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汤显祖的思想相当驳杂,“道学”是最值得重视的因素。“道学”形而上的内在精神超越,赋予了汤氏独特的“思想者”气质,并进而影响他的文体选择。其古文理想和曲体价值观,均显示出重道德理性的传统“杂文学”观念在晚明时期的回潮。  相似文献   
文章利用一般自我效能感量表和简易应对方式量表,对某校大学生作抽样调查,结果显示:不同性别和专业的大学生在自我效能感和应对方式上无显著差异;大学生自我效能感的来源存在偏差,主导性的应对方式也有错位。这表明当代大学生的心态并非都是积极的。因此,高校思想政治工作者要高度关注和研究大学生的心态问题,要培养大学生基于能力的自我效能感,要形成以行动为主导的应对方式,要建立起积极心态培训机制。  相似文献   
本文从《血色黄昏》反映生活的真实性、作者塑造人物形象的典型性以及独特的表现风格三个方面,对小说作了评述。  相似文献   
以往,研究者习惯称六朝为个性解放的时代,并以此为前提来观照此期的婚恋小说,而忽视了礼法观念与婚姻制度等诸多社会思想文化的作用,有失偏颇。六朝的婚恋小说应该是多种因素共同作用的结果,只有综合起来研究才能合理解释它的产生及其诸多特点的形成原因。  相似文献   
学风建设作为高校建设中一项非常重要的内容 ,需要常抓不懈。通过分析目前高校学风建设中存在的问题 ,提出学风建设需领导充分重视 ,纳入整体规划 ;抓教风促学风 ;深化教学改革 ,充分调动多数同学的学习积极性 ;以点带面 ,逐步推广等具体措施。  相似文献   
Data from the 1988 National Survey on Families and Households were analyzed to examine the associations among marital conflict, ineffective parenting, and children's and adolescents' maladjustment. Parents' use of harsh discipline and low parental involvement helped explain the connection between marital conflict and children's maladjustment in children aged 2 through 11. Parent‐child conflict was measured only in families with a target teenager and also was a significant mediator. Although ineffective parenting explained part of the association between marital conflict and children's maladjustment, independent effects of marital conflict remained in families with target children aged 2 through 11 (but not for families with a teenager). With a few exceptions, this pattern of findings was consistent for mothers' and fathers' reports, for daughters and sons, for families with various ethnic backgrounds, and for families living in and out of poverty.  相似文献   
在当今的信息时代,地市级党报发展面临着机遇和挑战。对此,在分析国内外传媒业激烈竞争形势的基础上,揭示了新形势为地市级党报所带来的发展机遇,并根据地市级党报的特有优势提出了走差别化竞争路子,以张扬个性来拓展生存空间和采取增加信息量、增强可读性、提高服务性、加强深度报道、搞好舆论监督等措施来提高引力与张力的发展战略。  相似文献   
This two-part study applied an ecocultural perspective to socialization of daily and long-term goals in low-income Mexican-American and European-American families with children in third, fifth, and seventh grades. The first part of the study examined family members' participation and parents' socialization goals and guidance strategies for their children's daily household chores and homework activities. The second part of the study examined parents' long-term aspirations and guidance strategies for their children's educational, vocational, and moral development. For daily activities, results showed that in Mexican-American families both parents and siblings played important roles, whereas in European-American families parents were the primary socialization agents. As predicted, in both groups parents' expertise influenced their guidance strategies. Finally, Mexican-American and European-American parents differed in their relative endorsement of gender, relational, and self-reliance goals for household chores. For long-term goals, parents in both groups held high educational, vocational, and moral aspirations for their children. However, some parents of seventh-graders had lower educational and vocational aspirations than those of fifth- and third-graders. Although expertise consistently influenced Mexican-American parents' guidance strategies, the pattern for European-American parents was mixed. The discussion highlights between- and within-group differences in daily and long-term socialization practices with an emphasis on resources and vulnerabilities in the families.  相似文献   
学习风格是学习者在学习中表现出来的一种整体性的,持久性的,并具有个性化的认知方式和处理信息的方式。语言学家Reid也认为学习风格是学习者所采用的吸收,处理和储存新的信息,掌握新技能的方式。学习风格受各种因素的影响,包括社会因素,文化因素,学习环境,社区因素,家庭背景等  相似文献   
基于VARK学习风格模型,以对应分析方法对IY、第二步、CKCC和积极行动四门远程社会情感学习课程的研究发现:课程学习风格偏好具有差异,其教学活动体现出不同的风格搭配且混合式学习是实现不同学习风格的主要方式。其中,IY偏好视觉和动觉的学习风格,教学活动主要包括观看视频,然后根据指示进行有道具的情境模拟活动,主要以视频课作为远程教学方式;第二步偏好读写的学习风格,教学活动主要包括阅读图片文字材料,然后完成书写类的作业,主要以数字课程作为实现方式;CKCC同样偏好读写的学习风格,教学活动主要包括教材阅读,同时伴随讨论和讲述,主要以直播课为远程教学方式;积极行动偏好听觉的学习风格,更加注重同伴间的讨论和互动,同样以在线直播课程为远程教学方式。这四门课程为其它远程社会情感学习课程开发提供了借鉴,包括课程特色和教学目标与学习风格需匹配,以及混合式学习促进不同学习风格活动效果。  相似文献   
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