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大量的学者研究证实元认知策略的运用成功与否可以直接影响外语教学的成效.本文介绍了一个在外语教学中对学生进行元认知策略训练的实验,通过比较分析,从计划性、自我监控、自我评价等五个方面说明了学生的学习自主能力的提高.  相似文献   
大学生生活应激与自我监控状况调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章通过对 4 5 5名大学生进行生活应激与自我监控状况调查 ,结果显示 :有 14 3%的学生处于高应激状态 ,34 9%的学生的自我监控水平较高 ;学生面对生活应激时 ,存在性别、年级及家庭经济状况的显著差异 ,学生在生活应激的压力、自我强加、情绪反应三个变量上存在着自我监控水平的显著差异。文章针对结果提出了应对的相应措施。  相似文献   
英语口语 he/she错误产出现象在中国学习者中十分常见。问卷结果显示,高达70%的中国大学生(中低级水平英语学习者)认为, he/she错误的主要原因在于注意缺乏,且对阴性代词she错误的注意尤为缺乏。三角验证(结合语料和问卷数据展开的组内与组间对比和交互验证)结果显示,注意提示有助于中国中低级水平英语学习者有效减少 he/she错误产出,主要表现为she错误率的显著性下降和she错误自我修补频数的显著性提高。主要认知原因在于:注意作为有意识的选择性自我监控,在初级阶段英语学习者的 he/she错误产出中具有提醒、定向和监察功能。  相似文献   
本文通过分析网络模式下的英语学习的特征,指出了网络学习的负面影响并提出相应的对策,近而重点分析了如何提高英语学习者的自我监控能力。并强调了教师在网络学习中的重要作用。  相似文献   
文章在解读教学监控能力内涵的基础上,对教学监控能力与教师专业化发展的关系进行了论述,然后从自我监控意识培养、计划组织能力培养、自我反思反馈能力培养和监控能力实践训练角度对教师教学监控能力培养途径展开了探讨。  相似文献   
The effects of task clarification, self-monitoring, and performance feedback on cleaning behaviors of 9 lifeguards in 3 performance areas (vacuuming, lobby tidying, and pool deck maintenance) were investigated using an ABA reversal design at a county swim complex. A specific task in each performance area was used as a behavioral control. Following a task clarification meeting, the percentage of closing tasks completed each night was self-monitored through ratings by lifeguards and managers. Researchers conducted independent ratings of these completed tasks after the staff had left the building. Feedback data were posted daily using line graphs that displayed the percentage of tasks completed correctly from both self-report and researchers' data. Overall performance increased from an average of 45.1% correct behaviors during baseline to an average of 76.9% during intervention then reversed to baseline during follow-up to an average performance of 45.05%.  相似文献   
权溶岩先生在《历史研究》2000年第1期发表的《从祁门县“谢氏纷争”看明末徽州的土地丈量与里甲制》一文,从丈量单位、人役佥选等角度初步涉及了明末徽州地区土地丈量与里甲组织之间存在的相互关系,也在一定程度上澄清了明史界在这一问题上长期存在的错误认识。但该文对明末清初徽州地区土地丈量中的人役佥选、组成、分工以及文书押署等问题所作的分析及结论,不免显得过于简单和主观。  相似文献   
责任归因在消费者的产品危机认知过程中居于主导地位,它不仅决定了危机的责任归属与责任程度,而且必将对危机处理实践引发重要的启示。文章以线索利用理论为基础,以自我监控、品牌形象感知分别作为人格特质和情境变量,构建了消费者责任归因的作用机制模型,并运用结构方程模型方法进行了验证,进而发现了"特质归因"和"情境归因"两条消费者责任归因路径,最后对研究结果进行讨论并指出相应的管理启示。  相似文献   
Therapists need a novel approach with externalizing, hard-to-reach patients, who blame others for their problems and feel empty. In this article a technique is presented for treatment of such clients. It specifically involves helping such individuals to experience their affect initially in therapy. This method assists clients in becoming aware of their visceral sensations, which are the manifestations of emotions. Learning to monitor their physical reactions is a lengthy process with externalizers, but once they master doing this and reach a level of awareness of them, they start to experience their feelings and they begin having insights. This eventually leads to self-observation and understanding. A case example using this method is presented in the article. It illustrates how a specific patient moved from feeling empty and blaming others for all his problems to first recognizing his sensations, then to become aware of his feelings and finally starting to reach an understanding of himself.  相似文献   
在二语写作教学中,教师评阅及写作者修改占有重要地位.本文介绍了在写作领域中一种相对较新的写作训练手段--学生自我加注,其目的旨在提高写作过程中的自我监控意识及教师反馈的有效性,从而增加作者的自主意识,提高写作质量.  相似文献   
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