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历史照亮过去,历史启迪未来。以党史、新中国史、改革开放史、社会主义发展史为核心内容的“四史”教育,是以历史为基础的思想政治教育。从党史、新中国史、改革开放史、社会主义发展史中挖掘思想政治理论课教育资源,对高校传承红色基因、落实立德树人根本任务具有重要的指导意义。以庆祝中国共产党成立100周年为契机,将“四史”教育融入高校思想政治理论课教学,必须遵循相应的逻辑理路:树立正确党史观、坚定理想信念的价值追求是融入的逻辑立场;强化大历史观、理解党的伟大贡献是融入的逻辑方法;坚持内在统一性、把握“四史”教育的整体性逻辑是融入的基本前提;抓住侧重点、精准对接各门大学生思想政治理论课程是融入的逻辑核心;坚持实践逻辑、引导大学生从“四史”中汲取智慧和力量是融入的根本遵循。  相似文献   
开发区是我国改革开放进程中重要的"制度安排",在制度转型、市场机制培育、产业结构升级和带动地区经济增长等方面发挥着引领示范作用,但同时也存在政策效应边际递减、土地资源浪费、创新不足等诸多问题.梳理我国开发区过去三十多年的发展经验和不足,并展望其未来定位是一项重要的研究课题.在详细讨论我国开发区的缘起、动力机制、发展阶段、功能演变、面临问题的基础上,文章从制度安排、比较优势、产业集聚和商业环境四个方面总结了我国开发区取得的成功经验.未来,开发区的发展应实现从生产到生活、从效率到公平、从地的繁荣到人的繁荣、从外围到中心、从专业化到多样化、从高速增长到高质量发展、从对外开放到国内国际双循环等方面的转变.  相似文献   
随着万物互联时代的来临,人类资源配置将被各种人工智能“算法”①所取代。万物互联产生的数据将成为社会资源的重要形态,也是支撑人工智能“算法”的重要基础。数据资源的安全、所有权归属、开发利用效率以及保密等重要议题,将成为民族学、经济学、社会学和心理学等相关学科关注和研究的新热点。我国是一个统一的多民族国家,如何将丰富的民族多样化资源转化为支持万物互联资源网络协同优化配置人工智能“算法”的数据,需要从民族历史、文化、生物、信息处理技术等相关学科做深入的理论和实证研究。在万物互联时代,因资源配置方式与配置机制发生变革,经济学一般不再直接求解资源最优配置的策略集,更多是从理论和实证方面研究资源配置中人工智能“算法”的构造原理、构造条件与影响因素。万物互联时代,社会和谐秩序的构建,需要政府建立和维护万物互联网络的安全防护体系,并对资源配置中人工智能技术演变路径作规范和指引。  相似文献   
我国检察公益诉讼制度全面实施两年后呈现出新的发展态势。亟需理论深入研判。本文以2017—2019年间的司法数据为基础,运用实证方法分析了《行政诉讼法》《民事诉讼法》修改后检察公益诉讼在办案数量、办案规则、办案能力、办案力量、办案重心等方面的发展态势:审判机关和检察机关的办案数量增长迅速,并积极推动诉讼规则完善;各地办案数量差异明显,案件分布不均衡;基层人民检察院是办案主力军;行政公益诉讼案件数量锐减,办案重心转向刑事附带民事公益诉讼案件;立案数量快速增长,但履行诉前程序、提起诉讼的比率呈下降趋势。这些发展态势的内因是检察机关组织机构改革带来的办案能力的提升;外因是党委和人大增强了对检察公益诉讼的支持力度,化解了制度运行中的部分障碍。未来还需从内、外、广、深四个维度推动检察公益诉讼制度完善:促进公益诉讼检察与三大检察内部融合;建立公益诉讼检察与法治政府的耦合;探索拓展受案范围;建构符合需要的诉讼机制。  相似文献   
金融危机以来国际贸易保护主义色彩浓郁,中国内部粗放型经济增长方式存在一定的不可持续性和人口红利开始逐渐消失,中国加工贸易嵌入发达国家主导的全球价值链低附加值和低生产率问题引起了学者的注意。随着外部贸易环境、国内新常态要素禀赋结构的变化和深化供给侧结构性改革的需要,推动加工贸易企业升级已经成为中国经济结构调整的一个重要部分。通过分析中国加工贸易的起源、发展和现状,描述全球价值链背景下加工贸易的若干特征和“低端锁定”问题,引出了融资约束对企业经营决策、出口行为以及企业全球价值链上地位的影响,并围绕以生产过程、产品升级和功能升级为主的产业内升级和以劳动密集型向技术密集型转变为特征的产业间升级两个角度,提出了中国加工贸易企业在全球价值链上攀升的路径。研究认为,着重强调人力资本积累、本土企业技术外溢的吸收能力以及自主研发能力的培养,同时结合国际产能合作和“一带一路”倡议等现实背景,实现东西双向开放,塑造以我为主的包容性的区域价值链和国内价值链等,是中国加工贸易企业升级的路径和新机遇。  相似文献   
Creating a strong, influential third party has been an abiding aspiration on the American left, and were this goal to be achieved, it could be a great boon to subordinate groups in the United States. Yet widespread doubts persist, even among progressives that this is desirable, and especially that it is possible. Here, I briefly review compelling reasons for thinking otherwise; I then consider in some depth the potential for starting to build a viable left third party leading up to and after the pivotal 2020 election. In doing so, I go beyond the existing literature on third parties, which has yet to reflect systematically on progressive third party prospects in this period. Specifically, I assess how the emerging political environment may shape left third-party building, and I evaluate ongoing and developing attempts by key groups engaged in that effort. I find a distinct tension between conditions encouraging progressives to reform versus abandon the Democratic Party, and I identify one alternative party-building tendency that seems most able to exploit the latter impulse due to its already established electoral viability. Last, I highlight relevant questions that remain for activists hoping to create an effective national left third party.  相似文献   
