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《一个人老了》写于1991年4月,彼时作者的生理年龄与诗中感悟分别处于跨度相距较远的不同生命时段,由此在形成诗歌内在张力的同时,也使阅读必须面对在“四月”与“衰老”之间存在的强烈反差,问题由此被提出。对这种反差的成因分析是从文本的抒情节奏、抒情肌理以及价值立场与生命观等方面的异质特征切入,解读其在诗歌渊源上与博尔赫斯、聂鲁达等世界诗人之间的互文关系,进而追溯至作者西川所代表的“知识分子写作”对阅读经验的习惯性倚重。  相似文献   
This article offers a critical analysis of the methods by means of which data relating to the performance of second pillar pension schemes are collated, compared and reported. This is done with regard to the performance of mandatory private second pillar pension funds in Eastern Europe. By critically examining data published in a number of World Bank studies, and through the identification of data problems and irregularities, the article argues that a much more elaborate and transparent approach to the collation, comparative analysis and reporting of data is needed. Required is the establishment of a consensus regarding what should represent a robust basis for making credible policy recommendations, not least with regard to pension re‐reforms in the countries of Eastern Europe and elsewhere. In the absence of such a consensus, unresolved data problems and irregularities may potentially continue to influence the formulation of incomplete national policy conclusions regarding the performance of second pillar pension funds and, in turn, the ability of policy‐makers to evaluate appropriately the need for, and assess the feasibility of implementing in a sustainable manner, pension re‐reform.  相似文献   
摘 要:应用儿童长处与困难(SDQ)问卷(父母版),采用分层随机抽样方法,对惠州市1528名3-6岁儿童的情绪与行为问题进行调查。研究发现:惠州市3-6岁儿童情绪与行为问题异常情况比较严峻,儿童心理健康状况值得重视;不同地域、年龄学前儿童存在不同的情绪与行为问题,需要分类干预。其中农村儿童的情绪与行为问题异常情况尤为严重,需要得到广泛的关注和解决。  相似文献   
商务印书馆2017年整理版戈公振遗著《世界报业考察记》,嘉惠学林甚大,然其中有少量文字讹误,对此略做校正与辨析。  相似文献   
主要运用测量法,对参与暑期游泳培训儿童作为研究对象,分为3-4岁(不含4岁)、4-5岁(不含5岁)、5-6岁(含5岁) 三个年龄段,对其游泳基本动作进行测量与分析。研究目的:探讨游泳基本技术动作是否符合3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南的 要求。一方面,补充幼儿园开展体育活动的内容;另一方面,规范与指导暑期儿童游泳培训市场。研究结果发现:学前儿童学 习游泳具备基本的身体素质基础,并对身心健康发展起到积极促进作用;该阶段儿童熟悉水性的基本动作当中,水中行走和站 立基本掌握,其憋气时间和滑行距离与年龄成正比;在蛙泳手和蛙泳腿技术动作以及游泳距离方面,3-4岁下阶段儿童无法掌 握,4-5岁下阶段儿童表现欠缺,5-6岁(含5岁)阶段儿童能够基本掌握;3-6岁儿童游泳基本动作规范与发展分为启蒙、提高 和巩固三个阶段。特色创新:首次在指南背景下对儿童游泳基本动作进行探讨;将儿童游泳基本动作上升到学术概念;初步形 成一个模式和系统;对该阶段儿童的游泳动作学习提供有效的指导与参考。  相似文献   
丽江《木氏宗谱》美藏整理本是《域外汉籍珍本文库》的重要文献,其以美国国会图书馆珍藏的被誉为纳西学之父洛克搜集整理的《木氏宦谱》为蓝本而重新汇编的整理本,是迄今关于丽江木氏土司家族最为完备的史料,对研究近古时期丽江地区乃至整个滇西北具有十分重要的史学价值。从人类学的视野看,《木氏宗谱》美藏整理本是追溯丽江木氏家族渊源最为翔实的记忆文本,是承载丽江木氏的一部家族制度史,也是丽江木氏与元明清王朝国家关系变迁的历史书写。  相似文献   
马明达 《回族研究》2005,3(1):91-96
薛文波先生是上世纪著名的回族学者,学识渊博,多才多艺.一生汲汲追求真理,为弘扬回回民族爱国爱教的传统精神而努力.中年遭遇冤案,蒙受巨大苦难;晚年幸逢改革开放,以有限的精力投入到回族历史文化和中国伊斯兰教问题的研究,取得重要成绩,对回族学学科的建设作出了重要贡献.他的遗稿已被汇编成<雪岭重泽>1、2两卷出版,今逢薛先生逝世20周年之际,<雪岭重泽>的第3卷即将出版,作者特撰序言以志纪念.  相似文献   
本文就蒙古族古典文学名著<一层楼>的姊妹篇<泣红亭>的创作受汉文化及<镜花缘>等古典文学影响的情形进行了简略评述,并着重对<泣红亭>汉译本的得失进行了分析评论.  相似文献   
将服务主导逻辑的思维范式引入老字号企业中来,结合消费文化和社会情景价值理论探讨该领域中品牌价值的共创机理,基于理论假设构建研究框架。以北京、上海、福建三个地区的不同行业老字号品牌企业为实证研究对象,对企业员工和消费者进行访谈和问卷调查。通过修正的初始量表,基于PLS-SEM方法对收集的309份有效问卷调查数据应用SPSS22.0和Smart PLS2.0进行分析,验证消费者情感价值共创的中介作用及互联网媒介交互的调节作用。分析结果表明,消费者与老字号企业共同创造价值,历史悠久的老字号品牌企业关注基于互联网媒介下不同利益相关者的互动和协同才能创造品牌价值共创的最理想点,最后为老字号品牌管理提供有益的建议和应对策略。  相似文献   

This article examines the challenges experienced by very old individuals and their consequences for well-being and mental health. In order to capture unique issues experienced in very old age, 75 participants of the population-based Fordham Centenarian Study answered open-ended questions on everyday challenges. Theme-based coding was then used to categorize and quantify responses. The challenges mentioned most often were challenges faced in the functional (e.g., physical health/activities of daily living restrictions, mobility, sensory impairment), psychological (e.g., loss of well-liked activity, dependency, negative emotions, death), and social (e.g., family loss) life domains. Functional challenges were negatively associated with aging satisfaction and positively associated with loneliness. Psychological challenges were positively linked to aging satisfaction. Social challenges were marginally related to loneliness. Notably, challenges were not related to depression. In conclusion, the challenges experienced in very old age are multidimensional and multifaceted, unique in nature, and have differential relations to mental health. Functional, psychological, and social challenges affect very old individuals’ lives and therefore need to be better understood and addressed. Given their consequences, it is imperative for policy makers to develop an awareness for the different types of challenges faced by centenarians, as there may be unique policy implications related to each.  相似文献   
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