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Popularity among peers might be related to behavior in gradual or non‐gradual ways. In this research, a popularity subgroups approach was used to examine whether some behaviors were associated with only specific levels of popularity. Moreover, observational data in popularity research is valuable yet scarce. This research, therefore, also examined the association between popularity and observed behavior in a cooperative and competitive setting. In total, 182 early adolescents (58.2% girls, Mage = 10.7 years) completed peer nominations and were observed during a cooperative and a competitive task in groups of four. Results show that affective ties increased gradually with increasing popularity, but that relational aggression, bullying and attention‐attracting qualities distinguished popular adolescents from other early adolescents, and victimization distinguished unpopular adolescents from the other early adolescents. Observations showed that high popularity was defined by high levels of negative behavior, prosocial resource control, skillful leadership, and influence, with the effect of popularity on influence being stronger in the cooperative than the competitive setting. Using multiple methods, and taking context into account, a more complete behavioral profile of different levels of popularity is provided.  相似文献   
This study investigated a potential moderator of the association between popularity and relational aggression: social dominance orientation (SDO), the degree to which an individual endorses the importance of social hierarchy. One hundred eighty‐five ninth graders completed a sociometric assessment of RA and popularity, and a self‐report SDO measure. SDO was positively associated with popularity for both boys and girls, and with RA for girls. Popularity and RA were positively correlated for both genders. Regression analyses showed that SDO moderated the association between popularity and RA for girls, but not for boys. Girls who were both popular and who were social dominance‐oriented were particularly high in peer‐nominated RA. SDO may provide a useful framework for understanding the role of popularity in adolescent peer groups.  相似文献   
大众性是当代中国马克思主义大众化的重要特征。从政治社会化、当代中国马克思主义大众化的客观需要、在坚持科学性的前提下突出大众性3个方面论述当代中国马克思主义大众化的大众性。  相似文献   
大学生是当代中国马克思主义大众化的重要对象之一。但从现状来看,还存在着对马克思主义理论认识不深,普通大学生群体对马克思主义理论的信仰在弱化,理论学习与社会实践相脱节,参加马克思主义的学习活动的动机不纯等问题。这些问题的产生主要是受国内外环境、大学生身心发展特点和思想政治理论课作用发挥情况的影响。  相似文献   
当代中国马克思主义是源自大众的理论。作为源于群众实践活动的理论,只有为人民群众所认知、认同,才会在新的实践中发挥理论武器之作用。推进当代中国马克思主义大众化就是将源于群众生活的、经过加工的理论“返还”给群众,以达到理论指导实践的目的。  相似文献   
在中国特色社会主义建设的关键时期,党的十七大报告提出要推动当代中国马克思主义大众化。马克思主义大众化体现了辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义,即马克思主义哲学的精髓,具有深厚的哲学基础。深入探讨马克思主义大众化的哲学基础具有重要的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   
论马克思主义大众化的主体向度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡玲 《创新》2010,4(6):39-41
大众化是马克思主义当代化建设中绝不能忽视的维度与主题。追问马克思主义大众化的主体向度,有助于深刻展现马克思主义大众化的内涵。马克思主义大众化实质及内涵的主体向度必然是从单级走向多级,呈现主体—客体、主体—主体的双重关系。  相似文献   
马克思主义大众化是一个兼具理论与实践双重意蕴的科学命题。如果把“大众化”的理解仅仅限定在理论宣传的层面上,仅仅归结为语言表达方式的问题,那么,这种对“大众化”的态度是片面的和肤浅的。从理性、科学解读的角度看,“大众化”既是马克思主义理论的本质特征,又是马克思主义理论发展与实践指导的内在要求。因此,从理论根基、精神实质和问题意识等方面进行深度思考,对于全面、科学地把握“大众化”这一科学命题的深刻内涵,确保“大众化”实践的路向正确、收获善果,是必要和有益的。  相似文献   
This study aimed to support the theory of popularity contagion, which posits that popularity spreads among friends spontaneously and regardless of behavioral changes. Peer nominations of status and behavior were collected annually between 6th and 12th grades from a total of 1062 adolescents. Longitudinal hypotheses were mostly supported using path analyses, showing (1) that individual popularity could be predicted by friends’ popularity levels over time, even when controlling for stability of individual popularity; (2) that this prediction was not accounted for by behavioral contagion of aggressive or prosocial behaviors; and (3) that individual social preference generally could not be predicted by friends’ preference levels over time. Implications, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
在高等教育大众化的新形势下,加强师资队伍建设是提高教学质量的关键所在,是树立教学中心地位、实现学校人才培养目标的基础和保证。尤其是基础课,由于师资队伍的迅速扩大,教师的各方面素质明显下降。为了提高教师素质,使新教师尽快适应教学要求,我们客观地分析了影响师资队伍建设的因素,从师德、师风建设、新教师培养、提高学历层次、优化教师队伍结构以及提高教师的学术水平等多方面科学地制定切实可行的应对措施,使我校青年教师的素质大大提高。  相似文献   
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