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学前教育体制机制研究是近年来一个热点、难点论域。运用科学计量可视化软件,结合内容分析,定量与定性相结合的方式系统回视了我国学前教育体制机制研究的实然面貌。并据此省思未来研究应多边集聚研究力量,促进学术共同体开放与融合;多元突破研究范式,促进理实之间对话与共生;多维聚焦研究主题,促进本土情境中问题剖析与解决。  相似文献   
The present work investigated whether emotion regulation and social preference were associated with participant roles in bullying as a function of the quality of the relationship with teachers. Participants were 332 children (172 boys), in the age of 42–76 months (M = 58.74; SD = 7.84). Peer nominations were employed to assess social preference and participant roles (bullying, victimization, defending the victim, and outsider behavior). Teachers completed the Emotion Regulation Checklist, which yields the dimensions of emotion regulation and lability/negativity, and the Student – Teacher Relationships Scale, to evaluate conflict and closeness with the teacher. Multilevel models highlighted that emotional lability was positively associated with bullying and outsider behavior, emotion regulation was positively related to bullying and defending behavior, and social preference was negatively associated with bullying and victimization and positively with defending behavior. Interactions indicated that lability and low social preference were associated with bullying, and emotion regulation with outsider behavior, in children with a conflictual relationship with the teacher whereas social preference was related to defending behavior in children with a close relationship with the teacher. Results are discussed highlighting the importance of the quality of teacher–child relationship and the relevance of intervention programs aimed at promoting social wellbeing in preschool.  相似文献   
Story stem narrative tasks provide insight into young children's inner experiences. Little research has investigated how developmental capacities impact narrative content and process. This study evaluates the influence of executive functioning (EF) and language ability on children's narratives. Data were gathered from 210 low‐income children. EF and language ability were assessed at age 4 and EF was assessed at age 6 via direct examination, cognitive‐motor tasks, and examiner ratings. Children's responses to eight story stems were gathered at age 6; three latent narrative variables were constructed (Prosocial, Aggressive/Conflict, and Avoidance/Danger), and Narrative Coherence was rated. Results of longitudinal path analyses in structural equation modeling demonstrated age 4 EF significantly predicted all narrative outcomes. Language ability independently predicted Prosocial and Narrative Coherence, and had an influence on Aggression/Conflict when modeled with EF. Age 6 EF mediated the relationship between age 4 EF and narrative outcomes. Findings provide insight into developmental abilities that influence on children's narrative responses to challenging interpersonal scenarios. Future research should study parent–child relations, EF, and language abilities simultaneously.  相似文献   
SWOT分析法又称作态势分析法,能够将内部的优势劣势、外部的机会威胁逐条列举出来,并据此建立可视化矩阵图,系统全面地提出针对性策略。学前教育作为基础教育的短板,而农村地区学前教育又是学前教育中的短板。借助SWOT模型系统,全面地分析了农村地区学前教育发展的内部与外部的优势(S)、劣势(W)、机会(O)和威胁(T),进而提出相应的增长型战略、扭转型战略、多元化战略和防御型战略,以促进农村地区学前教育平稳、健康发展。  相似文献   
江苏省推行课程游戏化项目已四年有余,“观察”在其中扮演重要的推动角色。随着项目的全面开展实施,幼儿园教师的观察能力有了明显变化,但其中仍然存在一些“不够科学”的现象。基于此,教师应养成制定观察计划的习惯,提高获取有用信息的能力以及增强观察记录的实效性,从而深化推进课程游戏化建设。  相似文献   
To test the hypothesis that social engagement is a foundational aspect of other peer social competence indicators during early childhood, 160 Portuguese preschool children (“3‐year‐olds”) were observed at least in two different school years, using a battery of validated social competence assessments based on direct observations and child interviews. Multilevel growth models tested whether social engagement predicted initial values and linear changes in the other social competence indicators. Results were consistent with the hypothesis, insofar as both initial values and changes in social engagement significantly predicted initial values and changes in other social competence indicators. Additionally, the number of children's reciprocated friendships was also predicted by social engagement. These results are discussed from the perspectives of conceptual frameworks that consider individual differences in social competence during early childhood as a consequence of attachment histories and/or emotional competence.  相似文献   
抗战时期,陕甘宁边区在中国共产党的领导下进行了独具特色的学前教育建设活动,形成了独特的建设经验,主要包括提供保障措施、建立精简高效的组织架构、注重保教队伍的建设、关爱幼儿的身体健康、开展科学的教育教学工作。重现边区学前教育活动,探寻其成功经验,继承与发扬红色教育精神,对新时期幼儿的培养与培育有积极的现实指导意义。  相似文献   
随着国学热的升温,《弟子规》等蒙学教材在学前教育阶段使用成为一种广泛流行的文化现象。但是面对这种教育潮流,我们需要认真检视这类学习教材对孩子们的正负面影响。一方面《弟子规》被赋予了积极的教育价值,包括形塑儿童的仁爱之心、倡导诚信作为人际交往的准绳、培育良好的学习习惯等;另一方面它也有典型的负面效应,尤其体现在“尊卑贵贱”的等级观念、“封建奴性”的糟粕思想、“因循守旧”的生活态度等方面。鉴于此,提出从幼儿园、家庭和社会教育方面都应以扬弃的态度来合理使用。  相似文献   
高校学前教育专业实践教学在教师教育改革、学前教育改革以及师范类专业认证深入开展的时代背景下,面临实践教学培养目标不清晰、实践教学内容滞后于幼儿园实际、实践教学环节缺乏整合以及实践教学评价随意单一等问题,基于OBE“产出导向”理念,构建以培养学生保教实践能力为核心的实践教学目标体系、“三级循环式”内容体系和保障体系。在实施过程中,倡导理论教学与实践教学并行、加强校地深度合作和开展专业实践活动,以期促进学生保教实践能力的提升和学前教育专业实践教学效果的提高。  相似文献   
摘 要:应用儿童长处与困难(SDQ)问卷(父母版),采用分层随机抽样方法,对惠州市1528名3-6岁儿童的情绪与行为问题进行调查。研究发现:惠州市3-6岁儿童情绪与行为问题异常情况比较严峻,儿童心理健康状况值得重视;不同地域、年龄学前儿童存在不同的情绪与行为问题,需要分类干预。其中农村儿童的情绪与行为问题异常情况尤为严重,需要得到广泛的关注和解决。  相似文献   
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