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The case-cohort design is widely used as a means of reducing the cost in large cohort studies, especially when the disease rate is low and covariate measurements may be expensive, and has been discussed by many authors. In this paper, we discuss regression analysis of case-cohort studies that produce interval-censored failure time with dependent censoring, a situation for which there does not seem to exist an established approach. For inference, a sieve inverse probability weighting estimation procedure is developed with the use of Bernstein polynomials to approximate the unknown baseline cumulative hazard functions. The proposed estimators are shown to be consistent and the asymptotic normality of the resulting regression parameter estimators is established. A simulation study is conducted to assess the finite sample properties of the proposed approach and indicates that it works well in practical situations. The proposed method is applied to an HIV/AIDS case-cohort study that motivated this investigation.  相似文献   
随着电子商务的蓬勃发展,“通知—删除”规则在有效制止电子商务专利侵权中具有重要作用。我国在21世纪初引进“通知—删除”规则,逐步构建了适用于电子商务领域专利侵权的“通知—删除”规则。《民法典》正式施行以来,“通知—删除”规则在适用于电子商务专利侵权中暴露出诸多问题:存在规则滥用隐患,权利人与商家利益失衡,通知与反通知的审核标准难以一致,因错误通知造成商家损失难以恢复,等等。解决好这些问题,需从专利侵权的特殊性出发,贴合《民法典》第1195条的规定,遵循“通知—删除”规则的立法目的进行解释适用;应重视和探索电子商务平台的自治能力,推动“通知—删除”规则在电子商务专利侵权中的解释适用。  相似文献   
李晏  李鑫 《山东工会论坛》2020,26(1):67-71,77
劳务派遣作为一种灵活的用工形式,受到我国各类用人单位的青睐和广泛运用。2013年《劳动合同法》修订弥补了我国劳务派遣制度上的不足,但由于起步时间较晚,加上制度的复杂性,存在工伤赔偿制度的责任划分不清晰、工伤保险待遇先行支付具体操作存在困难、异地劳务派遣工伤保险制度执行不明确等方面的问题。我国需要从确立《劳动合同法》中派遣单位与用工单位的具体责任分担制度、完善劳务派遣工伤待遇先行支付规定、明确异地保险制度相关规定等方面入手,进一步完善工伤保险制度在劳务派遣用工中的适用,有效保护被派遣劳动者的合法权益。  相似文献   
通过分析未成年人运动伤害事故时,教育机构和未成年学生及其监护人在严格责任和过错责任两种归责原则下的博弈行为选择,可以判断出过错责任原则对教育机构、未成年学生及其监护人的行为进行调整则更有利于社会福利。过错推定原则降低了案件的归责成本,减少了因果关系认定的成本,减少了弱者的举证成本。依据未成年人的年龄、民事行为能力的不同,幼儿园、中小学校或者其他教育机构在运动伤害事故中的侵权责任分别采取过错责任原则和过错责任推定原则是合理的。  相似文献   
Rui Fang  Chen Li 《Statistics》2018,52(2):458-478
This study deals with random variables equipped with Archimedean copulas and following scale proportional hazards (SPHs) or revered hazards models. We build the usual stochastic order both between minimums of two SPHs samples with Archimedean survival copulas and between maximums from two scale proportional reversed hazards (PRHs) samples with Archimedean copulas. The hazard rate order between minimums of independent SPHs samples and the reversed hazard rate order between maximums of independent scale PRHs samples are both derived. Also we have a discussion on the dispersive order between minimums from samples with a common Archimedean survival copula. The present results either generalize or improve some related ones in the recent literature.  相似文献   
