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廖钰 《民族学刊》2019,10(4):69-75, 120-121
道光年间滇南地区土司依靠清王朝授予的诰敕、号纸、印信等信物取得合法统治权之后,他们通过治边文化软实力的浸润,采取多种举措体现自己的权力象征,以实现“文化治边”的目标。具体而言,“文化治边”举措有四:一是在物质文化方面,土司衙署的建立;二是在制度文化方面,印信号纸的获得;三是在行为文化方面,土司法令的施行;四是在精神文化方面,表征系统、话语体系和意识形态等文化权力结构的建立。《滇事杂档》相关史料中以文治和教化等文化权力表征体系来治理滇南土司地区的思想,既是对清代中期官僚政治的认识与理解,又是对道光年间土司文化治权的阐述和诠释。  相似文献   
作为一种弹性工作方式,无薪休假通常运用于企业经营困难时期,以平衡劳资利益、稳定劳动关系,部分企业在此次新冠疫情停工期间进行了无薪休假的尝试。无薪休假具体表现为“缩短工时并相应地减少工资”,其在我国是一个新兴事物。若要引入“无薪休假”有必要厘清无薪休假实施的基础,考量我国引入无薪休假的必要性,并在考察域外无薪休假经验做法的基础上,结合实际情况构建我国无薪休假制度,重点在于劳资协商、最低工资保障与劳动监察等方面的规制。  相似文献   
舒群 《民族学刊》2021,12(11):50-56, 126
中国共产党领导的红军长征四川阶段是我党将马克思主义中国化的重要时期,党把马克思主义民族理论与中国革命实践相结合,形成了以毛泽东民族理论为代表的中国共产党民族领导力。中国共产党民族领导力实践体现在政治领导力、思想引领力、群众组织力、社会号召力四个方面,具备清晰的主体、内容和客体构成,中国共产党在长征时期的民族领导力实践是党的民族领导力初步形成时期。长征时期党的民族领导力在四川民族地区的实践体现了民族团结的大好局面源自中国共产党带领中华民族实现伟大复兴的民族领导力,也凸显出中国共产党民族领导力从民族独立到多元一体,再发展到共同体,凸显了中国共产党民族政策领导力的人民性、民主性内涵。  相似文献   
在实际中,消费者购买耐用品时均同时获得厂商提供的质保服务,由于产品质保服务影响着消费者的产品使用效用,因此耐用品定价、质保期和产品质保服务投入是影响厂商利润的主要因素。考虑双寡头市场环境下,建立微分博弈模型讨论单位产品质保服务投入和产品质保期对双寡头厂商均衡价格的影响。结论表明双寡头厂商的单位产品质保服务投入越高、质保期越长,均衡价格越高;但单位产品保服务投入与质保服务对消费者效用影响系数的关系影响着竞争对手在均衡价格的变化趋势;劣势的低质量厂商可以通过增加单位产品质保服务投入策略或延长质保期的策略实现在均衡下与高质量厂商以同等价格销售耐用品,但劣势厂商增加单位产品质保服务投入策略要优于延长质保期策略。最后,利用数值分析进一步验证了所得结论的有效性。  相似文献   


Ice-pack is widely used for alleviating postpartum perineal pain sustained after birth related perineal trauma. However, it lacks robust evidence on timing and frequency of applications, to ensure the effective and safe use of this therapy.


To evaluate if a 10 min ice-pack application relieved postpartum perineal pain and if the analgesic effect was maintained for up to 2 h.


A randomised controlled trial conducted from December 2012 to February 2013 with 69 primiparous women ≥18 years old, 6–24 h postpartum, with perineal pain ≥3, who had not received anti-inflammatory medication or analgesics after childbirth, who were randomised to a single ice-pack application on the perineum for 10 min or standard care. The primary and secondary outcomes were a reduction ≥30% in perineal pain intensity, immediately after the application and the maintenance of the analgesic effect for up to 2 h, respectively.