2020年中共中央办公厅、国务院印发的《关于深化新时代教育督导体制机制改革的意见》,进一步推动了我国教育事业的改革和发展,也为HR转型背景下劳动关系与劳动法课程教学方法的改革提供了优良契机。基于此,文章介绍了HR转型与专业人才培养的关系,分析了HR转型对劳动关系与劳动法课程教学的影响,探究了HR转型背景下劳动关系与劳动法课程的教学现状,论述了HR转型背景下劳动关系与劳动法课程教学的创新路径。  相似文献   
Historical institutionalist studies have explained institutional change as resulting from critical junctures that interrupt long periods of stability or from endogenous, incremental evolution. Building on these theories, discursive institutionalists have focused on the roles of agency, ideas and discourse as explainers of change. Combining these approaches, this article analyses Finland’s decision in 2014 to transfer the administration of basic social assistance from municipalities to the central government. This study demonstrates that institutional change can be both abrupt and evolutionary. Due to sudden, exceptional political circumstances, the decision in question was made quickly and under pressure, circumventing possible veto players. However, it was possible only because of the incremental, endogenous change that had occurred in the way in which social assistance was administered at the municipal level. It enabled a change in political discourse, which eroded the credibility of the ideational frames that policy actors had previously utilised to reject the centralised model.  相似文献   

Restorative justice is regarded in modern criminal justice systems as one approach to address inadequacies in the conventional justice model. New Zealand has become a leader in implementing legislatively mandated restorative procedures. This reputation is due in part to a handful of supportive statutes: the Sentencing Act 2002, the Victims’ Rights Act 2002, the Parole Act 2002, the Corrections Act 2004 and subsequent amendments to those acts. In this article, I evaluate the practices bolstered by these acts and how effectively they operate, accounting for how legislative design may contribute to achievements and shortcomings in New Zealand's restorative justice programmes. I supplement the results by comparing New Zealand's efforts to those in Vermont, a U.S. state similarly well-regarded for its restorative policies. The evaluation of each jurisdiction's restorative justice programme is based on metrics for restorative success from Bazemore and Schiff (2005. Juvenile justice reform and restorative justice: building theory and policy from practice. Cullompton: Willan Publishing). I employ qualitative and quantitative data, surveying existing evaluations of restorative justice in New Zealand and Vermont, collecting longitudinal statistics, and conducting interviews with restorative justice practitioners. Overall, this analysis reveals that the design of restorative justice programmes requires negotiation; it is difficult to balance the dimensions of effective restorative justice with the needs of modern justice systems.  相似文献   
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