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篮板球在比赛中具有重要的作用,它是攻守转换的关键,直接影响着一场比赛的胜负.通过对第21届亚洲女子篮球锦标赛中、韩、日、台等国运动员比赛篮板球及篮板球发动快攻的比较分析,得出影响比赛胜负的关键因素,对应的提出建议,以期为我国女篮在今后的训练、比赛中提供有益的参考.  相似文献   
能源直接回弹效应经济学分析:微观视角   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
回弹效应是经济学中的一个热点问题, 在经济增长和能源供给形势日益严峻的今天, 对于能源效率和能源消费关系的研究变得越来越重要。但是, 在能源回弹效应领域内, 目前还没有形成统一标准的分类方法, 其定义和术语也不完全一致。针对该问题, 对国内外关于能源回弹效应的各种定义进行梳理, 在此基础上对能源直接回弹效应的机制进行经济学分析, 从微观角度更透彻地理解直接回弹效应中的替代效应和收入效应, 并根据替代效应和收入效应的内涵, 分析当空调的能源效率提高, 会对能源消费产生怎样的影响。结果表明:由于替代效应和收入效应的存在, 能源效率的提高, 不一定会使能源消费量减少, 从而更好地理解回弹效应的存在。  相似文献   
能源回弹的大小是国家制定能源政策必须考虑的重要问题。梳理国内外研究能源回弹的相关文献可以看出,国外对能源回弹研究相对较早,目前研究集中在微观层面,应用的方法相对比较成熟;而国内研究起步较晚,主要在宏观层面上,对于影响能源回弹大小的影响讨论不少,但对能源回弹发生机制的研究成果不多。最后,指出了今后能源回弹研究的方向。  相似文献   

Previous theory and research in persuasion has failed to examine possible ironic effects of attempting to suppress or to correct for influences of a potentially biasing source. Yet, because people often encounter sets of persuasive communications in order (e.g., in advertising), such rebound effects seem possible. Data on such possibilities are scarce, however. Here we present a relevant study. It followed the typical single-shot persuasive message with a second message on an unrelated topic but employed a similar type of (potentially biasing — attractive or unattractive) source. Attitudes following the second communication showed increased source impact for participants asked to suppress source-related thoughts during the first message (especially when the second message was encountered under load). Instructions to correct for potential source effects during the first message did not show ironic effects following the second message. This relatively small study is not enough to make definitive claims, but it suggests that rebound effects of thought suppression are possible in (repeated) persuasion settings. Future research and open questions regarding ironic effects are discussed.  相似文献   
后进生教育转化是高校学生思想政治教育和日常管理工作中的重要组成部分 ,探索“反弹”现象产生的主、客观原因 ,以及如何遏制“反弹”产生的对策和应掌握的基本原则 ,确保后进生顺利转化 ,对提高高校人才培养质量具有重要意义  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to investigate the early development of body mass index (BMI), a standard tool for assessing the body shape and average level of adiposity for children and adults. The main aim of the study is to identify the primary trajectories of BMI development and to investigate the changes of certain growth characteristics over time. Based on our longitudinal data of 4223 Finnish children, we took anthropometric measurements from birth up to 15 years of age for birth years 1974, 1981, 1991 and 1995, but only up to 11 years of age for the birth year 2001. As a statistical method, we utilized trajectory analysis with the methods of nonparametric regression. We identified four main trajectories of BMI growth. Two of these trajectories do not seem to follow the normal growth pattern. The highest growth track appears to yield to a track that may yield to overweight and the low birth BMI track shows that the girls’ track differs that of boys on the same track, and on the normal tracks. The so-called adiposity rebound time decreased over time and started earlier for those on the overweight track. According to our study, this kind of acceleration of growth might be more of a general phenomenon that also relates to the other phases of BMI development. The major change seems to occur especially for those children on high growth tracks.  相似文献   
提高能源效率常被认为是实现降低能耗、节约能源和减少污染的有效途径。不同国家和地区能源效率差异较大,在倡导提高一国能源效率的同时,另一种新经济现象可能会产生——能源效率回弹效应,即能源效率提高节约的能源会被能源价格效应、收入效应和总经济效应等产生的新的能源需求抵消掉。在理论上关于能源效率回弹效应是否存在不同学者给出了各自的解释,实证检验中其大小也因研究主体、方法和时间段的选取不同而有差异。  相似文献   
关于抢篮板球综合能力的培养研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用理论分析的方法,阐明队员抢篮板球的重要作用。技术是冲抢篮板球能力的核心,配合是冲抢篮板球能力的保障,基本训练是冲抢篮板球能力的重要基础。  相似文献   
为使环境问题的外部效应内部化,庇古税和科斯定理提供了两种不同的思路:前者完全依靠政府干预,后者完全依靠市场机制.针对我国"污染反弹"严重问题,应采取在政府一定程度参与的前提下,主要依靠市场机制来保护环境的方法.而尽快设计和实施符合我国特点的排污权交易制度,则是达到这一目标的最佳选择.  相似文献   
中国主权财富基金进一步发展的策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文系统总结了我国主权财富基金(中国投资有限责任公司)主要面临的外部挑战和存在的内生问题,结合当前金融危机基本见底、经济有所回暖的实际情况,就我国主权财富基金如何规避逆向选择、分散市场风险,如何通过借鉴他国主权财富基金的先进经验来完善自身不足等问题提出具体的政策建议。  相似文献   
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