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本专辑所汇集的论文,乃是1984年4月6—7日纽约州立大学在奥尔巴恺举行的“二十世纪后25年的民族和种族讨论会”的学术成果。此次讨论会的中心议题是探讨本世纪中期以来美国民族和种族的发展变化情况,并着眼其迈向本世纪末的轨道。  相似文献   
许多南非白人对祖鲁人是怀有相当敬意的。作为工人,祖鲁人是很多金矿和工厂的骨干力量。他们的精力和技术是众所周知的。在城市的团体领袖、体育明星和知识分子中,祖鲁人所占的比例很大。每当白人回想起祖鲁部落的往事时,他们既是敬佩,又是惧怕。在与白人发生冲突之前,祖鲁人有着他们自己的国家。他们的国父是残暴的沙卡(Shaka)酋长。他是一个非常残忍、但具有非凡军事才能的统治者。十八世纪末,他掌握了一个小部落,后来征服了周围的部落,  相似文献   
一、蔡尔德、怀特、斯图尔德在文化进化论几乎完全黯然失色的四十年左右期间中,有些人类学家却还在进化论的传统中工作。其中最著名的可能是美国人类学家怀特、斯图尔德和英国著名考古学家蔡尔德。在一些技术性的考古著作中和较普及的论述中(《人类创造本身》1941、《历史发生了什么》1946)蔡尔德利用考古学提供的资料论证,人类历史中某些引人注目的技术进步(植物的培植、动物的驯化、灌溉农业、冶金术的发明等等)引起了人类文化生活整个结构的变  相似文献   
据统计,魁北克以外的许多法裔加拿大人正在同化于以英语为母语的社区。依据加拿大人口普查资料,在加拿大9个主要操英语的省份中,很多以法语为母语的人报告说:他们在家中已经不以法国为主要用语了。1981年人口普查确认了这种情况并且证明主要以英语为母语的9个省份中有6个省份  相似文献   
地处阿拉伯海怀抱的拉克代夫群岛属印度最小的中央直辖区,是由36个小小的珊瑚岛组成。虽然从外表看来似乎默默无闻,但实际上它却具有强烈的吸引力和独特的重要性。拉克代夫群岛总面积并不大,只有32平方公里。但是,如果将它附近的大约4200平方公里的累恭(Legūna)地区(即被珊瑚礁  相似文献   
叶坚族有 Die、Yeh、Dram、Langya、Brilar 和 Jeh Derale 等多个称谓,这些族称有时用来称呼整个民族或其中某一部分。了解这个与世隔绝的、尚未开化的民族,对于在他们中间进行活动是很有必要的。而且,有关叶坚族的准确资料对各种宗教和慈善事  相似文献   
毫无疑问,将来仍然有人试图以戏剧性的和象征性的炫耀行为来促进印第安人的团结。泛印第安主义仍是被分割的和不集中的政治运动,而由于泛印第安政治思想中的民族飞地已消除,有些部落仍处于相对自治的地位。此外,住在保留地和不住在保留地(或者说有地位和没有地位)的印第安人之间的共同利益很不清楚。这些现实情况都是对维持整体的挑战,它们也可以部分地说明,在其他一些国  相似文献   
This paper examines the wider social impacts of hosting the London 2012 Olympic Games and its 'legacy' ambitions in East London, emphasizing securitization as an inbuilt feature of the urban regeneration project. Drawing on extensive original empirical research, the paper analyses the modalities of Olympic safety and security practices within the Olympic Park itself and their wider impact, while also connecting this research to theorization and debates in urban sociology and criminology. In this complex setting, a raft of formal and informal, often subtle, regulatory mechanisms have emerged, especially as visions of social ordering focused on 'cleansing' and 'purifying' have 'leaked out' from the hyper-securitized 'sterilized' environment of the Olympic Park and become embedded within the Olympic neighbourhood. In such complex circumstances, applying Douglas' (1966) work on purity and danger to the spatial realm provides a key conceptual framework to understand the form and impact of such processes. The imposition of order can be seen to not only perform 'cleansing' functions, but also articulate multiple symbolic, expressive and instrumental roles.  相似文献   
In the behavioral health environment, nurses often use continuous staff monitoring and, at times, physical restraints, to manage the severity of patients' self-injury. Both options put staff in control, are the most restrictive in nature, and can be financially draining on the hospital's budget. This can result in negative reactions by both patients and staff. It is important to develop a program that will empower patients to control their behavior and allow staff to be aware of their perceptions and attitudes toward patients who self-injure. This article describes the leadership initiative that drove the development, training, and implementation of a self-injury prevention project and the lessons learned by staff.  相似文献   
Specific efforts by hospital accreditation organizations encourage renovation of nursing stations, so nurses can better see, attend, and care for their patients. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of nursing station design on the therapeutic milieu in an adult acute care psychiatric unit. A repeated cross-sectional, pretest-posttest design was used. Data were collected from a convenience sample of 81 patients and 25 nursing staff members who completed the Ward Atmosphere Scale. Pretest data were collected when the unit had an enclosed nursing station, and posttest data were collected after renovations to the unit created an open nursing station. No statistically significant differences were found in patient or staff perceptions of the therapeutic milieu. No increase in aggression toward staff was found, given patients' ease of access to the nursing station. More research is needed about the impact of unit design in acute care psychiatric settings.  相似文献   
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