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新生代农民工过于频繁的离职行为导致企业用工成本上升,同时也阻碍了农民工的城市融入进程.基于组织支持和互惠理论,采用问卷调查的方式,实证检验了组织支持感、城市融入感及互惠与新生代农民工离职意愿之间的关系与作用机制.研究结果表明,组织支持感负向影响新生代农民工的离职意愿,城市融入感在其中起到了中介作用.同时,新生代农民工的互惠倾向对城市融入感与离职意愿的关系具有强化调节作用,并进一步调节城市融入感在组织支持感与离职意愿之间的中介作用,也即新生代农民工的互惠水平越高,城市融入感的中介作用越强.文章首次测度了新生代农民工的互惠倾向,并且验证了微观企业的组织支持能够促进新生代农民工的城市融入.研究结论为用工企业更好地理解新生代农民工心理行为机制,从而建立有效的管理措施提供了理论指导,同时为寻找新生代农民工城市融入的实现路径提供了依据.  相似文献   
基层公务员的职业认同对公务员队伍建设和推进国家治理能力现代化有着重要的意义。本文通过对760名基层公务员的问卷调查发现:基层公务员职业认同包括职业行为投入、职业发展认同和职业价值认同三个维度,呈现出以价值认同为核心、行为投入为外层、发展认同居中的圈层结构;基层公务员职业认同接近较高水平,但职业发展认同较低;不同类型基层公务员职业认同呈现出一定差异,其中青年公务员的职业认同显著低于中老年公务员,低职级公务员较高职级公务员职业认同更低。进一步分析发现,基层公务员职业认同能正向预测工作绩效,职业认同能负向预测离职倾向。在此基础上,本研究提出提升基层公务员职业认同的相关对策建议。  相似文献   
新生代乡村教师是乡村教育的新生力量和未来的中流砥柱,他们能否安心留在乡村学校从教,关系着乡村教育的可持续发展。为解决乡村教师"留不住"的问题,国务院办公厅于2015年6月发布《乡村教师支持计划(2015-2020年)》,从经济待遇、社会地位、专业发展等方面着手,提出了具体措施。但是通过实证研究发现:当前新生代乡村教师的离职意向仍然普遍存在,尤其是其中的男教师和工作在乡村小学的教师;新时代乡村教师的离职意向,受经济待遇、社会地位、专业发展、个人偏好、乡村文化适应性、家庭和学校支持度、教师教育满意度等多方面因素的影响,其中个人偏好和乡村文化适应性是最主要的影响因素。因此,为了更好地留住新生代乡村教师,仍需在"乡村教师支持计划"现有政策支持的基础上,进一步补充和完善相关的政策措施:(1)重视乡村教师招聘和管理过程中对个人偏好的考察与培育;(2)积极帮助新生代乡村教师适应乡村文化;(3)关心新生代乡村教师的家庭问题,提供帮助和支持;(4)重视乡村学校建设,给予新生代乡村教师更多的组织关怀;(5)出台针对乡村教师的教师教育标准。  相似文献   
Educational scholars claim that teacher morale has suffered from accountability pressures and constrained professionalism, but exactly what is most diminished by these pressures remains unclear. Drawing on recent theoretical work on public school organizational culture, we hypothesize that accountability pressures hurt teacher morale and increase the risk of turnover by undermining the professional culture of the school and by diminishing teacher cooperation and trust. We find support for this hypothesis in a national sample of teachers in 2011–12, and a follow-up survey from 2012–13. The analyses test whether a collective pedagogical teacher culture, comprised of professional culture and teacher collaboration, buffers the impact of these pressures that diminish teacher morale. Counter to past research, we find that a strong collective pedagogical teacher culture does not buffer teachers from the ill effects of negative workplace conditions in the form of accountability pressures. We also find that accountability pressures in the form of district dismissals are associated with a higher likelihood of teachers leaving their school, and this relationship is not mitigated by strong professional culture. We conclude that accountability pressures partly undermine goals of improving performance and equity in public schools by sowing seeds of teacher dissatisfaction and contributing to teacher turnover, thus thwarting student achievement in struggling schools.  相似文献   