For survival endpoints in subgroup selection, a score conversion model is often used to convert the set of biomarkers for each patient into a univariate score and using the median of the univariate scores to divide the patients into biomarker‐positive and biomarker‐negative subgroups. However, this may lead to bias in patient subgroup identification regarding the 2 issues: (1) treatment is equally effective for all patients and/or there is no subgroup difference; (2) the median value of the univariate scores as a cutoff may be inappropriate if the sizes of the 2 subgroups are differ substantially. We utilize a univariate composite score method to convert the set of patient's candidate biomarkers to a univariate response score. We propose applying the likelihood ratio test (LRT) to assess homogeneity of the sampled patients to address the first issue. In the context of identification of the subgroup of responders in adaptive design to demonstrate improvement of treatment efficacy (adaptive power), we suggest that subgroup selection is carried out if the LRT is significant. For the second issue, we utilize a likelihood‐based change‐point algorithm to find an optimal cutoff. Our simulation study shows that type I error generally is controlled, while the overall adaptive power to detect treatment effects sacrifices approximately 4.5% for the simulation designs considered by performing the LRT; furthermore, the change‐point algorithm outperforms the median cutoff considerably when the subgroup sizes differ substantially.  相似文献   
我国现行法缺乏预约合同的系统规定,有关预约合同的违约责任认定也未在学界与实务界达成一致认同。从适应我国现有法治环境并提出合理法制构建的角度出发,选取“主客观相结合说”为预约合同的理论基础,对预约合同的内涵与预约合同的违约责任进行讨论。在预约合同已约定违约责任的情况下,违约责任的承担方式应当依照合同规定;在没有明确违约责任承担的情况下,法官应当从主观层面和客观层面两个层次进行分析从而明确预约合同的效力进而判定违约责任的承担。  相似文献   
克隆卡纠纷所涉主体较多且法律关系复杂,尤其是民事责任分担问题,更是争议较多,其中焦点问题是被盗款项的权属问题和责任的具体分担。持卡人与银行之间由于存款而形成债权债务关系,存款由银行取得所有权,并负有对持卡人给付财产的义务。冒领人以克隆卡之信息骗取银行之给付,并不影响持卡人之债权请求,故而银行应对该给付负有责任。当然,如果其能举证持卡人之过错而致银行卡信息泄露,则持卡人亦应承担相应责任。  相似文献   
外来者劣势是新兴经济体跨国企业国际化过程中面临的显著劣势,现有理论在新兴经济体跨国企业如何克服外来者劣势研究方面存在缺口。选取4家中国跨国企业作为研究对象,采用扎根理论研究方法的三阶段编码程序对案例进行剖析,探索中国企业在发达国家克服外来者劣势的具体策略,构建以边界跨越为核心范畴的外来者劣势克服策略理论模型。研究结果表明,中国企业面临的外来者劣势主要来源于信息缺失和合法性缺失。边界跨越是克服外来者劣势的有效策略,其中信息内化通过设置边界跨越角色、聘请外部顾问、环境扫描、产品策略和信息内部整合等活动将外部环境信息传递到企业内部,提高企业获取异国环境信息的能力,降低不熟悉危害;有利的外部显示通过品牌营销、企业社会责任、名人效应和获取第三方认证等活动向环境释放积极的信息,提高企业的规范和认知合法性,降低歧视危害和关系危害。针对研究结论,从构建环境扫描系统和外部显示机制两方面对中国企业如何实施边界跨越、降低外来者劣势提出具体的管理启示。  相似文献   
政府环境问责是确保环境法治体系良好运行不可或缺且行之有效的倒逼机制。然而,在我国的政府环境问责实践中,普遍存在“重企业主体责任,轻政府监管责任”、“重基层直接责任,轻部门主管责任”、“重环保主管部门责任,轻环保分管部门责任”、“重环境监管责任,轻党政领导责任”等问题,且有政治责任法律化和法律责任政治化等乱象,以致政府环境问责缺位、错位、失衡等方面的问题日趋严重。为走出当前困境,我国应按照职责明晰、权责一致、党政同责、各担其责、终身追责、依法问责、公平问责和尽职免责的原则,健全和完善政府环境责任规则,强化政府环境问责,大力推进生态文明法治建设。  相似文献   
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