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在文化大冲撞、大变革的背景下,隶书的创作与传统汉隶有了极大的区别。当今的书法家通过对传统隶书的大胆“扬弃”及对隶书以外其它各种载体书写形式的借鉴与揉合,极大地丰富了隶书在笔法、结构、章法等方面的表现形式,形成了鲜明的时代特征。  相似文献   
Most North American cities no longer display strong ethnic differentiation of speech within the European‐origin population. This is not true in the English‐speaking community of Montreal, Canada, where English is a minority language. Differences in the phonetic realization of vowels by Montrealers of Irish, Italian, and Jewish ethnic origin are investigated by means of acoustic analysis. A statistical analysis of ethnic differences in formant frequencies shows that ethnicity has a significant effect on several variables, particularly the phonetic position of /u:/ and /ou/ and the allophonic conditioning of /æ/ and /au/ before nasal consonants. The unusual tenacity of ethnophonetic variation in Montreal English is explained in light of the minority status of English, and the social and residential segregation of ethnic groups in distinct neighborhoods, which limits their exposure to speakers of Standard Canadian English who might otherwise serve as models for assimilation.  相似文献   
1 Introduction Shallow tundra lakes are one of the dominating landscape features in the Alaskan Arctic. They typically cover 20% of the total area of the North Slope of Alaska, and up to about 40% in the coastal plain [1,2]. Many lakes are, in their entirety or in part, shallower than the maximum annual ice thickness, consequently, some ice freezes completely to the lake bottom, nevertheless, large areas of water are deeper than the maximum ice thickness and the ice remains afloat througho…  相似文献   
While much social movement research focuses on how activists actively cultivate affect and how social movements benefit from shared emotions, these ideas rarely intersect with research examining how race constructs emotional responses in a white settler society. I bridge this theoretical divide by examining the 2009 Tamil diaspora protests in Canada to study dimensions of suffering and apathy through the construction of the racialized protest(er). Drawing upon illustrations from a critical discourse analysis of 153 mainstream news articles and interviews with activists and journalists, this paper explores how racial logic frames media and public discourse through (1) the expression of protesters’ suffering and (2) the construction of racial apathy by the Canadian public. The paper theorizes why and how race frames the production of suffering and apathy, and offers considerations for social movement theory.  相似文献   
加拿大环境保护法自1988年产生之后,随着社会环境的变化而不断更新,在正当的法律程序的指引之下,既重视法律文本的完善,又关注法律的实效,以此为借鉴,中国环境法在修改过程中,可以突出以下方面:一是进一步充实立法原则;二是建立环境保护责任制度;三是完善立法程序和立法技术.  相似文献   
加拿大共产党认为以布什为首的美国政府提出的“新美国世纪计划”、国家安全战略以及导弹防御计划的实质是加强其霸权地位,在全球进行“更永久”的军国主义侵略;由于物质驱动,美帝国主义频频发动战争;帝国主义主导的世界体系带来人类发展的困境,共产主义者应坚持争取和平、公正和正义的斗争。  相似文献   
元末明初,舟山群岛是方国珍及其余部反元抗明的最主要根据地。朱元璋为防止他们与内陆的反明势力联合,以防止“倭寇”为名,在舟山实行迁卫、废县、徙民措施,接着在全国实施严厉的海禁政策。舟山群岛的废县徙民不仅造成舟山的渔农业长期荒芜、交通停顿、文教中断,而且引发海上武装走私猖摄,并导致所谓嘉靖年间长达几十年的“倭患”和“平倭战争”,使舟山及东南沿海的经济遭到更大的摧残。  相似文献   
Chinese Canadian youth are usually represented as a model minority and are therefore rendered invisible in identity debates. Drawing on Bourdieu's concepts of capital, field, habitus, and distinction, this paper examines how racism affects the identity construction of Chinese youth in different school fields. Particularly, I raise and discuss a theoretical concept, racialized habitus, which is manifested as both intergroup exclusion and intragroup distinction. This theorization is grounded in interview data with 36 first- and second-generation Chinese Canadian youth in Alberta, Canada. This study indicates the continuing significance of research on racism. It calls for challenging racism as an act of distinction, habitus, and action, as well as a discursive practice of discourse.  相似文献   
由于北极地区独特的地理位置以及气候环境,北极地区长期存在分界争端。近年来,气候变暖,北极地区海冰融化以及世界经济对能源和航道需求的增加使得北极地缘政治处于一个活跃期。北极地区环境保护、应对气候变化和可持续性发展等诸多问题的解决也迫在眉睫,这是北极国家和非北极国家的共同责任。中国是一个近北极国家,气候、环境和农业生产等深受北极环境变化的影响,北极航线的开辟也将对中国的经济贸易产生重大影响。针对北极治理的中国参与问题学者们进行了一定程度的研究。目前的研究成果主要呈现以下特点:在研究角度上,多集中于北极治理的法学和政治学研究上;在研究内容上,多集中于理论探讨和策略建议上,缺少实践性分析,多注重宏观层面忽视微观层面研究;从研究方法上看,重视定性研究缺乏定量研究,研究方法比较单一。未来的研究仍具有较大拓展空间,应从多角度展开研究,如人类学、社会学等,加强对已发生事件经验教训的总结以及理论的可行性探讨,加强对北极治理微观层次的研究,在研究方法上,多一些定量研究,结合我国国情进行有针对性的治理参与方式探究。  相似文献   
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