This study examined the prevalence of workplace flexibility and the mechanisms that allow workplace flexibility to influence turnover intentions through work–family and family–work conflicts and job satisfaction among low‐wage workers in South Korea. Participants included 250 low‐wage workers whose monthly salary was less than 2 million Korean won (approx. $1,900). The study results indicate that low‐wage workers have limited access to workplace flexibility and that workplace flexibility plays a significant protective role in reducing their turnover intention, indirectly by decreasing work–family conflicts and enhancing job satisfaction. This article also discusses the implications of these findings for labor policy and social work practice.  相似文献   
The public sector faces a grave problem as far as managerial retention as the result of the increasing number of retirements and of voluntary resignations. Despite the vital interest in managerial turnover in the public sector, research is scarce. This study, which increases our understanding of why public sector managers leave their positions, takes a qualitative and narrative research approach in examining voluntary turnover. Interviews were conducted with operations managers (in education, social care, and technical activities) at three Swedish municipalities. We identify a multitude of environment push and pull factors with a focus on administrative support, supervisory support and illegitimate tasks. The narratives of managerial turnover reveal the complexity of the decision to leave or remain in a job, containing a mixture of push and pull factors, negative feelings, unmet expectations and extraordinary events. Three possible HRD actions to decrease undesirable managerial turnover are identified: re-work organizational structures; re-model job characteristics; and re-examine managerial turnover decisions as a long and complex process. Our hope is that the findings are used for ultimately create healthy organizations.  相似文献   
为了探究利益相关者视角下学前教育小学化产生的原因及其对策,以重心下移与深度聚焦为思路,对Z市X区4名家长和2名老师进行访谈,借助扎根理论,建构出学前教育小学化"错位"与"适应"的双重生态。"错位"诠释了学前教育小学化的"为何",具体表现为"主体错位"和"职责错位"的复杂交错。"适应"解释了学前教育小学化的"何为",具体表现为适应主体是"家长、幼儿园和辅导班的三管齐下";适应策略包括"坚决抵抗、无奈妥协、精明调适和无知得意";适应类型是"预防型和善后型、强迫型和引导型、突击型和持久型、长远型和短视型"的相互融合。  相似文献   
利他倾向、有限理性与农民绿色农业技术采纳行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业面源污染问题广受关注,绿色农业技术推广迫在眉睫,但农民却行动迟缓,这是否说明农民重私利而无公德?利用冀鲁皖鄂四省1 372份农村入户调查数据,通过理论推演和实证检验,从利他倾向和有限理性视角考察了农民秸秆还田技术采纳行为。结果发现:除自利动机外,农民同时具有利他倾向,对具有生态福利属性的绿色农业技术有着良好的潜在认同与需求;但囿于认知不完全、外部环境不确定所引致的有限理性问题,农民在绿色技术面前往往表现为迟疑甚至退缩;秸秆还田的机械化、亲环境和劳动替代属性使得兼业、收入、经营规模和价值认知等成为影响农民采纳的显著因素。据此,强化农民认知的同时,将公共道德塑造融入乡村问题治理之中,不失为经济和制度手段以外推进农业绿色化转型的有效选择和有益补充。  相似文献   
防控新生代员工离职是当前我国饭店业和学术界关注的热点问题。从感知价值理论视角,提出员工感知价值是影响饭店新生代员工离职的重要因素。首先,界定饭店新生代员工感知价值的概念内涵,阐释员工感知价值对于离职防控的作用机理。其次,基于感知价值优化视角,构建饭店新生代员工离职防控的行动框架,包括评估员工感知价值、创造员工感知价值、传递员工感知价值3个关键环节。最后,提出指导饭店有效防控新生代员工离职的具体策略和建议。  相似文献   
本文基于全国13个省份近万劳动者调查数据,从三个层面探讨劳动者职业技能培训倾向及效果的影响因素。研究发现:劳动者性别、年龄、学历等多方面个体特征及其对培训政策的了解程序会影响其参与职业技能培训的倾向;学历、婚姻状况及就业状况则影响劳动者参与职业技能培训的次数;培训补贴、培训方式和培训时间则显著影响职业技能培训的效果。因此,本文从加大政策宣传力度、完善公共服务、改善培训方式、优化培训补贴机制、合理选择培训时间和加强培训师资建设等方面提出了相关意见建议。  相似文献   
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