Immediately post-intervention, the proportion of women whose perineal pain decreased ≥30% was significantly higher in the experimental group. Within 2 h, there was no significant difference in the pain levels in both groups. Within 2 h, for 61.9% and 89.3% of women in the experimental and control group, respectively, the perineal pain levels remained unchanged. For the remaining participants, perineal pain was increasing after an average time of 1 h 45 min and 1 h 56 min for the experimental and control groups, respectively.


By applying an ice-pack for 10 min to the perineum, effective pain relief is achieved, that is maintained for between 1 h 45 min and 2 h.  相似文献   
BackgroundThe Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is well accepted for detecting symptoms of postnatal depression. The aim of this study was to examine psychometric properties and to evaluate structural models of the Serbian translation of EPDS in pregnant and postpartum women.MethodsThe original English version of the EPDS was translated into Serbian, and checked by means of back-translation. Data were collected via an anonymous online questionnaire posted on a Serbian website devoted to pregnancy topics. The study sample included 201 women (76 pregnant, 125 postpartum). The internal consistency of the scale was measured by Cronbach's α coefficient. Principal component analysis was used to determine scale dimensions while confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate model fit.FindingsCronbach α coefficient was 0.84 and 0.83 in pregnant and postpartum women, respectively, which indicated good internal consistency of the Serbian EPDS. Three dimensions of the scale were revealed in both groups of women. Goodness of fit indices described good and excellent model in pregnant and postpartum women, respectively. High level of depression symptoms (score ≥13) was recorded in 27.6% and 24.8% (p > 0.05) of pregnant and postpartum women, respectively. Moderate level of depression symptoms (score 10–12) was recorded in 21.1% and 16.8% (p > 0.05) of pregnant and postpartum women, respectively.ConclusionThe Serbian translation of the EPDS showed good consistency and good model characteristics in pregnant and postpartum women. However, cut-off values, sensitivity and specificity of the scale should be determined in the further studies with more representative samples of women.  相似文献   
四川盆地卤水分布广泛,资源丰富, 早为世人所瞩目,中三叠统雷口坡组是四川盆地最早开采天然气和盐卤的层系之一。根据盆地雷口坡组大量钻井资料研究表明,盆地雷口坡组主要成盐期分别为雷三2 期和雷四2 期,在盆地东部和南部由于受到古隆起的影响,盐岩地层已被剥蚀难以保存,现今盐岩主要分布在开江古隆起和泸州古隆起的西部以及天井山古隆起的南部(华蓥山以西—龙门山以东的川西—川中地区)。印支运动对盆地雷口坡组盐岩在平面的迁移起着十分重要的作用,根据不同时期盐岩统计数据看,两期盐盆在平面上具有向西迁移、叠加的特征,其中川中的GS1 井就钻遇了这两期的盐岩。  相似文献   
对当代文学尤其是新时期文学的评价,已成为中国新文学评价中的热点与焦点问题。仅从传播方式而言,对中国新时期文学的海外传播做出最大贡献的是以第五代导演为代表的新时期电影。张艺谋认为第五代导演的成功与新时期的文学繁荣分不开,正是中国新时期文学成就了新时期电影。实质上,中国新时期文学经历文学现代化洗礼后已逐渐进入成熟期,取得了较高的文学成就。然而,从传统向现代转型的中国社会,长期处于价值取向的茫然与混乱中,导致无法建立起公正的文学与电影评价系统和体系。只有冷静分析中国新时期电影和文学,才能真正发现新时期电影和文学的价值所在。  相似文献   
为了正本清源、消除误解、清除理论迷雾,本文运用文献资料分析方法,细致研究了凯德洛夫提出的“带头学科”学说的历史演变“轨迹”,得出结论认为该学说值得商榷:“带头学科”语义不清,“更替律”似是而非,“周期减半律”不合常理。因此,当今自然科学发展中有无“带头学科”?它是什么?这些都是引起争议的问题。  相似文献   
民生财政是近几年学术界和实务界提及的一个热门词汇。民生财政不能仅以提高民生支出的比例来完成,而是要构建一套由财政预算体系、转移支付体系、资金监管体系、绩效评估体系等组成的从收支计划的确定、执行到效果监督的完整民生财政框架。  相似文献   
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