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目前融资体系的不完善、产业链的不完整和房地产企业过度依赖银行贷款,使得养老地产项目无论是短期还是长期都面临资金缺乏的风险.以养老地产产业链作为切入点,分析融资体系构建对于缓解养老地产资金问题的作用机理,论证其可行性.提出以养老地产产业链为思路,构建多层次金融支持体系和融资服务体系,并分阶段推进金融支持在养老地产项目不同阶段的作用,促进金融资源与养老资源的对接.总结各企业在养老产业链上的作用,提出产业链上融资体系运作的思路.  相似文献   
Sexual health education for young people is crucial not only for development of norms but also for protection against vulnerabilities during this stage in life. Although several systematic reviews have examined the effectiveness of peer-led sex education, none have focused on the extent of peer participation. The purpose of this review was to evaluate peer-led sexual health education interventions in more developed countries (MDCs). Electronic and manual searches across five social science, education, and medical databases were conducted. Fifteen articles were selected in total. Most (10 of 15) studies gave low or no responsibility to peers. The majority of articles found improvements in sexual health knowledge (13 of 14) and attitudes (11 of 15) at postintervention stages. Two studies showed improved self-efficacy, and three showed behavioral changes. A preliminary synthesis of effectiveness and level of participation was done. Meta-analysis revealed a large effect on knowledge change (Hedges’ g = 0.84, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.43 to 1.25) and a medium effect on attitude change (Hedges’ g = 0.49, 95% CI: 0.19 to 0.80). Peer-led interventions could be a powerful tool. This review shows that this approach is effective in changing knowledge and attitudes but not behaviors. Further research and action are needed to understand optimal implementation.  相似文献   
The interactions between government, institutions, and Internet companies have gained attention in the research on the globalization of China’s Internet. However, few studies have been conducted at the company level, and the knowledge about the roles of government and institutions remains limited. Drawing on institutional theory, this empirical study explored the roles and mechanisms of government involvement and the institutional environment in the internationalization of Chinese Internet companies. The results indicated that government involvement could improve these companies’ degree of international breadth through both state ownership and governmental affiliation. However, the results showed that state ownership had a restraining function on their degree of international depth. In the context of institutional transition in China, these effects could vary according to whether Internet companies operate in good or poor institutional environments. By revealing these relationships, this study contributes to both the theoretical and the empirical understanding of governmental influence and institutional roots in the globalization of China’s Internet.  相似文献   
This study examines how the perceived locus of crisis cause, controllability, and adherence to social mission are associated with public attitude in the context of a social enterprise crisis and evaluates the differences between these variables under episodic and thematic frames of online articles. Using the crisis case of THINX in 2017 as a case study, a quantitative content analysis was performed on a sample of 503 comments under online articles. Hierarchical regression revealed that the locus of crisis cause and adherence to social mission were associated with public attitude, whereas controllability was not associated with public attitude when adherence to social mission was accounted for. Significant differences were found in the locus of crisis cause, controllability, adherence to social mission, and public attitude between episodic and thematic frames. This study provided a basis for the theoretical development of crisis communication in a social enterprise and the corresponding role for public relations.  相似文献   
在层层比较中作者们认为西北贫困民族聚居区学校体育具有总体比较落后、地域特征明显;观念比较陈旧、经费严重不足;民族特色突出、发展潜力较大;少数民族青少年为主体,多数以一课两操为支撑四个方面的基本特征。  相似文献   
《桂林风土记》一书记载有关佛道之事七条,对于考察唐代桂林民众接受这两大宗教的情况颇有价值.从中可见对于道教,他们从神仙信仰、符咒巫术到斋戒仪式都予以认同,接受比较全面;而对于佛教,虽然就有形的物质形态方面看,《金刚经》刻了碑,卢舍那佛有雕像,寺庙有多处,表明影响不小;而就意识层面看,他们关注和重视的主要是供僧的回报、佛的灵异事迹和祈雨有应等,佛教经、律方面的知识与思想则非兴趣所在,接受有些片面和走样.之所以出现这样的情况,与这一民族地区的民间浓厚鬼神信仰有较大关系,当地民众是根据其固有信仰来对佛道二教进行取舍的.  相似文献   
王国维用“意境”“境界”等概念建构起自己的美学体系。他认为作为抒情文学的词作必须有作者的真情实感蕴藏于内,“真情”是“境界”说的重要组成部分。出于对“真情”的看重,王国维着力于对元剧的研究,从戏剧艺术的角度,他对元剧十分鄙视,但从文辞的角度,他对元剧十分欣赏。王国维称元曲为“活文学”,与元曲作者蕴于其中的“真情”有莫大关系。王国维对元曲的研究基本延续了治词的角度和观点,论曲仍以“真情”为首要标准。不同之处在于,“当行”也是他的“本色”观的组成部分,是其“本色”观比“意境”说在理论范围上更为广阔之处。相比较而言,吴梅的“本色”观亦注重“真情”,对作品的评论,他更多的是从排场角度分析、评价作品。对作品的用字,吴梅亦崇尚自然,同时又有所保留。  相似文献   
段、顾之争的根源是小学与经学之争.段玉裁的研究方法是根基于小学的考据方法,顾千里的研究方法则是具有传统经学特色的方法.段氏关注字句、片段在其他文献中所呈现的不同,然后施展考据功夫以求形成统一的文本;顾氏则更重视对经学家法的遵守,保持在不同家法传承下经文的差异性.从这一点看,顾千里的校勘和解读更符合经学本身的特征.  相似文献   
高校基层教学组织是高校教学管理体系的重要组成部分和加强内涵建设的重要方面,在"双一流"和"双万计划"建设背景下,其工作成效对于加快学校高质量发展具有基础性乃至决定性作用.认清基层教学组织工作开展中存在的问题并采取措施加以解决,通过规范教学活动、深化教研室管理、加强教学改革、提升基层教学组织活力,将基层教学组织建设成为教学研究和教学管理的中心,这对促进基层教学组织内涵建设和提高学校人才培养质量具有重要的作用.  相似文献   
基于依附理论和现代化理论的争论,从农业研发、生产、贸易以及金融发展四个角度解析农业 外商投资(FDI)对发展中国家粮食安全的影响机理,进一步利用 1991—2017年 60个国家的面板数据, 通过构建动态面板模型实证检验二者关系的影响效应和作用机制。结果表明:农业外商投资(FDI)会 对发展中国家粮食安全产生显著负向作用,这意味着国际垄断资本的“趁人之危”要大于“成人之美”; 异质性检验发现,对于经济发展水平较低、粮食短缺严重、地理位置沿海以及非 UPOV成员国的发展中 国家,农业 FDI对粮食安全的“趁人之危”效应更大;农业 FDI虽有利于提高发展中国家的粮食生产水 平,但会对农业自主研发能力和金融发展产生显著负向作用,并且会加重发展中国家的农产品进口贸易 依赖。  相似文献   
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