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The purpose of the current study was to assess staff preference for how data were displayed on graphs. Specifically, preference for line versus bar graphs was assessed, as well as preference for data displayed as one date in time versus multiple dates showing performance trends. A secondary purpose of the study was to assess staff comprehension of the data presented across different graphic displays. Participants included 60 entry-level direct care staff and 25 seasoned therapists. Therapists had more advanced training in applied behavior analysis than the direct care staff. The vast majority of direct care staff preferred data depicted as a bar graph versus data depicted as a line graph, even preferring a single bar graph over a time-series line graph. The therapists preferred time-series line graphs to bar graphs. Most staff demonstrated understanding of the data, regardless of how it was depicted.  相似文献   
Diane Stone 《Globalizations》2019,16(7):1128-1144

The ‘policy entrepreneur’ concept arises from the Multiple Streams’ theory of agenda setting in Policy Studies. Through conceptual stretching’, the concept is extended to global policy dynamics. Unlike ‘advocacy networks’ and ‘norm entrepreneurs’, the discussion addresses the strategies of ‘insider’ or ‘near-governmental’ non-state actors. The analysis advances the policy entrepreneur concept in three directions. First, the discussion develops the transnational dimensions of this activity through a case study of International Crisis Group. Second, rather than focusing on charismatic individuals, the discussion emphasizes the importance of organizational resources and reputations for policy entrepreneurship and access into international policy communities. Organizations maintain momentum behind policy solutions and pressures for change over the long term when individuals retire or depart for other positions. Third, the discussion outlines four distinct entrepreneur strategies and techniques that both individuals and organizations cultivate and deploy to enhance their power and persuasion in global policy processes and politics.  相似文献   
摘 要:借鉴深度阅读理念,以故事剧《今天运气怎么这么好》为例,将实施深度阅读的“三个流程、三个关键词、两种能力”融合于故事剧课程活动的建构,改变传统故事学习、故事表演中重形式轻实质、重表面轻内在的弊端。整个过程凸显幼儿与故事、与环境、与成人的充分互动,重视教师的支持作用,让教师成为指导幼儿深度阅读活动的关键因素,陪伴幼儿深度卷入阅读世界,共同留下精彩足迹。  相似文献   
Access management, which systematically limits opportunities for egress and ingress of vehicles to highway lanes, is critical to protect trillions of dollars of current investment in transportation. This article addresses allocating resources for access management with incomplete and partially relevant data on crash rates, travel speeds, and other factors. While access management can be effective to avoid crashes, reduce travel times, and increase route capacities, the literature suggests a need for performance metrics to guide investments in resource allocation across large corridor networks and several time horizons. In this article, we describe a quantitative decision model to support an access management program via risk‐cost‐benefit analysis under data uncertainties from diverse sources of data and expertise. The approach quantifies potential benefits, including safety improvement and travel time savings, and costs of access management through functional relationships of input parameters including crash rates, corridor access point densities, and traffic volumes. Parameter uncertainties, which vary across locales and experts, are addressed via numerical interval analyses. This approach is demonstrated at several geographic scales across 7,000 kilometers of highways in a geographic region and several subregions. The demonstration prioritizes route segments that would benefit from risk management, including (i) additional data or elicitation, (ii) right‐of‐way purchases, (iii) restriction or closing of access points, (iv) new alignments, (v) developer proffers, and (vi) etc. The approach ought to be of wide interest to analysts, planners, policymakers, and stakeholders who rely on heterogeneous data and expertise for risk management.  相似文献   
少数民族神话是民族文化的重要组成部分,对于少数民族神话的本体、类型、演变等相关研究已经举不胜举,但对于民族神话传播的研究一直以来相对薄弱。以藏族创世神话为例,基于对藏族创世神话内容的生态特征分析,从叙事传输视角审视藏族创世神话内容,剖析藏族创世神话叙事传输的影响因子和神话在传输过程中的损耗问题,试图对民族神话传播研究有所突破,并且从学科交叉与跨学科的研究中对学科体系完善进行探析。  相似文献   
艾丽丝·门罗短篇小说的艺术魅力在于作者能在有限的篇幅中展示出人物复杂的生命体验。小说《逃离》体现了她在塑造人物内心方面的技巧。该作品巧妙地运用了弱化情节和灵活的全知视角两大叙事策略,生动展示了主人公复杂而微妙的内心世界,给读者留下了深刻的印象。  相似文献   
尼日利亚作家钦努阿·阿契贝和奇玛曼达·阿迪奇是当代非洲作家中的翘楚。为复位非洲文化、重塑非洲形象,他们挖掘非洲民间故事的传统资源,以小说为载体表述当代非洲的现实和理想,带动了口头性与书写的创造性融合。本研究以两位作家的小说为分析文本,结合他们的创作思想和相关言论,分别对非洲故事传统意味什么,何为单一的故事,故事该如何讲述,以及故事进入当代文学有何意义四个问题做出回答,从而挖掘非洲故事传统的核心价值,揭示单一故事的实质和危害,探析故事叙事的基本特征,并论述这种创造性写作对于现代性,尤其是民族主义观念的改写。  相似文献   
白马藏族民间故事是该民族创造并传承的口头文学作品,包括传奇故事、生活故事、爱情故事、动植物故事、官民故事等;这些故事有丰富的思想内容反映白马藏族社会生活以及白马民众理想愿望,在艺术上具有形象塑造区域化、纪实与幻想兼容化、情节结构程式化、表现手法多样化、语言运用本族化等特点,堪称中国文学和我国少数民族历史文化宝库中的一块奇珍。  相似文献   
关于民间口头流传的神奇幻想故事同原始文化、传统宗教信仰之间的关联 ,素为中外学人所关注。本文作为“中国民间故事类型与传承研究”这个重大课题的一个侧面 ,对此做出了较有新意的阐释  相似文献   
言、象、意三者的关系在中国古代美学中占有重要地位,既涉及语言学知识,也涉及美学知识,更涉及哲学知识。古人早就意识到"言不尽意",于是"立象以尽意",最后达到"得意忘象"。对言、象、意三者关系的不同认识,导致中国古代文学理论与西方的有所不同,中西美学也形成了各自的特点。  相似文献   
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