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应用于交易领域的智能合约融入区块链技术,以代码形式表现,可实现合同履行的自动化和不可逆,超越了传统意义上的合同模式.自助行为说、代理说将智能合约视为对合同过程的外部增强,是侧面功能的法律阐释,并未完全捕捉到实质.智能合约并不一定跨越整个合同过程,也可仅是合同过程某个方面或某个阶段.法律意义上的智能合约不是合同新类型,而是合同关系形式的新发展,即当事人缔结和履行合同的新形式,合同性质未发生实质变化.智能合约满足特定要件构成特殊的书面形式,具有"书面形式+自动履行"功能的特质.民事主体通过智能合约形式订立合同应遵守《民法典》等现行法律的具体规则,以保证合同依法成立与生效.智能合约不等同于具有法律效力的合同,认定其效力应结合智能合约应用中的具体问题展开具体分析.从立法上确认智能合约,在符合国家现有法律、政策基础上编写和应用,实现形式的合法化、内容的规范化是该技术谋求长远发展的保障.技术起步的现阶段,纸质合同、一般电子合同与智能合约在不同方面发挥协作作用,会在未来一段时间内成为民事交往、商业交易的主要状态.  相似文献   
The Australian Government's attempts at national urban policy have been sporadic and inconsistent, under the constraints of constitutional, financial, ideological and political factors. This paper concerns the recent resurgence of national urban policy under the rubric of “smart cities” adopted by the Turnbull Government and carried on by the incumbent Morrison Government. It investigates how this round of smart cities agenda articulates with Australia's political tradition of national urban policy to seek continuity and change, through comparing historical policies, unpacking major smart cities programmes, identifying explanatory factors and critically commenting on its innovation and legacy. Drawing upon these analyses, this paper argues that understanding the smart cities agenda needs to move beyond the political, ideological “to-and-fro” pendulum to national urban policy observed in history. Rather, it resonates with a globalised policy norm established upon the city-based global integration and competition, driven by an imperative of transitioning to a knowledge economy and pursuing innovation capacity. It is too early to judge whether the smart cities agenda will bring changes to Australian cities in the way it wishes, since it involves long-term infrastructure investment and urban development projects. However, a comprehensive and consistent national urban policy to govern the Australian system of cities and towns has not been established yet.  相似文献   
以“智慧教育”和“smart education”为关键词,时间跨度设为2009-2018,分别在中国知网和Web of Science数据库中进行检索,经过筛选后,将所得文献作为研究对象。利用CiteSpaceⅤ软件制作出国内外智慧教育研究高频关键词共现图表,并由此展开分析,总结出国内外智慧教育的研究热点。通过比较分析,获得以下启示:理论与实践并进,共建智慧教育生态系统;立体化与多样化并行,发展混合式动态教学模式;智能技术与深度学习并举,优化智慧教育学习场域;技术与育人并重,重视学习主体情感体验。  相似文献   
区块链具有数据防篡改、可溯源等特点,智能包装具有数据采集、信息互动等优势,区块链可以为智能包装的进一步发展与应用提供新技术,而智能包装则可以拓宽区块链的应用领域,两者的融合必将引发智能包装产业模式的新一轮变革。在深入解析区块链发展阶段、分类、特点,以及智能包装功能、作用、发展现状与问题之基础上,努力探索两者融合发展的融合点、融合路线以及融合模式,能够为智能包装产业发展提供切实的理论指导。  相似文献   
图书馆应主动融入智慧城市建设,为智慧经济、智慧管理、智慧生活和智慧人群等智慧城市建设中的一些要素提供信息服务支撑。图书馆建设应立足于智慧城市的总体框架,依托智能技术、打造智慧服务空间和信息服务平台。通过图书馆信息服务平台及体系,构建以云图书馆为中心,虚拟服务平台、实体图书馆和自助终端设备为依托的图书馆服务新模式。  相似文献   
A major problem confronting planning is the gap between transformative proposals and enduring urban development trends. The paper interprets interviews with 62 planners involved in a sustainable urban development strategy in a large region focussed on Toronto, Canada. Surveyed planners were asked about the obstacles they encounter when attempting to modify prevailing urban development. Mentioned obstacles are consistent with expectations arising from three major perspectives on inertia: institutionalism, political economy and path dependence. Interviews also highlight the role of planners' practical knowledge in identifying and interpreting obstacles, and the existence of a consensus among respondents over sustainable urban development.  相似文献   
文章研究并设计了一种基于数字图像处理技术( DIP)的纺织物辅助设计模拟系统。该系统通过将极大化思想、 K-means聚类以及形态学开闭运算有机结合,成功实现了从实际织物组织图中自动提取组织形态学结构,并提出了一种 全新的组织纱线色彩替换算法,将各种组织结构模拟到纺织物设计图样中。实验证明,该系统能够实现很好的组织模拟 效果。  相似文献   
Smart manufacturing systems (SMSs) are envisioned to contain highly automated and IT-driven production systems. To address the complexity that arises in such systems, a standard and holistic model for describing its activities and their interrelationships is needed. This paper introduces a factory design and improvement (FDI) activity model and illustrates a case study of FDI in an electromechanical component factory. In essence, FDI is a reference activity model that encompasses a range of manufacturing system activities for designing and improving a factory during its initial development and also its operational phases. The FDI model shows not only the dependency between activities and manufacturing control levels but also the pieces of information and software functions each activity relies on. We envision that the availability of these pieces of information in digital form to integrate across the software functions will increase the agility of factory design and improvement projects. Therefore, our future work lies in contributing to standards for exchanging such information.  相似文献   
奥巴马政府上台后,其主要致力于应对金融危机和反恐战争.对朝政策上,其在"巧实力"外交理念的指导下,寻求在外交、经济、军事、政治、法律和文化等所有政策工具中选择正确的工具或组合.针对朝核问题的敏感性和脆弱性,奥巴马政府倾向于"冷处理",继而"多管齐下",在合作外交的框架内展开更加灵活的外交活动,促使朝鲜重返六方会谈,继续以对话方式处理相关问题,不过美国也适度增强了对朝鲜的威慑力量,奥巴马政府仍对美朝关系正常化持一种谨慎态度.  相似文献   
新孤立主义、民主和平论、新干涉主义、新保守主义、小布什主义以及正在形成的奥巴马主义构成了冷战后美国外交思想主线。作为新自由主义的代表,民主和平论、新干涉主义以及"巧实力"与多边合作思想,对于理解克林顿政府、奥巴马政府的美国对外政策意义深远;而新保守主义是对小布什政府具有最大影响的外交指导思想。通过梳理苏东剧变后20年来美国对外思想的脉络,可以看出,虽然冷战结束后美国的全球战略思想不断调整,但维护美国单极霸权的出发点没有改变。  相似文献   
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