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自然有没有目的性,如果有的话,是在什么意义上讲的,自然的目的性是否具有层次性,我们应该如何对待这些不同形态的自然及其目的性,等等。这个问题,不同的价值观和思维方式的回答是不同的。一般来说,机械论和传统唯物主义是否定自然的目的性的,西方传统中占主导地位的理性主义往往形成自然与社会、物质和精神、理性与非理性等等二元因素的对立。而儒家、马克思的实践哲学明确主张,或从现代现象学可以推断出,自然界不但存在着目的性、主体性,而且存在着它们的差异性,如马克思强调在实践活动的基础上自然与历史的一体化,而儒家的仁爱是有差等的爱,不是墨家所说的具有绝对主义倾向的“兼爱”。也就是说,自然界中的一切生命,按照从高到低的价值顺序,微生物、植物、普通动物、人,都是具有独立的意志和价值的生命体。在道德的理想性、超越性上,它们是平等的,都是爱和尊重的对象,而在现实性上,它们对人的价值是不同的,人们对待它们的态度也应该是不同的,即是有差等的。  相似文献   
The anatomy lab has been studied by sociologists interested in professional socialization since the 1950s. This is because the act of dissecting a cadaver is thought to be foundational for both the student's medical knowledge and the development of the student's professional identity. In this paper, I revisit the anatomy lab both historically and ethnographically. Drawing on theoretical insights from the laboratory ethnography tradition within science and technology studies, I show that students use material artifacts in the lab to support their “surgical identity play.” This activity is structured by the laboratory's performative architecture even while it is unsupervised by anatomy faculty. While many analyses of professional socialization focus on how students learn to interact with patients during their training, I show that the anatomy lab experience is an important form of professional socialization because here students learn to employ surgical instruments, language, and dress, and begin to relate to each other as colleagues.  相似文献   
I call for a globally informed sociology of comparative placemaking that integrates historical and contemporary processes and includes the ephemeral, institutional, and personal. By placemaking, I am referring to the explicit or tacit cooperation among people to create, maintain, and give meaning to places in space through bodily occupation given differential resources and constraints. I review select place, space, and community-based literature about urban, Black, migrant, LGBTQ, and international populations to think about how we can build upon and integrate multiple theoretical, methodological, and epistemological insights to form an explicit placemaking research agenda. A US focus on neighborhoods contrasts with a comparative examination of global urban networks, social polarization, and transformation of the built environment in the interdisciplinary field of global urban studies (Ren, 2018). I argue for a placemaking research agenda that bridges insight from US Urban Sociology with Global Urban Studies to consider how various structures and actors constrain and facilitate place projects. With a globally reaching and comparatively informed sociology of placemaking, we can illuminate our multi-structured story of place and agency in context. We can answer questions about how and why we co-create and are simultaneously disciplined by the process of creation.  相似文献   
工匠精神是当代职业教育中的重要理念,也是顺应时代发展需求,推进产业升级、经济转型的重要职业精神。文章围绕工匠精神的内涵、如何挖掘职业教育的工匠精神、如何将工匠精神纳入到当代职业人才价值观培育实践中等问题展开论述,并提出积极的建议和对策。  相似文献   
《Sociological Forum》2018,33(3):690-711
In every year between 2004 and 2012, more than 800,000 Americans reported volunteering internationally (Lough 2013 ). These volunteers are overwhelmingly white (McBride and Lough 2008 ) and entering a largely nonwhite and developing world. This study starts by questioning how racial status informs volunteer/volunteer tourist interactions, both with locals and with other volunteers, in a global context. In‐depth interviews with 23 missionaries, teachers, and volunteers from the United States and Canada reveal that (1) international volunteering is largely motivated by romantic and exotic understandings of the Global South and (2) in spite of a stated interest in cultural immersion, participants’ notions of their whiteness guided their perceptions of Hondurans and their actions as they sought out and retreated to white spaces protected from Honduran influence. These findings further the work of those who have argued first world travelers have homogenized spaces on reserve, by demonstrating that whiteness can be the basis for the construction and maintenance of protected spaces in predominantly nonwhite countries.  相似文献   
艰苦奋斗精神是中华民族历经几千年传承的精神财富,更是当前党和国家发展前进的精神动力和精神保障。通过探索改革开放新时期艰苦奋斗精神的时代内涵,分析大学生艰苦奋斗精神缺失的表现,积极探索新时期大学生艰苦奋斗教育的新方法和新载体。  相似文献   
The middling mobile, differentiated by their modest and unsure mobility, are a vast of bulk of people who intend or expect to move on. As they travel, they tread differing intensities of rhythm and social embeddedness felt to be chaotic, constraining, liberating, or comforting. Owing to their aspirations to ‘get out’ of a rhythmic life, or to move somewhere familiar, the middling mobile use movement and rootedness to navigate and manage everyday life in the liquid city. My analysis offers a holistic exposition of a life that flows between mobility/immobility and rhythmic/arrhythmic forms, and the transitions between them.  相似文献   
“微时代”大学生爱国奋斗精神培育,是推动大学生爱国奋斗精神培育与时俱进的现实之需,也是引导新时代大学生成长成才的内容之要,更是凝心聚力实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的应有之义。爱国奋斗精神最基本的特征是在家国情怀的牵引下,将“爱国”同“奋斗”两个价值主题转化为奋斗报国的实践主题。高校必须把握“微时代”特点及当代大学生群体特征,秉承因事而化、因时而进、因势而新理念,把握其方法论要义。从“微时代”高校思想政治教育的现实境遇角度出发,分析当代大学生在网络空间下的行为样态和“微时代”烙印特征,通过创作“微内容”、抢占“微阵地”、净化“微环境”、营造“微文化”,探索“微时代”背景下大学生爱国奋斗精神培育的有效路径。  相似文献   
《凤凰涅槃》作为收入诗集《女神》的一首白话新诗,它鲜明地表现了五四时代的不乏困惑的理想主义、革新精神和自我精神,同时也极好的融合中国古典的传统和西洋现代主义精神。郭沫若对该诗持续的修改表明了时代思潮的更替、诗人思想情感的变幻,以及诗歌形式的完善。“凤凰涅槃”是郭沫若创造的一个跨文化(诗意)新词。  相似文献   
我国以社区矫正人员的居住地为矫正地。矫正地变更主要包括迁居型、暂离型、外出型三种类型。迁居型矫正地变更后,由新矫正地的社区矫正机构进行矫正;暂离型矫正地变更后,由现居住地矫正机构委托异地暂时居住地社区矫正机构进行矫正;外出型矫正地变更须由现矫正地社区矫正机构进行延伸矫正,并强化矫正措施。  相似文献   
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