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国内学术界一般以西方学术发展史作为背景,把治理作为一种社会互动来进行研究。中国历史视野下的治理,发轫于中国社会生活,其内涵最初主要是为了获取生存资料,即有收成才能够形成秩序也就是治理。从“乂”这个象形文字来看,乂就是治理,其原意为“收割”。不过,围绕生存资料的生产和分配逐渐产生了更加丰富的社会权力关系,而巩固和拓展这种权力关系则使得构筑更加严格的秩序成为必然。神秘感是构筑秩序的重要依据,而赋予仪式以神秘感的则是觋、巫等知识群体,他们将天、帝、王、人通过仪式联系在一起,建构起一套以礼为基础的秩序。但是,西周末年,觋、巫的神秘感被世俗的君权摧毁以后,“君臣秩序”以及由此构筑起来的社会秩序都被颠覆,从而导致“君臣之礼既坏”和“礼坏乐崩”的情形。“以智力相雄长”不仅表现在王室内部、诸侯之间、社会层面上,而且也表现在知识分子身上。从此以后,士绝大多数以追逐爵禄而骄天下为荣,以至于两千多年来一直存在“士贱而君肆”的情形。“君士互动”的治理模式,正是随着神秘主义的礼的崩溃而崩溃的。  相似文献   
BackgroundHaving a positive childbirth experience is an increasingly valued outcome. Few studies evaluated the women’s satisfaction with childbirth through face-to-face interviews out of the health service environment. The objective of this study was to identify factors associated with a higher level of satisfaction with the childbirth experience among Brazilian women.MethodsThis cross-sectional study involved 287 women giving birth in two hospitals in southern Brazil. Women who gave birth to healthy newborns at term were randomly selected. Face-to-face interviews were conducted 31–37 days after delivery, at the mothers’ homes, using a structured questionnaire. Satisfaction with the childbirth experience was measured using a Likert-type scale ranging from very satisfied to very dissatisfied. Prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated using Poisson regression with robust variance.ResultsFollowing hierarchical multivariate analysis, the following factors remained associated with a higher level of satisfaction with the childbirth experience: being satisfied with antenatal care (PR = 1.30; 95% confidence interval [95%CI] = 1.06−1.59), understanding the information provided by health professionals during labor and delivery (PR = 1.40; 95%CI = 1.01−1.95), not having reported disrespect and abuse (PR = 1.53; 95%CI = 1.01−2.31), and having had the baby put to the breast within the first hour of life (PR = 1.63; 95%CI = 1.26−2.11). No association was observed with type of delivery or hospital status (public or private).ConclusionsA higher level of satisfaction with the childbirth experience is related to satisfactory antenatal care, a non-abusive, respectful, and informative environment during childbirth, and to the opportunity to breastfeed the baby within the first hour of life. In clinical practice, greater attention to these basic principles of care during pregnancy and delivery could provide more positive experiences during birth.  相似文献   
作为中国特色的政府治理策略定制,“行政耦合”是指政府或政府行为通过一系列途径实现与乡村社会权力结构的有效融合,从而实现政府有效治理的政策工具。这种工具在乡村治理中表现出运作主体多元化、服务导向、协同合作的运作特征。本文以贵州省新民镇的“四在农家,美丽乡村”建设作为案例样本,分析基层政府“行政耦合”所形成的新型耦合式关系网络对乡村治理的作用机制。这种新型耦合式关系网络是政府体制吸纳与乡村社会政治参与的均衡演进的结果,二者的交互作用促进和强化乡村治理目标的实现,展现了其各自的价值。在乡村振兴战略背景下,对其在乡村治理实践中“沁润式”发展所产生的深层矛盾和风险进行反思,以期为乡村治理提供理论指引和实践参考。  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to review existing goodness-of-fit tests for the exponential distribution under progressive Type-II censoring and to provide some new ideas and adjustments. In particular, we consider two-parameter exponentially distributed random variables and adapt the proposed test procedures to our scenario if necessary. Then, we compare their power by an extensive simulation study. Furthermore, we propose five new test procedures that provide reasonable alternatives to those already known.  相似文献   
In this paper, we revisit the problem of testing of the hypothesis of circular symmetry of a bivariate distribution. We propose some nonparametric tests based on sector counts. These include tests based on chi-square goodness-of-fit test, the classical likelihood ratio, mean deviation, and the range. The proposed tests are easy to implement and the exact null distributions for small sample sizes of the test statistics are obtained. Two examples with small and large data sets are given to illustrate the application of the tests proposed. For small and moderate sample sizes, the performances of the proposed tests are evaluated using empirical powers (empirical sizes are also reported). Also, we evaluate the performance of these count-based tests with adaptations of several well-known tests such as the Kolmogorov–Smirnov-type tests, tests based on kernel density estimator, and the Wilcoxon-type tests. It is observed that among the count-based tests the likelihood ratio test performs better.  相似文献   
为探究我国核电技术创新中政府和企业的协调情况,文章基于协同学理论和复杂系统理论,从核电技术创新的特点出发,将核电技术创新系统解构为政府子系统和企业子系统,采用2007年—2017年相关数据,运用协调度测度模型对政府子系统有序度、企业子系统有序度和政企协调度进行测度和分析。研究结果显示:我国核电技术创新中政企协调度随时间呈现“N”型变化趋势,且协调度均值较低;政府子系统有序度和企业子系统有序度表现为“双螺旋”协调演进;制约政府子系统有序度和企业子系统有序度提升的关键因素分别为税收优惠力度和企业R&D强度。  相似文献   
农村互助型社会养老是具有中国特色的社会养老的发展形式,是对农村传统家庭养老的重要补充。它扎根于农村传统的亲邻互助网络,其本质在于经济互助,表现为有组织地发动邻里、志愿等社会力量,充分利用以老年人为主的各类人力资源的闲置时间、资源低成本地相互帮助和服务。社会各界应将其作为重要实施方略,纳入积极应对人口老龄化战略和乡村振兴战略之中。其发展路径可以概括为:以资金互助为基础,以组织动员为抓手,以服务互助为重点,以社区居家养老为主要阵地,创新各类互助养老模式,着力形成稳定多元的资金来源,培育互助队伍,增加互助内容,从无偿到无偿、低偿相结合,探索建立标准规范的服务管理评估制度,机构养老与社区居家养老互联互通,最终尝试建立圈层化、整合化、网络化、制度化的农村互助型社会养老体系。  相似文献   
目前有许多研究将两阶段DEA模型应用到科技创新活动当中,一般将创新活动分为研发和转化两个阶段,为了进一步探讨不同转移转化方式下科技成果的转化效率以获得更多的详细信息,本文拓展了传统的两阶段DEA模型,考虑了嵌套并联结构的两阶段网络DEA模型,将科技创新活动分为科技成果研发阶段和科技成果转化阶段,并将科技成果转化阶段分为内部转化和外部转化两个并联子系统。本文选取14家中科院院属单位作为被评价对象,应用加权加法分解方法计算整体效率和各阶段子效率。通过将本文模型与传统两阶段模型进行对比发现,传统模型会低估科技成果转化效率。结果表明:整体科技创新效率均值偏低,科技成果研发效率均值高于科技成果转化效率均值,科技成果转化效率仍有很大的提升空间。科技成果转化阶段中内部转化效率普遍较高但是外部转化效率普遍较低,较低的外部转化效率是导致科技成果转化效率低下的主要原因。最后,本文将所有被评价单位分为四类机构,分析提高科技创新效率的实现路径,可以通过重点突破模式和渐进突破模式来实现整体效率的提高。  相似文献   
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