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Women entered the paid workforce in unprecedented numbers during the 20th century. Yet recent years have been witness to a creeping reversal in women's labor force participation. Why did the revolution stall? In response to debates over a “natural” limit to women's employment, or a cultural backlash against the dual-breadwinner household, we consider an alternative explanation, namely whether immigration has slowed the growth in female labor force participation. Using CPS data from 1998 to 2018, we show that the increase in the share of immigrants and children of immigrants in the population has reduced overall female labor force participation. However, immigration accounts for relatively little of the retreat from the labor force. Instead, the compositional effect of population change is overshadowed by behavioral shifts that affect both natives and immigrants. Lower participation rates among native-born women accounts for most of the overall decline. Despite persistent differences, we also find substantial convergence in the labor force behavior of native-born and foreign-born women, which bodes well for the long-term economic incorporation of immigrants and their children.  相似文献   
Men's limited movement into female occupations has been identified as a key barrier to future declines in occupational sex segregation and achieving greater gender equality. So why are men so reticent to enter jobs normatively regarded as female? Drawing from qualitative interviews with multiple stakeholders in four female‐dominated occupations in Australia, this article documents the processes that influence men's employment in gender‐atypical jobs. Gender essentialism is central to many processes that generate and/or stall changes in men's representation in female‐dominated occupations. While gender essentialism's role in producing and reproducing occupation sex segregation is well known, its role in reducing occupational sex segregation is a critical process which has previously received limited attention. The article details gender essentialism's integrative function.  相似文献   
为实现曲柄群驱动机构的模块化设计与生产,定义曲柄单元为该机构的基本单元,以曲柄单元为基础研究曲柄 群驱动机构模块化设计中的摆动力平衡问题。研究了影响平衡块质量及配置位置的因素。分析表明,当在所有曲柄的 反方向配置参数相同的平衡决时,平衡决的质量矩与机构中的曲柄个数,曲柄的质量与长度,运动连杆总质量有关。得 出一种满足模块化设计与生产的方法,该方法能快速有效地实现曲柄群驱动机构单元化平衡  相似文献   
