列强咄咄逼人。内忧外患之际,同为亚洲“病夫”的土耳其又奇迹般实现复兴,刺激李大钊发出创造“青春中华”、实现“民族复活”的呐喊。李大钊敏锐地意识到十月革命的时代意义,认识到马克思主义的科学性,毅然选择了马克思主义,主张走俄国道路。基于唯物史观,李大钊开始改变仅仅依靠青年、走资产阶级道路实现复兴的主张,转而提出要依靠广大劳工群众,走社会主义道路,从而实现中华民族之复兴的主张。  相似文献   
魏红珊 《民族学刊》2019,10(6):61-70, 127-129
风云激荡的近代“川边”,历任主政者的川边治理成效殊异:赵尔丰籍“平康三策”,锐意进取,开拓出广阔的川边境域,成功践行“固川保藏”方略。尹昌衡藉个人英雄主义维持短暂的绚烂;其后走马灯式的镇守使无法掌控川边局势,失地溃败;颇具政治韬略的刘文辉,妥善处理民族关系,稳固川边,促使西康成功建省。34年的川边治理为现代西南边疆治理留下了鲜活的经验教训,川滇藏结合部需要新的边疆治理统筹。  相似文献   

Sofiia Andrukhovych’s 2014 novel Felix Austria (Feliks Avstriia) became Ukraine’s most critically acclaimed and commercially successful work of literature published in the immediate aftermath of the Euromaidan revolution of 2013–14. It combined an ambitious historical reconstruction of daily life in the year 1900 in a mid-size city in the Habsburg-ruled part of Ukraine and an engaging plot skilfully employing multiple devices associated with the Gothic tradition, especially in its latter-day and postmodernist reinterpretations. The novel’s success is especially telling in the context of the rising interest in the Gothic in Ukrainian culture. Told by an unreliable narrator, the novel prompts readers to interrogate their assumptions. In the context of Ukraine, it is particularly subversive in its engagement with the nostalgic myth of the Habsburg Empire as a multi-ethnic utopia of tolerance, and by implication it challenges all imperial myths. The novel’s emphasis on the quest for (self-)discovery strongly resonated with readers in the context of a socio-political crisis, which highlighted the relevance of the distinct postcolonial overtones in its message.  相似文献   

Stress-related conditions such as burnout and post-traumatic stress disorder are a growing concern in the humanitarian sector. Aid workers themselves report not only that mental health problems are common, but that the support they receive from their employers is insufficient. Problematically, the experience of the international aid worker – particularly those who are white and from the global North – is often foregrounded in explaining what constitutes stress and related mental health problems. This indicates a wider problem of what is required of ‘the perfect humanitarian’ – a personality that is gendered and racialised – and how this influences the different experiences and treatment of national and international staff from aid agencies. This article explores the organisational culture and working conditions of humanitarian settings and their impact on the mental health and well-being of staff. It argues that there is a structural dimension to stress that is less to do with external security threats and more to do with the specific infrastructure, policies, and practices of humanitarian operations, with implications for aid workers which cut across dimensions of race, gender, and nationality.  相似文献   
核心价值观的培育和践行体现在生活的各个方面,最为重要的是体现在普通民众的言行举止方面。作为人们在长期的生活实践中约定俗成的行为规范与准则,礼仪包含礼貌以及礼节等内容,是现代社会人与人、社会、国家之间交往互动的重要“介质”。社会主义国家中的人际交往应该自觉剔除不符合核心价值观的规范,在个人层面的交往互动上体现诚信和友善,在社会交往层面上体现平等自由,才能最终形成国家层面的文明和谐共处。因此,现代礼仪的构建应该在继承优秀传统和吸收现代文明成果的基础上,形成个人礼节、社会礼仪文化和国家仪式三个层面的内容,并建立相对应的社会机制来设计、制作和推广现代礼仪体系。  相似文献   
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