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本文以“水中花园”和“化学振荡”等实验事实,论述了化学反应中的自然分形和自组织过程等非线性现象.  相似文献   
义务是个体做或不做某种行为的应当性,通常所说的义务主要指道德义务。义务来源于个体的良知,它经由人类情感和理性的交互作用而产生。当个体良知通过"三人社会模式"转化为社会大众良知后,义务就成为社会大众良知的内在要求,社会大众良知能够以社会评价或社会舆论的方式迫使个体履行义务。因此,个体良知可以产生义务、社会大众良知也能让个体负有义务,但从根本上说,义务源于个体的良知。  相似文献   
Children's conscience, including the ability to experience guilt and engage in rule‐compatible behavior, develops across early childhood. The current study investigated whether within‐family variation in children's baseline respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) and sibling conflict behavior were associated with individual differences in children's guilt and internalized conduct. Between‐family differences across sibling dyad gender compositions were also examined. A within‐family design that included 70 families with two siblings between the ages of 2 and 5 was utilized. Children's baseline RSA was measured while sitting quietly with their family. Mothers and fathers completed questionnaires that assessed siblings’ conflict behavior, guilt, and internalized conduct. Older siblings had higher levels of guilt and internalized conduct than younger siblings. Results from actor‐partner interdependence models indicated that there were no direct effects of children's baseline RSA. The interaction effects approached significance (p's ≤ .08) suggesting that older siblings’ conflict moderated the association between older siblings’ baseline RSA and both older and younger siblings’ guilt. In contrast, older siblings’ conflict was positively associated with older and younger siblings’ internalized conduct. Guilt and internalized conduct also differed for older and younger siblings in different dyad gender compositions. The results underscore the need for greater clarity regarding the function that siblings serve in promoting children's moral development during early childhood.  相似文献   
This exploratory study aimed to examine which components of early childhood conscience predicted bullying involvement around school entry. In the population‐based Generation R Study, teacher reports of bullying involvement and parent reports of conscience were available for 3,244 children (M age = 6.7 years). Higher levels of overall conscience predicted lower bullying perpetration scores, independently of intelligence quotient, temperamental traits and sociodemographic characteristics. Particularly, the subscales guilt, confession, and internalized conduct, and to a lesser extent empathy, predicted bullying perpetration. Conscience was not related to victimization. Similar results were found using observations during so‐called ‘cheating games’ (subsample N = 450 children). Findings suggest that improving children's understanding of moral standards and norms may be a potential target for bullying intervention programs in early primary school.  相似文献   
王阳明虽以批评朱子起家,但也继承了朱子天理思想。在阐释良知时,阳明在相当程度上就是从天理的角度来说的;在天理、人欲之辨上,王阳明也承袭了朱子的基本立场。阳明对朱子天理思想的继承为良知的客观性、普遍性作出了有力论证,也带来了问题。首先,以天理为心之本体、为至善者,以人欲、私欲为恶,这看上去似乎没什么问题,但在“去得人欲,便识天理”的论调下,理与欲就处于非此即彼的关系中。如此,感性欲望的地位就不得独立,意义就不得彰显。其次,以超验的天理诠释良知,会使作为人内在成德根据的良知抽象化,从而使阳明心学陷入二重性的困境,在学理上有走向分化和破败的可能。  相似文献   
散文热从 90年代已经成为一种引人注目的文化现象。其背后的主导力量有二 ,一是商业文化的发达 ,市民阶层的崛起 ;二是知识分子传统的社会情结在起作用。二者既对抗互补 ,又相生共容 ,从而生成了一个活跃多元的文化空间  相似文献   
In this longitudinal study we examined whether two components of effortful control, behavioral control, and executive function moderated the relation between temperament and conscience development. Temperament was assessed when participants were two years of age, and three temperament groups were formed: inhibited, exuberant, and low reactive. At 4.5 years of age, children's behavioral control and executive function were assessed. Moral behavior, emotionality during an empathy film, and false-belief understanding were measured at 5.5 years of age as components of conscience. Results indicate that inhibited children may benefit most from higher levels of effortful control. Inhibited children with higher levels of behavioral control performed better on false-belief understanding tasks whereas inhibited children who scored higher on executive function tests reported less emotional response to the evocative film. Finally, as a group, inhibited children exhibited more moral behavior than exuberant and low reactive children.  相似文献   
法国意识流小说大师普鲁斯特以反传统的写作风格和反叛的艺术思想在文学界和文学评论界引起了强烈的震撼.他的超长篇小说<追忆似水年华>一直被视为法国20世纪上半叶甚至是整个20世纪最伟大的文学杰作.其随笔体风格和"以乱取胜"的叙述手法打破了常规,是对根深蒂固的规范准则的颠覆和对传统秩序的解构.在为我们带来全新写作风格的同时,普鲁斯特笔下也为我们带来了一个全新的世界.  相似文献   
以城市化与现代性为社会视角,运用大量原始数据,对民国汉口人口结构中的基础性内容如人口籍贯、年龄构成、性别比例、职业构成、教育水平五个方面,进行了详实的量化考察与实证性研究,得出结论:民国汉口人口结构不太合理甚至有些畸形。之所以如此,其主要原因是人口增长速度超过了经济发展速度,从而引发了大量的社会问题。民国汉口人口城市化与拉美"过度型城市化"有着较多的共同之处,值得进一步探讨。  相似文献   
稀土对材料强韧性的影响及细观机理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对钝切口小试样在扫描电镜下的加载观察与分析,认为稀土Ce能较大幅度地提高Al-Mg-Si变形铝合金的起裂COD值。细观分析表明,与平面应变断裂情况不同,稀土不是通过影响粒子形态进而对裂纹产生屏蔽效应来提高材料的宏观断裂性能,而主要是强化了晶界,迫使裂纹转向晶内并在裂尖产生较大的塑性变形,消耗更多的能量。  相似文献   
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