People with serious mental disorders (PSMDs) are overrepresented both in prison deaths and during fatal encounters with the police in the community (deaths after police contact, DAPC). To identify common factors present across cases of who died during contact with the criminal justice system in Queensland, publicly available coroners reports were analysed (N = 38). The findings of the study indicated psychosis and mood disorders were the most common diagnosis in incarcerated PSMD deaths, and suicide was the most common cause of death for incarcerated PSMDs. Within incarcerated settings, access to healthcare records, medication compliance, risk assessment and monitoring, and safe housing of at‐risk prisoners may be potential areas to explore with regard to prevention. Similarly, PSMD DAPCs were more likely to be experiencing mood or psychosis disorders than other forms of mental disorder, and suicide and police shootings were the most common causes of death. In PSMD DAPC, inadequate mental health access, treatment noncompliance and comorbid substance use were included as potential areas that could direct research efforts toward prevention.  相似文献   
在供给侧改革背景下,区域经济增长的驱动因素显著影响着区域经济的高质量和可持续发展。以索洛增长模型为基本框架,利用2003~2017年安徽省经济发展相关数据开展实证研究,测算资金投入、劳动力投入、技术进步各因素对经济增长的贡献率;同时对模型进行扩展,研究安徽省经济增长的长期驱动力量,对现期和远期的动能转换加以阐述。研究认为,现阶段资金投入仍然是安徽省经济产出的主要驱动因素,劳动力投入的经济推动效应相对较小,技术进步的驱动力量逐步提升,安徽省远期经济发展将主要依赖于技术创新驱动。安徽省应注重科技创新,进行产业结构优化调整,将技术因素融于资金、劳动供给侧,全面深化以技术为主的供给侧改革,加快经济增长动力转型。  相似文献   
“赋权”是理解精准扶贫政策的重要视角。田野考察发现基层扶贫实践既有“赋权”又有变通的“控制”,由此导致了扶贫过程中“精准”程度有所差异,为此,需要从基层政府的行动逻辑分析精准扶贫的实践逻辑。研究发现,地方政府从外部选派驻村扶贫工作队,由于较少受到当地社会网络的约束使其能够“理性行动”,但在“限期”脱贫的目标责任制下,基层的扶贫工作队受到了“规避责任”与“追求政绩”的双重约束,故此工作队根据自利原则策略性地选择了赋权或控制策略。进一步考察发现,扶贫工作队主要通过利用传统权力结构、地方性知识及现代化知识话语“异化”赋权策略,从而构建了“控制性赋权”的实践逻辑。基于此,地方政府应着力于构建“外派”与“内生”相结合的基层扶贫工作队,设置部分基于“赋权”“参与”的考核指标,培训提高扶贫干部对贫困户的尊重和理解,从而使得长效脱贫的精准扶贫政策能够得以执行。  相似文献   
新型冠状病毒疫情给社会各领域都带来了严重的影响。文章拟从疫情的不可抗力性角度展开,认定疫情作为不可抗力需具备特定的地域范围和合同履行受阻与疫情之间需具有因果关系这两个识别因素。作为不可抗力,疫情会引起债务人违约责任的全部免除、部分免除、推迟履行以及合同的解除和变更等法律效果;因各种类型的合同的属性不同,在具体适用不可抗力规则时会有所差异。在分析了疫情的法律性质和法律效果的基础上,拟从法律法规体系的构建、司法裁判的规范、合同条款的设置、人与自然的关系等几个方面对疫情的防控提出建议。  相似文献   
我国指导性案例的效力经历的是由柔性到刚性转变的渐进过程,但人们却并未就其规制司法裁判的约束效力取得相同的理解和一致的认可。对此,人们可以制定出多种关于案例指导制度实践功能的描述性设计和规划,每种设想都有与之相对应的效力定位。但作为非正式的法律渊源,指导性案例的最终归宿必定是回应当下的司法现实,只有将其映射到社会生活当中,才能真正探究其制度运作的实践功能所在。其实,指导性案例的角色定位不当反映出理性与权威之间存在的悖论,与其将指导性案例的裁判理由和裁判要旨强加于人,不如充分发挥其理性说服的意蕴和效用,力求引导人们就诸多问题达成共识。  相似文献   
路易斯·厄德里克是印第安文学中最多产的作家之一,《桦树皮小屋》是其六部儿童小说中的一部。作品按照春夏秋冬四季安排结构,以印第安奥吉布瓦部姑娘奥玛凯阿丝为中心,展现印第安人的智慧、力量以及对自然、对本族群与异族的态度。厄德里克着重书写一种力量,小说结构安排上的四季循环,隐喻了印第安部落之间力量的传递。这种凝聚的力量生成于部落成员间对彼此的爱,以及印第安人与宇宙万物之间的爱。这种爱的循环,构成了一种强大的力量的循环,使印第安民族虽历经磨难,也有足够的力量和勇气挺过寒冬,迎来春华秋实。  相似文献   
以斜拉桥的损伤识别为目的,提出了一种索力比指标,研究了斜拉桥在车辆荷载激励下,主梁发生损伤时斜拉索索力比指标的变化规律。以实验室独塔斜拉桥试验模型为研究对象,基于ANSYS建立其空间板壳有限元模型,以单元刚度的折减模拟主梁损伤,对主梁在不同位置损伤、不同程度损伤两类工况下,车辆荷载激励下斜拉索的索力比指标变化进行了数值仿真。结果表明:车辆荷载激励下,斜拉索的索力比指标与主梁的损伤位置和损伤程度存在一定的对应关系。为后续基于车辆荷载激励下的索力响应指标识别斜拉桥损伤方法的研究提供了重要的参考,具有一定的理论意义。  相似文献   
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