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曾路 《民族学刊》2019,10(6):83-88, 134-136
定向思维模式的建构与解构实际上反映出认知结构的二重性特征,两者在文化认知活动中可互为挹注共存于对立统一关系里。因此,对中国少数民族文化范式的研究,不仅要重视建构之功能催生的符号化文化构成,还应关注解构之功能显现的非常见的文化元素。同时,只有弄清楚定向思维模式的建构与解构在文化认知中的意涵,才能明确定向思维模式的“趋向”和“专注”特点以及“惰化”和“孤立”倾向,从而为牵及民族文化事项的认知固化与迁移提供理论工具并用以指导多元文化实践。  相似文献   
秦和平 《民族学刊》2019,10(6):52-60, 125-126
民主改革是20世纪中后期中国共产党采取协商方式,领导部分边疆民族地区上层人士及劳动人民,开展以废除奴隶制或农奴制、消除剥削压迫、土地改革为中心的社会改造。建国初期,邓小平等依据民主主义的任务,结合民族地区实际,提出采取协商方式、实行宽大措施开展土改的构想。再经总结,提升为民主改革(和平协商土地改革、直接过渡),载之宪法,成为共产党的“既定方针”,改造部分民族旧社会形态。即使采取协商方式开展改革,也有可能遭到反对。针对叛乱,邓小平确定“政治争取为主与军事打击结合”的方针,组织群众,平息叛乱,保障改革、坚决改革。在改革上,邓小平及时作出指示,引导改革顺利开展,确定“发动群众、上层协商”的改革方针。“发动群众”表明改革依靠群众;“上层协商”反映用“赎买”施以改革,从而形成有中国特色的社会改造方式。文章通过对为什么要改革、怎样改革、依靠谁改革,以及如何对待叛乱的分析,阐述了邓小平对民主改革的认识,也是邓小平解决部分民族地区社会形态的理论成果。  相似文献   
在“世界的祛魅”中,如何返回魅的世界,是现代哲学思考的重要问题,同时也应该从中国传统的思想中汲取智慧。唐诗作为中国古代诗歌的典范,具有丰富的诗歌智慧与美感经验,可以为我们重新激活,使现代人有所受用  相似文献   
推动构建人类命运共同体是新时代坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的基本方略之一,是对全球治理理念和模式的一种革新,是对人类社会发展理念的全新探索。党的十九大提出要“倡导构建人类命运共同体,促进全球治理体系变革”,这既是为全球治理贡献中国智慧与中国方案,也有利于构建具有中国特色的国际话语传播体系,有助于推动建立公正合理的国际新秩序。人类命运共同体的提出致力于全人类参与的共建、共享、共赢的价值导向,以包容互鉴的态度尊重不同文化之间的多样性与差异性,是对人类命运的历史思考,也是对当前全球化深入发展的现实回应。人类命运共同体思想承载着对人类命运的历史思辨,体现了人类对美好生活的向往与追求,成为推动人类文明进步与发展的价值引领。  相似文献   
From 2002 to 2013, Angola engaged in large‐scale state‐led reconstruction and development alongside an elite‐led appropriation and seizure of national assets. Until the oil price shock, Angola had been succeeding in promoting rapid economic growth, and possibly even significant social development, alongside a massive grab of wealth and power by local elites. Today, though an economic crisis has taken hold, frequent predictions of the country's imminent collapse have yet to be fulfilled. This article reviews the state's development planning and expenditure with a focus on public investment and industrial development to determine to what extent Angola during this period might be considered a developmental or petro‐developmental state. It is argued that, while more significant than generally thought, petro‐developmental outcomes were and are limited by the autocratic and neopatrimonial tendencies of the Angolan elite. Nevertheless, limited success with structural transformation may have lasting effects. Following its long civil war, the conditions existed for Angola to follow a new path of state‐led development. Though it may now be more difficult, structural transformation and economic diversification remain the only path to economic and social development.  相似文献   
理顺习近平关于“中国特色社会主义进入新时代”的逻辑理路,有助于系统论证“新时代”的科学性和理论性。从方法论上看,习近平新时代观是应用马克思主义立场观点和方法得出的正确结论。从理论归因看,中国社会主要矛盾的转化作为习近平新时代观生成的主要标志,源于马克思主义关于矛盾运动的基本理论。从理论定位看,习近平新时代观展现的是中国发展的特殊阶段,内含着中国对自身发展的时代定位与目标趋向,渗透着中国与世界在共同发展中的新阶段、新高度、新未来,是对中国发展方向的顶层设计。  相似文献   
This study explored the case of a former addict, focusing on his existential self‐interpretation and identity transformation process. This study began from the question of whether philosophical processes related to existential self‐interpretation could lead to the formation of the concept of bottoming out and of identity transformation. To answer this question, the study analyzed the case of a male in his mid‐forties who was addicted to drugs for approximately 30 years and has only recently maintained abstinence. The study used the phenomenological approach to determine the meaning drugs held for him in each stage, and what drug‐related identity he had in each stage. Further, this study identified the integrative implications of these meanings in terms of existential self‐interpretation and identity transformation. The four different identities the man identified for the four stages of his life were juvenile delinquent, gang member, half‐gangster, and breadwinner, and the associated meanings drugs had for him during each period were “glue,” “filthy,” “leeches,” and “abstinence,” respectively. Finally, this study elucidated the integration of these meanings through the hermeneutic circle, identified the social welfare implications of the findings, and developed educational recommendations.  相似文献   
聚焦物与装置范式是伯格曼将技术人工物还原到具体生活情境之后创造的一组对立概念。这种对立不仅体现在理论层面,而且还表现在现实生活中的自然信息、文化信息与技术信息之间的对立。通过剖析伯格曼有关聚焦物与装置范式关系的思想,有助于理清伯格曼经验的现象学技术哲学的研究进路。  相似文献   
We consider a method of moments approach for dealing with censoring at zero for data expressed in levels when researchers would like to take logarithms. A Box–Cox transformation is employed. We explore this approach in the context of linear regression where both dependent and independent variables are censored. We contrast this method to two others, (1) dropping records of data containing censored values and (2) assuming normality for censored observations and the residuals in the model. Across the methods considered, where researchers are interested primarily in the slope parameter, estimation bias is consistently reduced using the method of moments approach.  相似文献   
作为马克思主义哲学研究的社会发展,不是对具体的社会发展问题进行实证研究,而主要是运用逻辑手段,对复杂的社会发展现象进行抽象、概括,揭示出社会整体发展的普遍本质和一般规律。为了对社会发展有一个较为全面的理解,从社会、社会革命、社会变迁、社会转型与社会发展之间的关系入手进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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