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This paper is about the changing imaginations of social work in an increasingly entangled world. It is also about the ways in which literatures shared across time and space encourage us to identify with larger collectivities. My central argument is that if social work is to find a larger vision in the wake of the failure of a range of modern progress narratives, we must engage differently with the challenge posed by multiplying and sometimes conflicting knowledge communities. Thinking with contemporary debates in transdisciplinary critical social theory, I nominate and explore a number of alternative heuristics—‘generational problematic,’ ‘translational space,’ and ‘imagined communities’—in support of future work on the uneven temporal and spatial communities of affiliation that reproduce and change what social work is, or could be, about. I conclude with theoretical suggestions, and some thoughts toward how social work education might better support incoming generations to locate themselves within the broader life-course of the discipline and profession.  相似文献   
Traumatic stress can have detrimental effects on individuals, families, and communities. Narrative exposure therapy (NET) is an evidence‐based intervention for decreasing individuals’ post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and has been tested in some of the most challenging contexts, such as in post‐conflict refugee camps. Although the focus of NET is on reducing individual PTSD symptoms, the impact of NET can be seen beyond the individual level. The purpose of this paper is to examine some of the ecological implications of using NET with trauma‐affected populations in low‐resource settings. We describe the implications of NET at the family, community, and sociopolitical levels using several case examples. Finally, we outline limitations and future directions for improving the delivery of NET in settings with limited resources.  相似文献   
地方政府的治理创新正在出现一种新的趋势:在“稳中求进”的政治考虑下,结合技术治理与运动式治理以实现特定的目标。借鉴拉图尔转译社会学理论,对F市“创城”过程中专家系统的转译行为进行研究发现,转译行动的实施赋予了专家系统行动者的身份,由此编织起的行动者网络能够实现治理资源的流动并促进治理效能的提升,从而形成技治主义运动式治理。作为技治主义运动式治理范式的“创城”是在转译行动建构下的内部转型与外部适配的过程。此种寓技术治理于运动式治理的范式并非简单的要素叠加,而是受到了专家系统的行动建构,将技术与政治进行了结构性整合,以使其匹配现阶段社会治理的总体目标。现实的合理性与治理的有效性是采取这一模式的根本原因。  相似文献   
PCORnet, the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network, seeks to establish a robust national health data network for patient-centered comparative effectiveness research. This article reports the results of a PCORnet survey designed to identify the ethics and regulatory challenges anticipated in network implementation. A 12-item online survey was developed by leadership of the PCORnet Ethics and Regulatory Task Force; responses were collected from the 29 PCORnet networks. The most pressing ethics issues identified related to informed consent, patient engagement, privacy and confidentiality, and data sharing. High priority regulatory issues included IRB coordination, privacy and confidentiality, informed consent, and data sharing. Over 150 IRBs and five different approaches to managing multisite IRB review were identified within PCORnet. Further empirical and scholarly work, as well as practical and policy guidance, is essential if important initiatives that rely on comparative effectiveness research are to move forward.  相似文献   
翻译适应选择论将达尔文生物进化论中的"自然选择"、"适者生存"学说引入翻译理论研究,凸显了译者的主体性——译者的选择性适应与适应性选择,为翻译研究开辟了一条新路径。在翻译适应选择论的指导下,以鲁迅早期译介域外科学小说为个案研究对象,指出译者在翻译过程中要充分发挥主观能动性,选择、适应特定的翻译生态环境,并依此择译合适的文本、实现"多维度适应与适应性选择转换",以提高"最佳翻译"的"整合适应选择度"。  相似文献   
文章选取朱自清散文名篇《荷塘月色》分别来自中国译者、西方译者和中西合作译者的三个译本为语料,利用语料库分析软件Simple Concordance Program 4.0和Textanz,从译本中的词汇变化量、句子长度、可读性,以及情感表现、比喻修辞翻译等方面入手,对三个译本的文体特征进行对比分析。研究发现:三个译本在词汇层面都是低密度文本,句子都在中句范围内,与原文质朴的语言风格吻合;但在情感词汇使用、比喻修辞翻译及可读性指数上,存在着一些区别。  相似文献   
作为外宣的重要渠道,旅游网站的翻译对旅游业的发展起到非常重要的作用,然而福建省旅游网站的翻译质量却不尽如人意。从生态翻译学角度分析福建旅游网站翻译中存在的误译现象并探索导致旅游网站翻译质量不高的问题所在,指出旅游网站的翻译质量制约着旅游业的发展,而旅游网站翻译质量的提高取决于整个翻译生态环境包括教育、市场和管理监督系统的和谐平衡。  相似文献   
尝试用现代西方翻译理论来审视中国的翻译家必将有一番新的发现,这点对于个案诗人兼翻译家吴宓的译诗研究同样适用。文章重点追寻吴宓早年译诗方式嬗变的踪迹,说明译者在重写原诗的过程中,因受接受文化中的文学规范和翻译诗学观以及意识形态等因素的制约,在不同时期采取不同的翻译策略,并形成迥异的译诗风格,进而讨论他的译诗对早年汉语新诗创作产生的影响。  相似文献   
翻译是过程也是结果。从翻译过程来看,翻译是"语境重构"的跨文化跨语言交际过程,从翻译结果来看,翻译是产生同原文等效的译文。翻译过程研究催生以译者为中心的翻译动态研究,从狭义角度看,是翻译语境研究,即从译者视角考察翻译过程中的"语境重构",以及由此产生的宏观翻译策略及微观翻译方法的研究;从广义角度看,是从研究者视角进行包括翻译语境在内的源语语境、原文语境和译语语境、译文语境的翻译语境化研究。翻译结果研究产生以译文为中心,重视译文批评的翻译质量评估的静态研究,涉及翻译质量评估模式的建立和翻译质量评估参数的设定等。两种翻译途径殊途同归,从不同角度研究翻译本质。  相似文献   
由翻译的再现伦理、服务伦理、交际伦理、规范伦理和承诺伦理组成的翻译伦理模式理论对中西方翻译伦理学的发展贡献巨大,以致于国内翻译界出现了以该理论为基础构建普适性翻译伦理的建议。然而再现伦理、服务伦理、交际伦理和规范伦理没有明确翻译主体(译者除外)的具体指涉,对翻译主体(译者除外)的定位也不一致,旨在融合这4种翻译伦理的承诺伦理也没有解决这两个问题。因此,以翻译伦理模式理论为基础构建普世翻译伦理的设想不可行。  相似文献   
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