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夏洛特·勃朗特及其作品的主人公大多是以自强不息、追求平等独立、叛逆传统和反抗父权的女性形象的姿态呈现于我们面前.其实,在某种意义上她们多是贤慧的妻子或孝顺的儿女.本文旨在阐述夏洛特·勃朗特道德品行中传统的一面,还原其传统女性及孝顺女儿的形象.  相似文献   
萨克雷在现代心理分析理论诞生以前,将蓓基·夏泼塑造成一个幼年丧母、少年丧父的孤儿,于无意间从最大程度上成就了她在拉康心理分析模式三段论中的“缺失”。文章将以蓓基·夏泼的性格塑造为切入点,从拉康的心理分析模式三段论的视角,分析、阐述蓓基·夏泼如何成为一位维多利亚社会之“女”的建构过程。  相似文献   
"计划生育"作为一项人口政策,除了产生直接的人口后果外,还会带来广泛的社会影响。"独生女"家庭内部平等意识的增长、家庭性别教育的转向,对女孩期望的提高以及父女间的频繁互动等,对于培养独生女一代现代性别意识、提高女性素质,促进女性独立、健康发展都产生了积极影响。  相似文献   
This study examines whether the daughters' educational attainment mediates the intergenerational transmission of economic mobility between mothers and their young adult daughters. To create mother–daughter dyads, two data sets were combined: The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79) and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 79 for Children and Young Adults (NLSY79 CY). A total of 2,456 dyads were included for analysis. We used a mediation model to explore the relationship between mothers' income and their young adult daughters' income. Mothers' income was associated with their young adult daughters' educational attainment and income. The mediation model indicated partial mediation of the relationship between mothers' income and their young adult daughters' income via their young adult daughters' educational attainment. Addressing issues of income inequality among mothers may serve as a buffer against the low upward mobility across generations for their young adult daughters raised by low-income mothers. It is imperative to provide programs and financial assistance for mothers to bolster their income and thereby their daughters' educational attainment and income in young adulthood and therefore improve economic mobility from mothers to daughters.  相似文献   
夏志清先生的一本《中国现代小说史》捧红了作家张爱玲。其实早在20世纪40年代初,张爱玲作为现代的女性作家就已闪耀文坛。她的独特之处在于对女性的观照有着个性化的体悟。在文学创作中更全面的表现了女性在封建宗法社会所受的深重压迫。张爱玲从女儿、妻子、母亲的女性不同身份来阐释了女性的内心压抑与伤痛。  相似文献   

Like other women in our culture, lesbians find parental caretaking is a gendered expectation that often falls to them. This article explores how we negotiate competing demands and integrate our parents' needs into our lives. The daughter/parent relationship may have been strained by parental homophobia, exclusion of our partner, “splitting” between our lesbian and birth family lives, and physical distance. We may recall feelings of metaphorical and physical caretaking not offered to us when we came out, when lack of parental support may have brought financial abandonment and emotional upset. Inversion of the relationship into the child as parental caretaker, fraught with mixed emotions, can bring resolution of long-held resentments and pain.  相似文献   
本文通过走访、座谈和问卷调查等方式对临安市的生育文化变迁作了深入的研究。首先对临安生育文化变迁的现象进行了描述,然后,从经济、文化、社会等多角度对临安生育文化变迁的原因进行了宏观和微观的分析;最后,我们从社会保障、独生子女优惠措施的落实、计划生育工作等方面对临安生育文化建设提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
过伟 《创新》2007,1(6):115-123
南方稻作民族人文始祖洛甲及布洛陀、洪水育人神话盘古兄妹、左江花山崖壁画、歌圩的女儿、歌仙刘三姐、全国篇幅最长的民间抒情长诗《嘹歌》,及壮族原生态民歌,是广西壮族五大文化遗产。文化遗产是建设先进文化的民族根基,抢救文化遗产与建设首府先进文化密切相关。  相似文献   
小说<喜福会>中母女们的冲突与和好反映出中美文化对她们的影响和作用,阐明了这样的道理:当一个人置身于异国文化中,他可以适应、接受其影响和作用,并遵守其社会道德规范与行为准则,但是绝不可以使他的本国文化被其异化或同化,这是由种族血缘和传统的文化基因所决定的.否则,他将迷失自我,失去自身价值,最终为其所处的社会淘汰或者遗弃.  相似文献   
苗族的《孤儿与龙女》故事与根据汉族民间流传而定型的“龙女”型故事在母题上有很大的差异,通过这些差异的比较,苗族的“龙女”故事更具有曲折悲婉之美,塑造出的龙女形象更人性化,有着一般“龙女”型故事所没有的母性的光辉,更贴近苗族妇女的生活与她们所受的苦难,少了神性。传说性片断的插入更增加了《孤儿与龙女》故事的悲剧性和创作者们的道德价值判断。  相似文献   
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